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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. ( LOST- SmnH blue heartstaaped Locket, Watch ohanti. Plepde returo to F Muen[o, 65 Main street orto M. Huller's F"rnüre Store. 9-11 iXECOTOUS BAL.E- I will ■ II at puSHii ' auction, m Saturday, Mareta I2th 18(2 t:? P M. The tamise and lot number 44 Mi Her Xvcnup. now occupied by Mr. Fred Essllnflrer. Die lotcontning fö squan rods gividg ampie " ?pace fora fine (ratelen. Tlie house contains 1 Biitht rooms, and is in frood repair having liad t a,new roof within six months. "osgesjon cao V je triven April ]st. Thls sule will onable ome one to huy a home at a low price, or to make a good interest jmyinsr invesment. The sale will :ake qlace at. the South door of the Conrl , Houce in tne citv of Ann Arbor. Ticmemhcr ] the date, March 12th at 2o'olook in the i noon. H. M. Talier, Execiitor. !-!" c rpO LOAN- Small sura. .trtX), KI or WO. 1 two or three years, 7 per oent. AddreBB, Securltz, Gen. P 0 Del. ft- 11 ' FOK 8ALE.- My entiiv stock of hardwood lumher. ouk plank, timher and scanllinsr. f'!i';iv v hite nnrl red nuk. white and black n?h, '. harrt and soft maple. hiokory, oim nnd t woofi. Onki asb and basswood flooricgr. wood sidlnv, celling and doors. A Dne stock i tlirnuvhoni Alsn woofl-rafks. sfne-toata j and hay-racks. Wijl trade soori lor hay or 'jiain. ' A qiiiinHty of woel. My prfoc-a will hp fnmirt lower'han hiij' other dealer. V M. Hallock. 8-13 TOST- On Wedne8day Feb. 17, a email proM , J watch. Fioder please return 10 moneyorder wlndow of post-offloe, Ann Arbor. 8-10 ( i FAlïV '1X1 RENT.- 300 acres. 180 ncrea of 1 pjow land, teu miles west of Manehesifr Good buildings, frood fenecs. seventy-five BoreH eedPd. Enquire ol' .T G. Palmer. 36 Thompson St. L. JVrOTlOF, . - All porsons are warned airainst I trustinp any person to goods or money in my name. as I shall hold myself respousible for nothins' ordered except in porson or in writingsigrnedby me. Patrick Boner. 7-8 F 011 SALK- House and Lot on S. University Avenue. Terms. H ea6h; balance on timp. ; Enquire of Hudson T. Morton, No. ' yersity Ave. FOK SAI.B- At tlie house some very fine pure bred Black Langshan coekere]9. %(ts for harching in season. 108 Wesl Lilierty St. Ann Arbor. B- 13 rpOH SALE -Farm of 20 acres in fcodi town" ship, one mile north of Brldtrowater station, (íood house, well, cistern. Will be solrl at a reasonable prioe. Address, Marfi'ntet ; Baiier, Bridgewater, Mich., orcallon premipes. ' 4-10 FOK KF,NT. -Two hoiises. One en Cnth.erine 8t., and one on north Ashley st. Enquire at Mis. O. Dietas, 'il North Ashley st , Ann Arbor, Mich . FOR SALE - Farm of 126 acres, four miles south of Ann Arbor, in Pittsfleld townshin. for sale, whole or in part. Inquire of W. T. Norgate,89Packard st. t-9 TOST.- OnFriday, Feb. 5, a black enatnelled bar pin, set with one diamond and two pearls. A réward will be patd if left at Bnch, Abel & Co. 7-9 1LOTHIN'G Sales Atfent wanted for Ann v; Arbor and vicinity- unprecedented opportunity to a man of pluele nd push. OommisRlonsyip)l$2000.l'0ineomeo the riirlit man in the right place. Wanamaker & Brown, Philadelphia, Pa. ANN AK80K REAL ESTÁTE FOK SALE, LESS THAN COST. I intend to remove to my farm in the Spring and will sell myoroperty on N. Main Street at aharfrain. Twobrick dwelling-s; vacant lots. Cali and see John 3. Robison. tf. ffOK SALE CHEAP.- A flne colk-ctiou consistingof abont 40 American birds h:ndsomely mounted in a Klass case, Apply at the salesrooms ot the Ann Arbor Organ Co., 51 South Main street. FOR SAI.E- Pive acres on West Hnron street. Goood houe. barn, orchard. Bpuutlf u Uocation. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf VGKNTS WANTED.- Gentleman or lady. n every city, and villase in Michigran. wbere not represented, to bny and sell our famou.Orjrans, Symphonias, Pneumatic Sytnphouys (Self-Playing Orjfans). ere. For our Orgrans. cataloínies, or an airency, only address omState Acent, N. VanDerwerken, Manchester Mich. THE WILCOX & WHITE OHGAN CO Please mention this paper. MY farm ntScio of 200 acre ior sal. I have no boys that will work tho ranch, and I am to old o farm. If not sold hefore the flrst.of March next it is to rent. Geo A. Peters. 6,'tf TO KENT- House, just outside of weet city limits. Inquire at 72 S. Main street. ANN AKBOR NrjRSERY- Fruit and ornamental trees. Peachandpuar a sufoialry. Grape vines, berry 'ilants, etc. Vnce low. Jacob Ganznorn, head of Spring street. "■i il.- ■■■ i. Í.I..M.I..I .i..- .i i.„.-.._ E3ERBACH & SOW. AND PHARMACISTS, No. 12 South Main Street DEALERS IN iVIeilicineas, C liemic n,l ís , Dye StTifle, Arcist's and VVax Flower Matennlti Toilet Articles, Trusses, Ete. JiWlMI&Liílílíü Special atirntion paiil to ene humlshine ot Phyeiciüns, ChëmifKs, Schools, etc, with piulosoiimcaJ atul Chemical Aparatos, Bohemian Chemical Gla.?swrc, Porcel tin Ware, Pure Reagents, etc. l'hv-siri:ins' )-rescnptious Caretuilv I'ropuifeti a All l.ours, wñ ui in faem. Pears and Grapes a Specialiy Fruit, Ornamenta! Trees and Flowers From Ellisoanger & Barry. Order Early by Mail. SYRUPS, MEDICINAL WINES RASPBEBRY SY1UJPS, BONP.RET. DANDELION AND OTHER DOMESTIC GRAPEWINES Prepared Espeeially for Invallds. CS" Pure Plymouth Koek Eg:(js._J E. BAITR. Wost Hwoa St. in mm nmm i'nuble Hny laoy to do btr own gfl Ign ;ii nomimil cust. Ulustrated Kt logao#Qd li samiile patterns mailed to 3 Iany lailv on ie Iptoflüoents GHO. oü L. FOX. 2i WoocUvurd Ave., m Dertoit.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News