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W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe

W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe image
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It is made of the best leather produced in this country. It is a calf Shoe, made seamless, best dongola tops. It is as smooth inside as a hand-sewed Shoe. It is equal to other makes costing from $4 to $5. It is stylish, durable and comfortable to the feet. The Best Shoe in the World for the Pnce $EZ 00 GENUINE HANDyéf' Èfe Êk$l fifí HAND-SEWE SHOE, JB SEWED. Itequalsim'P % U J UU 3 nia,je of tlie best ported French shocs tüsJsj Dongola; stylish, durable eostmg from $8 to $12, and IJPfcfE ail(i casy nftinir. Eiiüals caunot be duplicated at t!iis %W$M % Imported French hoes costina trom price. . Jp „ 'x $4.06 to $6.00. (hA OO HAND-SEWED ft ahfii RH BEST DONGOLA, perÍ9Hpb WELT. The finest calf, lÈÉÊËè. 8 fect in eTfIT waystylish, comfortable and B3è' r ïl ƒ Succpss has attesded our durable, and the best dress shoe WB&w' v' - rÉta8 cfforts to prodiu-c 11 firstin tlte lor the price; s&Êm % t'Ü t class shoe at thss popular rice. same yrade as custom made ÈÊÊnm? -vCí' fï'ïSfe1 shoes costing from $6 to $9. WMí-%' 'S ihft ftft L0W I PIMCE, but $5 SÖ PÓLICE SHOE, lor Y3Ü&ft liffAs shoe at this price has giren Oh farmers, railroad men, -' roB better satisfaction. smooth inside, threebeavy soles - '"'WÊÊt' fP 4 7K FOB MLSSEb, combines with extensión edge. One pair 0' " WiJMHÊk%, i ' " stylo vith the hygienic will do for a year. l!tp UJ I o principies so necessary in ' - rfÊÉk H r ■ ■ the footwear of niisses and &% 50FIXE CALF. No "V ':PIWfï HL ladies. Wi&h better or more service.'■ '# SaP eiTf3 onvc able Shoe was ever ofSÍ#U:kí-:"""':"' rK CUiö. fered at this price. One trial ;lí A A 00 nfl M 7 R SCHOOL will con vince. V I "" """ vliUsHOES Öïl 25 and $2.00 . ÊÈÊ. 'Í JWWüfr pmmv rai thronghont} will not w&ilïiOMAN'S Shoes. _?áSSÉÍ '"y':";M ' s%?Ê?Ê?w%!b rïp, and will stand more hard usage Equal those of other %ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊWL ". s%Ê % thanany other shoes sold at these makes costing from $2.50 to füft ííü&j mËêm? ' ?%fe prices. $;i.OO, and are the best in the # ;L. ;■ ' l,. S3P0ESOIA.Xj. world for the price. lÊÊÈmM. Wto, w.l.dotoia8's.oocaijpshoií FOR I.A3H i:s and Ill.fS CAIF SHOE ' SPECIAIj. il POK OIKtS have jnt been perfectod. JWSt&fzSS&lííZJíé :'jMMI IlIËmfcÜHHiiliP V!mÍMyS They are marte xonmless, of sclcct-il W. L. DOUCLAS' $1.75 ERO" % : ea, wlth kangaroo caU tops. and 8pcCAN. The best lirogan for the prlcc ever p; clally guitablo for outdoor woar and placed on the mnrket. Solid leather througli. '-?■ " ix'rr SkBi- I BHSO-VB-ff-l l"sre?O -- ochool shoes. Keep the feet dry. without, very strongly made, and will not rip. ' 3k#T iBEl InHJ MËSO I i U Elv. '-S out the use of rubbers. k Mk I B TT 8 iS These Shoes are made and guaranteed ly the raanufacturcr to-be price-worthy goods, and all have iLpj JBk RJ I wf iw ■ ie price and iiaiiu' of W. .. DOUGLAS stamped 011 bottom. Be sure you are not deceived by inferior articles, and carefully examine bottom of each shoe for stamp before purchasing. W. Li DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. for sile by Wm. Reiiiharclt & Co., annarbor. 1 '


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Old News