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Estáte ot John R. Clancy. STATE OF MICHIGAN, OOUNTV cf A t a session o( Probata Court íor t lie o f Wushtenaw, holden at the l'robate Office, in (he elly ot Ano Arbor, t W'edueíduy the sixth day of Janu ry in Ihe yoar onelhousaud eijcht huiulred and üinety two l'resent. J. Wiliaid Bnbbitt, Judgpnf Hn bate. tn the matter ot tüo estute of John H. Clancr deceasiil. )n readlng and fllino; the petlHon, dulv verificd, of Míiiertt R. Chim-y nvaying a certaiu insniímcnl now olí Ule in lilis Court, Iu-prtirg to Ijo thftlut wi 1 and restamanl nf said dweiisem mar be a imltted lo probate and thal iidtuinistrntionwiihtbe will annexed of said estáte m.iy be irranted lo hersill', there hti t no executor iu said ■wtll mtmedor lo une other suiiahle nerson. Thereupon it is ordered, that Mon'ay, Holst day of K bruary next at 10 o'clock tu the furenoun, DeansiL'iU'd for the hearing ofaaid petition and the devise-es, legatees and ht-irs :U lnw oi said 'leceued, und all other persons in tereiH in said estale, are n quired to aupear ala ession of said court, then to be holden al the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbir. and showcntlHt', il any there be, why the prayer o( the petitirmi'r sbould nol 'be granted And t is further ordated thut suid petttlouer give notife to the penona ioteresled in said esiate ot tbc pendenoj ol briiI petltion and the heanne thercof. by oaunox a oopj of ibia order (o bt' puhlislied iu the Ann Arbob AiuiU8,a news, mper prinlerl and cneulaled in anid county, three auccensive weeks previnus to saüi dHy of lu'sinni J.VIILLAUD HAHB1IT, (A truecopy) Judgeol i'robate William (i Ootv. Probate lteisler. Estáte of dames W. Waugh. OTATE UP MICHIGAN, COUNTY Uof Wasiitenaw, 88. At a session of the Probulo Court tor the County of Wnbhtenaw, holden al the l'robnte Office in the City of Anu Arbor, on VVcdnesdny. the SOth day of I 'ecembei m Ibe yeur une thoui:ind eiglit huudred and mnetyone. Present. J. Willard Habbitt, Judpe of Probat. I" ihe muller ot the enlate o( Jumes W. Wmiïh, deceai-ed. Alfred Davenpirt.the a1ministrator of said estáte, munt mm court and leprescnts ibat he in now prepured to reudcr bis finai accounts 8iich adminiftrivtor. Thereupon il is ordered, that Tuesday, the 26th day of January next, at ten o'olock the torenoon, be oasined tor examining and allowirDf 8iich account, ;mu thai tl h' irs at law of saiil deceased and al! other poisonw HitereMted in stiid eslate, are rquirtMi to Kppear ut a wKsiun of said conrt. tbcu to be holneu al the Probate Ottice, in the city ui Ann Arbor, in aid coun'y, and show cause, if any there be, why ihe 8 id ci- unt Bbould not beallowed. And it ia l'unliei orilered, lliat sriid adrninistrator give DOtiee to the pen-onij i nietested In Miid i state, ol the penileucy ol saio accouni.aud ihebeariiiL Ihereof bv ctuielnga copy I tliia order to be puntlshed in the Ann Miuok A lí'-rs, ti Dewanapur nrinttd und elrciilHting in hí4 county, th ee sticce-sive wet-ks prevloua to suid day ot' beuriiiti. J. WILLARD rUBIUTT, (a truecoi'vi Jmlsju ol Probata. Wiixiam G. Uoty, Probate Reaister, Commissioners' Notice. STATB OF Mli'UKiAN, COUMTV OF Waahtenxw The und'-rslgned hnvlng been appointed by theProb.ite C'ouit lor said County, Cominissioners to rceive, uxamioe und aiji'ut all claim und demftnds oi all persons nfralnst tha estateol Bearj J. ilicknuiu,laie ol said County, deceased, herebv givt; notloe ibai mx nionttiH l'ro date are alloweu, by orciei ot e iid Probate Court, for Credilors to present tlieir claims afiainst tbe estáte of said dece'ised, and that tbey will meet at the office of John 1'. kirk in the city ui Ypilanli, in duid counly. on Wedneëdtiy tbc third day of February and on Tuesd y, the Lbird ds of May next, at ten o'clock A. M ol ew b ol said das, to receive, examine and adjust said cinima Duted Novemb'r M, IS91. JAV1I3S M. CIirDISTEK, JUHN P. KlliK. Commissiocexfl. Estáte ot Leonora Kelly. sítate of miciiigan, county oi Wahieiitiw .89. Ata Besiuii of the Probate Court for ihe County of Waileimw, hohten nt the Jr'roitate t'fHce in the citv of Anu Anior, oo Men day tlie IHh dtiy ol Jt.iïunry iu the year om tlmusRhdeiKht hundred umi niui-ty-two. Preaeot,'). Wiiinrd Bablntt, Judgeol Prubal. In the matter oi' tüe ciHto of Leouoru Kelly, inc-inpeUni. Kliaueth L. Kondall.the guaidijtnof siiiil ward, fiiuvs into courl and re,ivi nts tlcit abe U iiow urfpartd io xeodei hei final uccouut as vuok guardián. TlitT'upon it is ordered, Ihut Tufsduy the 9th day of Ft bruary next ;it itn o'clock in Lhc i .KMinon, be aesignod tr examtnii g nou alluwiug such eocounl und tlmt ibe nextof bíiioi Bitid ard and ah other peisurm 111 ereeteü in said caíate arn required to appear ;it ;l sesttion of hiiid LO'M-t, iben to be holden at the Probare OfhVc in the city 01 Ann t-;iil eoutiiy, ..nd show i-uuht, il Huy the re be, why the huid account thou d not bc llowfd. And it ia fort tiet urlered, that said giuidiun pive notice to the fieríods iiitereetüd II s.nd tstat6 oi the peudency of üid Hccoui t mul tlie hearing thera f, by cuusing a opj oí this order to be publiahed ín thé Ann Ab'toit Akgus, ;i nevspRper prinied and ireulatii.g in aid county, thrue successive jirevious tooaid av of hearing. J WILLAHD BABRITT, [A truecopv.] Judgeof Probate. iVM. G. Doty, Probate Kegister.


Ann Arbor Argus
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