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Notice to Creditors. S 'T,E ÜF "CHI} AN, COÜNTÏ -' of waantenaw.i. Noticei.i bereby giveu ihat bj an onier of the Probate ('ourt for the Couniy ol W-.i-lr. 'i..w, m.ule on the sevemh day of Man-h ' A. D. i9i . t monüis [rom tliat ihllu were allowed forereditors ;■■■ --ent claims aguinst the i-state of Douala Mc:-:-,tc, luie of said eounty deceaued, and that t.h crédito of said deceased are required to present their claims tosaid l'robateOourt at the Probate oth'ce in the city of Ann Arbor, for cxamination and allow.ince on o r before theTthday of September next, and that. sneh claims wil] hp heard b'.-fore saul ('om-t on thn Tth day of .Tune aud on tho 7th day of September next, at ten o'clock iu tbe lorenoon of each of said days. Dated, Aun Arbor, March Tth, A.r 1892. J.WILLARD BABBI1T. Judge of Probate. Nottce of Chancery Saie. In pursuance and ly virtue of a dei-rrp of the Circuit Couri lor the Couuty of 'ahtonaw. In Chancery. made unrj entered on Mie eleventh day of Jauuary. A D., 1892, n a oertain oause therein pen whereni Christian Maok, Frederlok Schuiidt unil Daniel Hiscock are eomplalnants, andJomi M Swift Heurikia Swift, Mary ):, Loomis and Lncy S Uournsare defendant8, iiotice Is herehy given thal I .-hall .-II :ti public auotion or veiidue, to the hlghesi bidder, at the ion th front door of tha couii house, id the City oï Ann Arbor, County of W ashtenaw. State of Michigan, (tbat being the place of iiolilinir tho Circuit Courl u county). on Wednesday.the SOtu day of Marot A 1). I8B2, at ten o'cloek in the fort'uoon uf said day, all thal cortain piet-e or parool of Ittiiil ai:.! u'mtr in Ihu Uity of A nu Arbor, Üounty of Wiushtenaw, and State n( Michigan, kiio-, n and described as tolknvs. t.o-wit: All lande, rights, tltles.lnterests, power and privileges from and after tho date hereof nrhich have been acuuircd by tho said Joliu M Bwiftand Henrikia Swift, his wile, Mary K.' Loomiji mul Luoy S. Bourns, under and by virtue of tlie deed beuriiitir dato on the eifjuuonth day of üccetnber, A. D. elghteen hundreil and tbli-ty-eifrbt, made aud exociited by David Paire and Caleb N Orioaby, and tlieir wlves to William M. Sinclair, and recoided in the office of the KeirisUr of Decds of Washtenaw County, Michijfan, in Liber O of DeedS, paffe 155; and under ihe deed made by John Deo, io William M. Sinclair, hearing date on the fourteenth day of January, A. D. (1856), eihteen hundredandflfty-six.and recorded intheoflioo of the Register of Ueeds of said County, in Liber thirtv-nine of deedB, on page 77h'; and under the deed mad'i by Clement K. Thompson and his wife to Willium M. Sinclair bearinir date the ttrst day of üctober, A. D. eighteen hundred aud tlfty-nine, and recorded in the office of the said Kegieter ol" Deeds. in Liber forty-flveof Ueeds, on page 686, (subject to the lease made by the said William M, Sinclair to said Clement U. Thompson, bearing dato on the flrst day ofOetober, A. D, eighteen hundied and lifty-uine, and recorded in the oliice of said Keglstei of üeeds, in l.lber lorty-flvc ut Deed, on pages 6H6 and 687); and iy deed of William M. Sinclair and wife to Franklin Swift and iv iijiam Deubel, bearing date April tnirtieth, (18H7). eighteen bundred and sixty-seven, and reoorded in the othco al'orusaid in Liber sixty-oneoi lici-ds, on page 4üU; and by deed of Wlliiai'ii Deubel and wile to John M. Swift, Mary E. Loomis and Lucy S lioui ns, hearing i date üctober twenty-elght, eighteen hundred I and seventy-four, including hereiu tha grist I imd flöuring mili, commonly known a the "Sinclair Mills," and all the maouitiery nnd apparattis Implemento and utensils erected or oommonly usedtherin inreeeivlng, weigblng, elevating, n-moving, cleaninji grinding, rio .jiug orpaekinor grain, corn orflonr. and all tho ! apptirteuances ttiereumo buionifing; hareby I intend:ng to selland uouve ailtheiight titie and interest of the said John M. Swift, Mary E. Loomis and Lucy S liourns in the premises as acejuired by them fsubject to the lease aforesaid,)from thedate alorepaid, exuepting and reserving all rights heretolore grantmg to Clement R. Thompson or his assisrna to lake ice from his mili ponda described in his doeds and to have acce6s to them lor thai purpose; huI also. the engine house In the rear of the mili office. liated at Ann Arbor, thisllthday of Kebrutiry, A. D. 18Ü2. I'ATKICK McKERNAN. Circuit Court Commissi nor, tenaw County, Michigan. J. C Knowiton. Solicitnr lor Complainants. State of Michigan, County of Washtenaw. The Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw, in Chancery. Emma Mathews complaiuunt, vs. John Mullí ews, deieudant. Washtenaw County ss. üpon due iiroof by aflirt'ivit thnt John Mathowx dcfendñiitin the aboveentitlod cause, is eoneealed within the State, and that procesa cannot be served upon him. on uiotion of Cnuner & Cramer, solicitas for thf complainant it is ordertd tbat the said defendant, John Mathews, do appear and answer the bilí of complaint tiled iu tlie said oourt within tbree months aller the date of tuis order, else the said bill ot orapiaint shall be taken aB confessed, and further, that tbis order be published within twenty day trom thisdate in the Ann Arbor Argus.a ne paper published iu the said Coun y of Washteuaw, and be publisbcd tberein once iu each week for twelve weeks in succession. Such publication, however, shall not be necessary in ense a copy of this order be served on the defevdant per6onally at least tweuty days before the time herein pre6cribed for bis aipearane. Dated this 21st day of December, A. D. 1891. E. D. KINNE, Cramer & Cramkr, Circuit J udge. Soltcitors forComplninant.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News