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Mumps at Manchester. Adam Kramer, of Freedom, lied Jan. 1 71 h. aged '- year. Mr. and Mrs. G. Betz, of Freedom, a son, January lOtli. Mrs. Sickinger, ageö 7 years, (ii'iï at Ypsllanti, Jan. 20th. The Ypsilanii ereamery will coiuinence business next Moiulay. Frederick MHler dled at Manchester, Jan. istii. ftgèd 69 years. Mrs. e. Henry, aged 08 years, ili;'] at her home in Dexter, Jan. lltli. Mre. t-;. K. Spencer, aged 79 years, died at Manchester, Jan. lTth. A ii!'v churcli ir. to be erected al ttogers' corners, near Chelaea. .1. V. Martin, oí Ypsilanti, died Jan. I.sih. oí consumptloü, aged -lo years. August Neubergjer has been elected presiden! oí the Clielsea Arbeiter Verelri. Gilbcii I'. Stone and Miss Lizzie Ticlienor, oí ( ls.-a, were married Jan. -■0(1). The county directories are now bcní dellv'ered at Ypsilanti by the publisher. Diod, in Iïridgowater, Jan. 18tli, Ezra GlU&pse, of eryslpelas, aged 72 years. JIik. (ico. ];. King died at Vpsilanti, Jan. 19th. of consumption, aged 27 3 earo. Pres. Preston, au aged colorea pioncrr jí I.odi. died Jan. 15th, aged 74 years. Chas. M. Hcnipliül succeeds I'. V'. Carpeutor as teller oí the Vpsi Suinjrs BanU. Kev. Spriggs, of South Lyon, n $81.00 from .i douation last Wednes']iy evening. Mrs. Emma E. Clark, wife of Clinton Clark, oí Pittsfleld, died last week, aged 1 I 3 .'ars. Mrs. Rachael Van Gicson, of Bridgewater, died Jan. lOtli, of old age, being 91 years oíd. The Chelsca electric lights will be running by Fob. Int, at least thnt's the intention now. Tho Chelsea Arbeiter A'orcin has $1.248.40 in cash in lts breasury und numbers 84 members. Flvc old pioneers of Ihn vicinity of Manchester wüose united ages were 893 years, died lat weck. Hjii. Watüon Huyder, au old resiilcnt and formerly mayor of Ypsilanfci, lied at Petoakey hist week. iicv. Greorge Simons, Fürnuu-lv" bodisi preacjter ai Ypsilunti, -iliei on.'.Ian. 18th. áged C'k; yep,rs. [iookins over the Ypsilanti papeii ;ui irtra is gained that ncarly the entlre population of Ypsilanti is dying. Orville D. Ingersoll, o! New York, died a1 rpsilatiti, .f au. 17th. at the home o! nis aleee, grip belng the cause of hia death. Eussell H. Conwell wül deliver a lecture in the S. C'. A. course at 't.silanti, Fcb. !)th, on "A Silvor Crown Bom a King." Henry A. Schumacher and Miss Lizzie Wacker, both of Chelsea, were married on Jan. 20th, at the residence oí Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Armstrong. E. E. Staaver, of Chelsea, went out in empty a pau of asües, receatly. The ashes Ilew and so did he, a brokeu rib belng the result of his flight. A '.Tecumseh man has figured out ihnt the thermometer dropped to 'M degrees below zero on the aight oí .au. 2Oth, the lowcst point it has reached iu seven years. Mrs. Magdalena Seckinger, a pioneer ni t his county, ilii'ti ai the home of her daughter in Ypsilantl, Jan. 20, aged 88 years. She settled in Freedora In 1S36. Ueörge I'. Elliott, of Ypsilanti towa Bhip, lii'il on Sunday, Jan. L7th. The deceased was born In New ïork and removed with bis parents t ïpsllaiiti tpwnship ín 1830. on Jan. 1 Itli. Miss Minnie L. WeB■ott and i'rcd Ivés, two popular young recumsehites, w.ere miited in marriage, a bandred Invlted guests witnesa iug the pcif.)i-inance. The Tecumseh common couucil lias decided that the. citizens of that place sliall vote at the. spring election on the question of bonding the village fov $35,000 for waterworks. The Dexter News last week "wrote up" the old bachelors of that place. and now that gentry has hart to take to the woods to escape the raarriaseable laclies in