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Michigan (Tentral ■ ''The Ifiagara Faíls Rouie." i ti metablecrbvised) november, 16,1891. central standard time. "kastwaro. '■ IN'thl " ' stations Maí! DaylShre N Y Nl't Ail. Kxp;Liiii Bx(' Ex KrplAcc. I A M A. M. P. M. P.M. P. M. P. M. A. M Oblongo, Lv. 7 OS y 0 12 2' SU' 985 1010 I 46Í Jacks m 263 4 2,- SO 847 1 18 618 : :! Guelara 39 6 08 7 1' Hi.26 Itaxtex 4H ; ■■:; TS61OK8 Delhi Mills... 4 3tl ■■:■■- ', 8fl . . NN ABBOS.. 142 6 25 6 22 a 45 -1. TI.", lif ; Vpsilants.... -ï'3 510... . 96 B0 so. 11)0 ; WuyueJuuc 5 27 627 SIS USO .u., ". M. P.M. P M. A.M A-M. ! M. Detroit, Ar . 611 6 43 7 20 16 46 1 1(1 9 o 1210 , A.M. A.M Ia. M.h". M. I P.M. Buffalo SO" 4 001 7 2S 3 15 6 0r. 9 15 ' WBSTWAKD. IChl. ,Nth. tations. ,Detr Chi. Lim Eve.iShre Pac Mail lExp h'Tp Bxp Kxp.Lim Kx Acc. I ft.M. A.M. A.M. A.M P.M. A M. I túllalo 18 00 6 30 9 45 840 12 M t! C0 A M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M P,M. P. v. Detroit, Lv... 8 2 ■■ 7 4d I 2 8 00 1 B 25 9 15 44 SVayunJunc 9 :m .. . 1) 5ft S l'J Tmilnnll u 2Í 86 2 Oí. 9 Ü'M .... 10 ÍS 5 40 NM AEB02.. 935 S 4'! 2 19 9 181ul 10 Uelhi Mills.. 9 4'' '. 'M üextur o.V, ÍUS 1052 6 17 lu 10 9S8 11 (17 6 1". Jacksun... .uno (ISñ 3il 10 4- 11 lñ 11 Sí 6 :■ M P.M. P.M. A. M P.M. A.M. A M. ■ . at.i 7 rM 3 r.5 i i)'"l so 4 no i .n 11 1. O. W. RUGÓLAS, 14. W. HA VES, G. P. & T.. A. CblOBgO. Asr't Ann Arlior Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Ttae Oinl in og'oct .lannary Ü4, 1832 ArnVívl of trainsat Ann Arbor only. OO1NO NORTH. No. 1. Mail and Kxpress 7 27;i. m. 1 No. :i. Pa8ffr, Ann Arbor Aooom. . .12 00 110011 No. 6. Mail Passenger 45p. in. OOING SÜUTH. No.2. Hall Passong-er 1118a. m No.4. Mali Express.. , 840p.rn. Ptissener, Toledo Accotn 7 ÜO a. ra. Trains :1 nnd fi run between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. Central Stnnrlard Time. AU Trains Daily exeept öunday. W.H. BENNETT, R. S. GREENWOOD, Gen. Pass. Agent. Local Agent. Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Street Railway. Time table takinff effect October 4, 1891. hcave Ann Arbor ivom C.nurt Houge nt 8.16, 7.;, 9 30. 1U.5Ü a. m., and 12.50, 3.2U, :i.W, 5.2U. 6.50, 8,20, 9.50, 11.20 p.m. Leave Ypsilanti ntü 00, 7.15, n.00. 10.:, a. m. and 1Ü.30.2.UO, 3.30. 5.0n, O.'JO, 8.00, 9.130. 11.00 p. m SUNDAY TIME TAÜIK. Leave Ann Arbor trom Court House at. 2.20, 3.50, 5.20, (, 8.20, D.50, p. m. Leave Ypailanti at 2.00, IWO, 5 00, 6.80. 8.00, 9.30, p. m. Van runonCtty Time-. Ooupon tickets, 10 cents. For sale lv conductora. Mi the Larsrest GoldMloe . ñth kSI the Largest 811 ver Mines. Has Extensive Grazlngr Ranges, FineTimber Belts, Wide Agricultural Valleys. Is Imi-.-'t thnn New England, New York. Pounoylvania, New Jersey and Delavrare oombtned- The Great Northei-n Railway is thedireel ünu from St. Paul and MlnneapoUs to Great Falla. Monaroh, Nelhart, Barker, Helena. Batte and other Montana poiuts. Apply to your home railway afreut for tickets over the Great Northern." I do not wish to blow into I FND them. but merely whisper that the Ked RiverVallc.v otters flne iuducements for home seekers, Mk as also the entire región Ionthe Great Northern Railway throusrh Minnesota. North DaYOlIK 1;ota anl' Montana. For Maps, GuldeBooka, etc, apply to V. , '■ Whitnbt.G. P. Sc T. A., m. F ARS Paul, .Minn., or to yonr nearest railway agent. In sonie states tbc THE YOUNG ratio is mu and [ : tcn trirce t0 0Jje jn ' vn]Nf, _„ I favor of the men. YUUNL W0MEN, The best route f rom I MFN Si Paul, mtlN rri olis. Duluth nnd ; a Oijt GO West Superior to flKtuul ; the Northwestern tHFRF urrcT and Pacific States is 'nene. ÏÏU1 ■ via the Great Mnw i thorn Railway. l'UIt' Farms can be had In Minnesota and North Dakotn on erop mand other plans to suii purchasers. No failure of .crops in twelve years of settlement Large yields of wheat and other prn staples. Fine stock región. flLU Good schools and clmrches. Healthful (Miníate. Great Markets within easy reach. Farms RIVFR ÖW lor f''om the proceeds of niTi.ll one crop, Higlust prices paid for pmducts. The Great Nor. thern Railway has three lines VALLEY tluoush the Valley. Address " V. v. Braden, Land Conimissioner, St. Paul, Minn., for particulars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps anil publications sent free, and letters asking intormation bout travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakot&s&nd Montuna answered by !". I. Whitney, G. P. & T. a., Great Northern Railway, St. Paul. Tickets to allpolntsin the West. Lowest rates tOj the Pacific Coast. Í I itv 'LSlf' fC lJ SeP ÍF& 25% We Have on Hajid an Elegant Aasortment of SoLON PaLMERS Finest Perfumes. We can snit your Fancy in Cut and Decorrited Boules and save yoll 25 o MANN BROS., DRUGGISTS, 39 S. Main Street, ■ Ann Aibor, Mich H.KITREDGE, No. 6 West Ann Street. UWÏJUfflïlUGGiLïEilll In the rear of Edward Duffy's ttroeery store. Hack to all trains, day and night. Ordere for traine, parties, weddings and funerala promptly attended to. Telephone, 108 Ann Arbor Mich.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News