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Saline is to have a creamery. Tecuniseh ladies gave a leap year party Tuesday evening. Mrs. 1!. 1'. Thompson, a resident of Clinton since 1830, died Feb. 19. Frank Weeman, of Dundee, died at Green I5ay, Wis., on Thursday of last week. Titus Babcock, formerly a citizen. of Dundee. died at Hastings, Neb., Feb. i9th. Eleven funerals were held at South Lyon during January and I Vbruary. Agnes M. Allison, wife of Charles Allison, of Pittsheld, died last weck, aged 26 years. William Bunkelmann and Miss Henrietta Rathke, of Dundee, were married Fel). 25th. An effort ie being made to have the telephone line extended froni Dundee to I'etersburgh. Manchester school children raised $5.76 in cash and a supply of buttons, old postage staraps, etc, for the World's Fair exhibit. George J. Nisle and Miss Florence M. Kimble were united in marriage at Manchester, Feb. 22d. The Stockbridge races will be held July 27-29. Purses amounting to $1,200 will be hung up. Tne Dundee union school has raised $3. 86 for the Michigan educational exhibit at the World's Fair. ine insn setter, "lom Uwen, owned by Dr. F. K. Owen, of Ypsilanti, captured the first prize at the Jackson bench show. The Saline Farmers' Club will meet at S. R. Crittenden's, Friday, March uth. The subject for discussion will be "The best time and method for marketing farm products." The remains of Henry Hollenberry. who was burned at Floodwood, Minn., while trying to rescue his employer's horses from a burning barn, were brought to Dundee, his former home, last week. William Stoll, a 19 year old son of John Stoll, of Lodi, died Monday the 22nd. The funeral took place at the Germán church Wednesday and he was buried in the Lodi cemetery. - Saline Observer. The following officcrs have been nominated at Tecumseh: President, O. P. Bills; Recorder, W. C. l?urndge; Treasursr, L. P. Tribou; Trustees for regular term, Henry Smith, H. W. Conkling, C. A. Wright; to fill vacancy, Wm. Bresie. Therc are nineteen persons at; Dundee who want to handle the U.' S. mails at Dundee, under watchful eye of Postmaster Johnson. That official is satisfied with bis present force and the illustrious nineteen will have to wait. On Tuesday evening, the children of school district No. Seven of Scio township, held a Washington's birthday entertainment at the school nouse, tne purpose being to raise funds for the Michigan educational exhibit at the World's Fair as well as to honor the memory of the father of his country. The net proceeds for the fund were about $i. Prof. Bert Walker, the young aeronaut who Ieft Milan, the first of last December in company with M. N. Burgess for Hong Kong, China, arrived there the 3rd day of January, and writes an Adrián friend a short descriptivc letter of his trip and present surroundings. He is making balloon ascensions. - Milan Leader. The Toledo Bee, Blade and Commercial are in a peck of trouble for publishing naughty things about George E. Hause, formerly of this village, now a teacher at Fostoria, Öhio. J-ast Saturday he brought suit against these papers for $15,000 each for publishing a statement last December that he was a bigamist and an adulterer, which George declares wholly false and malicious. - Milan Leader. Saturday, Mr. C. V. Paul met with a severe accident while at work at his farm, east of village, about a j shed. The side of the shed feil, striking him on the leg below the knee. He was taken up and carried into the house by his son-in-law, Curt Reynolds. While doing so the bone was heard to snap. Dr. Richardson was called to attend the injury, and placed the leg in a piaster cast. - Dundee Reporter. A Dexter barber recently moved into a building formerly occupied as a milinery store, and has been in hot water ever since. The ladies think, or pretend to do so, that it is still a place where they can get hats and ribbons, and now flock to the store in larger numbers than ever, much to the annoyance of the proprietor, who is both a bashful and a married man. Webster is one of the townships where the farmers are noted for raising big crops and good stock. John Stanton is one of the progressive men who help to give her that reputation. He is always up with his neighbors, but last week Friday hc knocked out all previous records by selling to Jedele & Stabler the fines k of sheep ever marketed liere The flock numbered 91 heads, ant the average weight per sheep wa better than 124Í. j)ounds. If an : of our friends, or John's, can bea that.we should be glad to hear frorr them - Dexter News. One day last week as Horace Wis ner was driving by Iron Creek pond he saw a little girl in the water, anc lost no time in reaching the spot anc rescuing her just as she was goinj, down for the third time. It provee to be Ora VanYalkenburg, and lic wrapped her in a blanket and took her home. She was alone, and hac not Horace carne along just as he did, she would certainly have been drowned. - Manchester Enterprise. They had quite hurrying times a the southern brewery last Saturday The injector refused to work and the water in the boiler got low, the stearu raised rapidly and was oozing out at every joint filling the building like a fog. The men became alarmed and ran to the house anc nformed Mr. Koch, who was sick. He hastily dressed and going to the brewery attached the steam pump, probably just in time to avoid an explosión . - Enterprise. Rev. Kilpatrick, formerly pastor of the Congregational church here, but for some time past shepherd over a similar denominational flock in a county north of us, is not having clear sailing. He has been promulgating doctrines not considered orthodox by the officers of the church and they asked him to resign. Thereat the congregation got its back up and ordered him to stay. And stay he does, of course. - Grass Lakc News. It is an undeniable fact that f owiervine is one ot the best markets as well as mercantile towns in this part of the state, notwithstanding she may not contain as large a number of inhabitants as some of our sister towns, yet she has a fine farming country tributary to it to make up for the defïciency in the