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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. piANO TUNING.-A. D, Brown will vislt ■ Ann Arbor about May 20. ' Leave orders at Argus office. rpo RENT, FOR SALE. ORWIIL EXCHANGE - íor real estáte in city or country, th well knownDiehl House on Detroit street, lncluding all the household furniture contained therein. Must be disposed of by the lOth of June. Apply to or address Moses Lajoie, 56 Detroit street. 19-21 FOR SALE.- My house and lot, Ko. 46 S. Fif th ave. For terms enquire at 39 S. Main Street. EugeneG. Mann. 18tf FOR SALE CHKAP, OH EXCHANGE FOR Ann Arborproperty. 120 acres of flat land, about sixteen miles trom Ann Arbor, in the western part of Saline townehip. Can be made Tery valuable by drainage; excellent for stook or gardening. Much of it might be adapted to graln crops, as the gravelly loam Hes near the surfaee. Enquire at 24 N. State St., Ann Arbor, Mich. 18-30 DRE8SMAKING- wanted at homo or bj the day by an experienced hand at 46 west Huron St. 17-20 FOR SALE.- A Columbia Liglit roadster safety bicyclo 18S1 pattern, good as new at a bargain. Inquire of Eug. J. Koch, 81 S. MainSt. 17-19 FOR SALE- Work borses and colts. Enquire of W. J. Straight, on fair View farm. 3rd house east of county house. 17-19 FOK SALE.- A pair of howes, one flve, the other six years old. Own brother and sistea. Color, hlack, Nicely matched. Weight, 3.540. Wm. P. Groves, Northüeld. 17-19 ATTENTION.- Wanted. Several ood onergetic men as permanent salosmen of school supplios. Those who have had a goqd iMliR'tition and exporience In teaching will havo preferenoe. $100 per month salary to the right man. Write at once to our general agent Lock Box No. 211, Ann Arbor, Mich., who will cali on you or attend to correspoudenee. Best of references. Central School Supply House, Chicago, 111. 17-19 FOH Building lote. Also house. K. P. Sanford, (ü W. Second St. 15-21 FOUND- On Feb. Stad, botweoii Ann Arbor and Whitmore Lake, a package of dry goods. Owneraddress box 1813, city. FOR SALE- Pony, sultable for lady or children. Enquire at Dean & Co's store. 8-W WANTED.- A man familiar with tho clothini.r business to work in Ann Arbor and vicinity. Good wages. Address, G. H. Turk, Pontiac, Mich. FOK SALE.- Threo good sound work horsos sold very cheap. Apply to James Kearne. Ann Arbor, or see the horses at Snow's livery barn. CKSS i'ooLS, Vaults umi Cisterna deaued for reasonable price. Address, W. L, box 1216. 12-19 FOK SALE- House and Lot on S. TTniversity Avenue. Terms. ', -.-h ; hahinceon time. Enquire of Hudson T. Morton, No. 46S.üniversity Ave. FOK BALE ('iflíAP.- A fino oolleotion oonsietintriil' about 40 American birds handsomelv mounted in a glass ea8e. Apply at the salesrooms ot tho Ann Arbor Organ Co., 51 South Main street. . FOR SALE- Flve acres on West Huron streef. Goood house, barn. orehard. Beautil'ul locatloii. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or nddress E. D. Davla, Wost Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf ANN ARBOR N0R8EKY- Fruit and omamental trees. Peaeh and pear a specialty. Grape vines, berry olants, etc. Price low. Jacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. piRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK, Arctit tor tíií folloving Flrt Claas Coiapanics, tepresentiui; over twenty-oight Millioo Dollar Auaets, i asnos polioicn at the loweotrates Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of l'hila 3,118,713,0(1 Germauiaof N. V 2,700,729.00 American of N. Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. LJnrferwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1,774,505.00 Ptaenix, N.Y 3,759,036.00 ÜT Special atlAntlon givon to the insurance uf dwellina, sciiooly. eb ure b9 anl public building-i ■j term oí jree umi üve Teuru WALL PAPER! WALL PAPER. - ; - OF ALO The Newest Designs! PRICES THE IOWEST AT OSCAE 0. SOUG, THE DECOR ATOK, 7O S. TvEXIN ST.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News