that vicinity. Mis. Mary Mosier, widow oí Cal tíh Mosher, 'died at her home in Ypsilanti. Jan. 11 tli. aged 8-i years. Had she lived two days longcr she would have celebrated the 6-lth anniversary Oi lier wedding. Miss Addie Eades and Elmer Cone. oí Milán, were marrled Jan. 19th, by Rcv. G. E. Sloan. On the followlng Oay, Arthur Matt-hews, of Ureen Oak. and Miss Cora Mead were marrled by tbc same jparson. Dnring 1891 the Manchester crearacry made 119,535 pounds of nutter, of which 114,000 Wère shipped to a Buffalo house, Jackson took 7,l!90 gallons of butter milk, and Adrián 790 gallons. - Manchester Enterprise. YpsUanti was the Becne of asvcral dlagraceftil rows las! Sunday, dwing whicb one man was struck over the head wíth a beer bottle and fiad hs [ace baiily cut, besides liavlng a tlnimb nearly cut off. Nice piare to live in. Tlif commission of I'. W. Carpenter a postmaster at Ypsilanti, lias arrived and on Saturday Mr. Carpenter spvtp(1 hls connection with the Ypsilanti Saviiis Bank. He 11 take a short racation before aseuming liis datieb as postmaster. Arthur E. Haner and Míkk Gertrude Loinbard, of Augusta, were married at the BaptiHi parsonage In Mii.-ni. Jan. 14th. George I'. Mlnto, o Mii.ii), and Miss Mande Wilklnson, of Vernon, were marrled a1 the ime place, Jan. lOth. Saline K. of H. liavc elected tlie ïollowlng offlcers: Dlc, Ii. P. Davenport; A. P., George J. Nlasly; V. D., ('luis. Burkhardt; R., A. MUler; P. R., 8. Josenhans; Treas., J. Sturm; Chap., J. MfKinnoii: Gd . W. II. Smltn; Gut., C. Behaffer; Sen., J. E. Hogere. Rcpresentativc Meridlth, of A'ir;inia, Introduecd a resolution Monday afternoon for the appointment of Capt. W. F. Halleck as aeslstani doorkeeper of the House at a Balary of $1,500 ,]ct year. ("apt. Hallec is a native of Michigan and a former resident öf ïpgllantl.- Sentlnel. 0. II. Wilson is employlng ;igliteen tcuns haullng lo.s to His mili, bringln in frora forty thousand to fifty thousand leet per day. Some tliirty ut hor teams are drawlug logs to hls mili. Mr. Wilson's teams liauled one huudred and thirty loads last Saturday. - Mtlan Leader. Truc pntriotism exists at Tecumseh. Xo .sooncr was there a cilanco for a ecrimmagc wltli Chili than a meeting of the raembers of Co. ('.. lst liifantry, .!. s. '1'.. stationed at Tecumseh, was called and forty membere volunteered to R 1" the front il' necessary. Their decisión was teleeraphed to tlic ernor and to the Secretary oí War. The Buckeye furniture factory unrrowly escaped cremation, ilonday evening. Flre was discovered in the finishing room by the night watchman, who gave the alarm wliich called together several persons (rom the nélghborhood, who sueceedcd in subdulng the, flamen, but not until a considerable portion of the room had been burned. If the discovery liad ieen made five or ten minutes later the fire would probably have consum ■! the w-hole faetory.- Dundee Reporter. A certain young man In Scio, nameiR-i-e, "has it in." as the slang rHïrawJ tcif... lar i yell-knöWH i'ourtli gtroet vdower. The yodng nan ïé- eeatly called upon the lady who carea lor the gentleman's household, with the tntention of asking her to attend a party with hini. but before he had time to state lus errana tiic genwemau ui the houw -ame in, and iiistead of geekiiig his couch alter the orthodox manner of those of mature yéars, he engaged the young people in a social game of pedro, which lasted until the youug man took his departure. As his natural modesty did not permit him to his requesi before a third persou, his teelings can better be aginccl tlian described.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News