number of population. The large amount of produce brought to town and the large amount of goods carried away proves this to be truc. - Fowlerville Observer. Frank Keiler, the young pugilist who is doing his part to give Ypsilanti notoriety, met a Waterloo at San Francisco, Monday evening, in a match with Billy Smith. So f ar as the reports go, Keiler seems to have had the best of the battle for 18 or 20 rounds, but Smith finished him in the 24th. The match was before the California Athletic Club, for a pürse of 1,500. - Sentinel. Backus & Smith, of Webster, sold the of the week in the Buffalo market, an unusually fine flock of half-blood lambs. A flock of over r8o lambs averaging 100 pounds each is a figure not often reached among sheep feeders; yet Backus & Smith reached that figure in their flock last Monday, and we are inctined to think they can give the cunary sheep-reeder some strong points on the care of sheep. Over seven cents per pound was realized. - Dexter News. Jacob Schnetter, who has been working for Conrad Hafner, presented an order to one of our merchants, last week, with his employer's name signed to it, and received about #35 worth of clothing, after whicli he left town. When it becarae known that the order was forged, a warrant was sworn out, and placed in the hands of deputy shiriff Staffan, who arrested Mr. Jacob in Detroit last Friday. He is now in jail at Ann Arbor awaiting his hearing, which will take place March ist. - Chelsea Herald. A little six-year old daughter of John Sears experienced a cool bath last Sunday. One of the family had been drawing water from the cistern with a hook (there being no pump) and the cover not being securely rastened down when the little child, who was around, stepped into the fióle and was soon at the bottom. The cistern is deep and was nearly full of water. The family seeing j her fall were soon at the spot and fished her out, though not until she was thoroughly ducked. - Saline Observer. Postmaster Carpenter assumed the duties of bis new position last Thursday morning, with but two changes in the force: Miss Ruth Carpenter becomes assistant postraaster in place of Millard Fletcher, and Mrs. Randall succeeds Miss Cremer as clerk. Harry Wheeler remains mailing clerk and Miss Sewell distributing clerk. Fletcher will go into business, and Miss Cremer will accompany her father to the state of New York. - Sentinel. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. C. Thorn celebrated their golden wedding on Wednesday, Feb. 17, at their home three miles south of this city, on the farm where they have spent more than four-fifths of their long married life. About fifty guests, mostly relatives, were present to help the bride and groom of a half century ago keep the anniversary. A goldheaded cane, set of gold tea-spoons, two gold napkin rings and a cake basket were among the "wedding gifts," Rev. ,!. S. Woodruff, rector of St. Luke's church in this city, making the presentation. An original poem, written especially for the occasion, was given by Miss Luna Marvin, of Utica, and the event as a whole was very enjoyable. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Frank Whitman, a competent young machinist of this city, has recently completed a five-horse power reversing engine that seems to be a great improvement over those in ordinary use. By the application of a cut-off valve of his own invention, and a simplification of 4the reversing apparatus, he accomplishes his change of motion with a single eccentric; instead of the two ordinarily used. The same principies can be applied tj ordinary stationary engines, but this seems peculiarly adaptecl to furnisk power to steam launches. It is at present in the Worden shop on Riverslreet. Castings and work were all done in Ypsilanti. - Sentinel. The Attorney General of Michigan has decided that fishing with single lines was not a violation of the law. The law was made to prohibit fishing with set lines over spawn beds during the spawning season, which has greatly depleted :he stock of fish in many of the inland lakes. A set line is a long line tastened across a stream or poles set n various ways in a lake with num3ers of short lines with hooks attached, but single lines used in any way do not viólate the law. Any one can fish with single lines through the ice without any fear of prosecution for any violation of the present fisli law. Those who enjoy fishing through the ice can breathe the breath of liberty and fisli to their liking without fear of the molestation of law or a fish varden. Last Monday morning, Feb. 15, Miss Ida R. Bostwick, a popular young lady of this city, and Charles F. Wimmer, of Laramie, Wyo., were married at the bride's home jy Rev. M. S. Woodruff, rector o St. Luke's. May Harrison, of Ypsilanti, and Charles S. Spencer, o 3ay City, acted as bride's maid and )est man. The happy couple took he 8:25 train for the west. They will probably return to Vpsüanti in he spring after an extended trip tnrough Kentucky, Tennessee and the west. Mr. Wimmer is manager and a large stockholderin the Standa 1 Horse Company, whose headquarters and ranch are at Laramie. Mr. and Mrs. Wimmer take with them on their wedding trip the ' best wishes of the multitude of her lifelong friends, and of the many he has made in his few months' stay in Ypsilanti. - Ypsilanti Commerciel. Feb. ioth being the anniversary of Mrs. Asa Thompson's birthday, a few of the ladies near her age assembled at her home by invitation from her children and gave her a genuine surprise. After spending a short time in pleasant chat Mrs. Byron Thompson read a very nice poern dedicated to their mother, after which the company were invited to sit down to a sumptuous repast prepared by the daughter anc daughters-in-law, at which time they presented the mother a beautifu pen holder and pen. There were twelve guests at the table whose united age was found to be 721 years the eldest being 72, the younges 44. The boys, Byron and Sylvester escorted the ladies in their carriages from and to their homes, and al seemed to feel many years younger for having been so kindly entertained - Stockbridge Sun.