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Death Of Edward J. Morton

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ward J. Morton died ast Saturj day morning after a very long iilness. vas born in Cambridge, Wïsconsin, i December 19, 1855, and was the son of late William Morton, ííearly his Ie life was spent in Ann Arbor, where as child, boy anií man he was i-ly known and hghly esteemed. lielearned the printór's trade in the printing office of the-Hte Eice A. Beal, 1 was aftenvardi foreman of the ■e. Theri i'or sveral years he was i employed in tlie fovernment printing ce at Wasuinfton. Later, he be. carne foreman oythe Eegister office in Ihiscity. Eetii-ng on account of bis.' liealth, he madi an extended western [trip and returnd to Ann Arbor much iuiproved in ïealtli. In September, 1880, he purcljped a half interest ia the 'ui A.rbor irgus, of S. W. Beakes lui liad puühased the paper in June of thafc-yea At once a reorganization of the prinng Oföce was made, a work uuliich Air. .Morton was well fitted, desvedly held the reputation of : om of the very best all aroünd ; nter.-in tliis part of the .state. His I ttalth again failing, he reluctantly .sposed of his interest in ihe paper in ! (amiary. ]890. ƒ Mr. Morton was a man of unsweiving integrity, of kind heart, of goodbusiness capaeity, a true friend and a 3 "al companioa. ne h;!ll 1]aiv -fr.ends ami he was a mí)n w)i ](. szr 'ed ínany friends. .Cd, VlS a membei" Of ï'ternitv alterms Master of the lodee irP ajsmgbt Téáplar, a inetul „,- Uc'shtenaw Lodj [. o. O. 11() j Carter tnember of tl, ubo' TyíORi-anítiu r!ÍOI1 is Mitlier:;l,l two br,,l!„TS ) ,oV l""1 F" MS'jton, bi ihis (in-, - me J,in, T; .t-Ji .ver, jJe)d ;)C tb, ,l;sil!(,11(.(1 ()f E#M& Moiltl-y afl(' '""" erè