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MiJslÍM UijderWear SALEÍ CommencingSaturday, we shall offer for the balance of the month of February, a SPECIAL BARGAIN in LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Elegantly Trimmed, Finely Made, Superior Qnality Mnslin, worth np to J1.00 each; Your Choice FOU 50c Nearly 400 Garments in the Sale, consisting of Ladies' Muslin Skirts, Nigbt Robes, Drawers, Oofeet Covers and Chemises. E. F, Mills I Co. 20 SOUTH MAIN. WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. The Hewest Designs! PRICB3 THE LOWEST oscaeTo." soug, THE DECOBATOB, 7 O S. ÜI-A-IEsT ST. jpiRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, (cont (or 'li tullowinK Flri Claes Companica, TPprfiioniing over tweniy-Mght Million lol!ara Asaeta, tnmei polioies at Ihe towfcti rutüa .'Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklii'. of 'hila 3,118,713,(10 Germauiaof N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N. Y. 4,065,968.00 Louüon AsBiirünce.IiOnd'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Phenix, .V . Y 3,759,036.00 Gfer&pectal atUfiuwn giyan aj tbe ïasuranoe u.' IWMUags, fechool. cüm'iL.- amt i-ubiic building i tfurmc "i Ibnx) 'iul rtvp vt-nr) An Orciinance Relative to Street Railways. Th( Commoo Counoll of the City of Anrr Afbor ordaiu: Section 1. Ttiat the consent, permission ii1 authority of the Cily of Ann Arbor i j alven to tli auq Arbor and Ypsilunti Btreei Baibvav Company, a eorporatlon lerally organizea ouder and by authority of the Ihws ii tbe State oí' Hlohigan, to construct, opérate and maintaio a ítreot passenger railwar with single track, with all necessary trucks for tumouts, Kwitebea.and to run cara thcreon lor the tranyportation ol' passengers umi thoir baggatreand packages throujrh, alonjr aud npou mi tnuöb and no more, of Packard Street, Orthe South Ypsilanti ro;id, so-called, as o.vrcnds war and across the territory aunexed to tbe City of Ann Arhor byihe leg:ielattire of the Ptate of Michifrun 'during the r Besaion of ihíu . 8ÍEC .'. The eald Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti Rallwav Comtiany Kliall construct the main track of thelr saiil rond n the center line of Baid etroet and In fucli a manneras shall Iea6t obetruct the free [jussage of vehicles and carriages over the sume and rhe rails thereon slmll conform ns m itr ;is posslble to the estabI -her: grade of Bald slreet, or as shall from time to tltue be nitutlished or altcred, and in case of gradlng or nu ving. il' ït be necessary U) relay eafd r:;.il to conform to the new grade or pavinv. the farm shall be done at the expense ol 'said (;ii!i'i'.. i: And said main track. sido k and turiiouts sball be oonstructed onder the supervisión and to the satisfaction of the Board ol Public Wm-kg. 3. l"h power uaed to propel the cars nét-d npon sald road shall be animal, eleetrical or ateain. umi tlu'y Khall not be propelled at a ■peed exceeding slx miles per hour and shail be run as of ten a.s tbe City Council sball prescribe .-KC 4. Tliis or'l'nimce shall take effect and bo in force imrnpdiiitely after due publicatiou. Approve! Vebruary W, 1K9J. WM. G. DOTY. Attest: v. J. Mii.i.K. Mayor. CltyClerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
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