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Estáte of Ellza Koch (now Rasch). STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oí At a session of the Probate Fourt ior th Coantyol Waehtenaw, holden at the Probaie Office in the city of Ann Arbcr, oo Monday, the eightli day ol January, in the year one Ihousanu eight hvindrod and ninuty-two. Present, J. Willard Bahbitt, Judtrtt of Probate In the matter ui the estáte oí Eliza Koch {now Raschj, minor. CuDiaUrekF Hill, the G urdían oi said ward, :omes into court. and représenle, that ht ia now preptued toreneer bianmiual account as such GrUiurdlan. Therenpon it is ordered that Tuesday, the 16th Say ol Ffbruary next, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon, be assigned fur examinini? and allowing such account, and that the next of kia of said vard :uid all other persona iuterested in Bald estute. are required ío pppear it a seeion of aaid Court, then tobe holden nt ihe Probate ofiice, m the city of Ann Arbor, in said eounty, and show oauae, if auy thcre bc, why the said account uliould not be alloved: And it is iurthei ordered, that said Guardian give notice to the persons iDt-ried in said estáte of the pendency of said account, und the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be pubitahed in the A.nn Akbor Auuds, a newspaper printed andcirculiititig in aaid County, three successive weeks previ., ns to uu ditv of íienring. J. WiLLARÏ) BABBTTT, ludfce of Frol.ite. [A truc copy.] Wii.i.iam C, D0TY1 Probate Rctrister. Estáte of Mary Lymán. STATE OF MlClíIOAN, COUNTY of Washr.ptiaWjSK. ta ession o i !h ProtaU Court for the County of Wnshtenaw, holden at tb Probate Oftlce, in the City oi Ann Arbor. on Tuesday, the ïfith day of January, in the 7íar oue thousaud eight huudred and ninetytwo. Present, J. Willard liabbitt, Judge of Probate. In il.e mattur of the caíate of Mary Lyinan; deeeased. On reading iind filin the petition, duly veriiied, of Jamps H. Lyman, praying that adinimstra;ion of sai l ostate may be grao teel to hiuiself or, some oth-r f-uiiable person, Thoreupun tt is onlereu, that Tueaday, the 23rd lay of Fehruary next, at ten o'clock m the lorenoou, be aüaiarued for the hearing of said petition, and that the heirs-at-Iaw oi'Baiddeceaeed, and all other persone interesied in said estáte, are required to appear at aession of eaid court th'-n to be holden at the Probate office in the city oí Aun Arbor, und hov cauie, if any there be, why the praycrofthe petitioner üiiould bf ffranted: And it in iurthei ordered that said petitioner give notice to the persoitH lutcreeted iu said entateof thependency oí eaid petition, and the hearing theieof, by causing a copy ut ibis order lo be puhliahed in the Ank AttBOB AB(iU5,anew8piipcr printed and circulatetl in sitidcounty, three successive weeks previous to a'd day of hnnring. J. WILLARD BABBITT, Atrueeopy.] Judgp of Probate. Wm. G. Dotï, Probabe Register. lístate of Maurice Dwyer. OTATE OK MICHIGAN, COUNTY O of Washtenaw, ss. At a sesxton of the Probate Court tor ihe f'ounty of Washteuaw, holden at the Proliate Office ín the City of Anu , Arbor, on Tuesday, the i'fith duy of January, in tht year one thousand eight hundred and nnietytwo. Present. J. Willard BubbJtt, Judge of Probate. In the matter ot the estáte oí Ma úrico Dwyer, deceaed. Ou readint; tuid the putition.drly verifipd, of Charles Dwyer, praying ihht adimnistration of saifl estáte may be fpranUd to himself , or tome other suitable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the 23rd day of February next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be nasigned for the hearing of said petition and that the heirs at law ot said deceased and all other persons intereoted 111 aaid estáte, ai e nquired to appear at a Rewsion of said court, then to be holden m the Probate O tuce, in the city of nu Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner shoutd uot be ranted And it is lurther ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, o t thependency ofsaió pc tition, and thebearintr thereof. bv cauninga copy of this order to toe published in the Ann Arbor A KOUS, a newspaper print il and circulated in aid county, three successive weefes previous to said cUy of ln-ariLi;;. ,1. WILLAUD BABBITT, (a truk copy) Judge of Probote. Wii.i.iam G. Doty, Probate Rettisicr. EJlLBIMLoMst Pupil of After three years' stutïy al the "Stern Conservatory." Berlin. Germany, under eminent teachers in Solo, Enpemble, and Theory; also under professors oi' the "Berlin Hiprh School" is now prepared to take pupils at his rooms in the Ann Arbor Organ Companfs Building, Cor. Main and Libcriy Sis., -AJJSTOXr A.E.BOR.. JSf" Terms made known on application. _


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