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J. W. Rogers has purchased the J. J. Ellis homestead on 8. Main street. The Episcopal convocation of this district was held at Dexter, Tuesday. Rev. C. M. Cobern and Rev. J. M. Gelston exchanged pulpits last Sunday morning. A. J. Sawyer is building a new barn, the work being done by J. P. Foster, of Chelsea. Dr. J. R. Taft, dent., '91, has opened an office at Chelsea for the practice of nis profession. A sign fell down at the postoffice news stand, Monday, and smashed in the top of a large case. The Ladies' Aid society of St. Andrew's church gave a very pleasant social in Harris hall last evening. Mrs. Otto, the milliner, has a change of ad. in this issue of the Argus. The ladies will be benefited by reading it. Freddie B., the four year old son of James B. and Elvira D. Dean of E. Ann street, died last Friday of convulsions. Adolph Kirn, of North Main street, has had his house raised several feet and is putting a stone foundation under it. The Review of Reviews for May lias a well written article on the life and work of the late Prof. Alexander Winchell. The U. of M. baseball team will play the team from Northwestern University on the athletic grounds tomorrow afternoon. The original Minnis drum and fife corps will attend the reunion of the 20th Michigan Infantry, at Jackson. Memorial Day. The case against Zina P. King for embezzling the funds of the U . of M. Alumni Association commences in the Jayne Circuit today. Department Commander Dean has issued an order to the various G. A. R. posts in the state for the proper observance of Memorial Day. On Saturday the members of the Ann Arbor Sporting Club went to Zukey Lake and built a new dock on the lake frontage of their property. Testimony in the Electric Sugar cases is to be taken in New York on May 24th, after which the arguments will be heard in the circuit court here. Trains trom the north on the T. AA. &N. M. road have been from one to six hours late during the past week, the cause being another sink hole near Ashley. Next Sunday evening Rev. J. T. Sunderland will give the closing lecture in his series on the "Great NonChristian Religions." Subject: "Mohammedanism." The subject of the lecture of Rev. C. M. Cobern, Sunday evening, will be "The Stones Crying Out," the address being in his course on "The Egyptian Monuments and the Bible." The semi-annual apportionment of primary school funds has been made. It amounts to 68 cents per capita and Washtenaw county having 12,403 children is entitled to $8,434.04. Mrs. Selina S. Stagg, formerly a resident of Ann Arbor, died at Detroit last Friday of blood poisoning, aged 68 years. Her remains were brought to this city for burial, Monday. Superintendent Ashley, of the T. & A. A., has tendered his private car to the U. of M. Republican club for the use of Gov. McKinley in bringing him to and from Ann Arbor next Tuesday. President C. K. Adams has resigned the presidency of Cornell University, there being differences existing between himself and other members of the faculty which could not be rdconciled. ' The office at the Michigan Central has been enlarged and an additional ticket window placed in it so that two men can sell tickets in case of the frequent heavy rush for tickets at the depot. Thought News, the new publication promised to be issued in this city last month, has evidently perished of inanition. It would have proven a heavy tax on the brains and purses of its backers. The Young People's society of the Presbyterian church will give a social at McMillan hall this evening at 8 o'clock. All yoting people and others interested in the social are cordially invited to attend. The residence of P. G. Suekey, in Pittsfield, had a narrow escape from flre, Saturday afternoon; only the prompt action of Mrs. Suekey and some of the help saved the house from burning. As it was the loss on contents was considerable. Henry Johnson, of Dixboro, died Saturday of the grip, aged 68 years. Ann Arbor carne pretty near having a coal famine tliis week. The stock of the local dealers gave out and E. B. Hall secured four carloads from dea. Iers at Ypsilanti to keep our citizens from freezing during the cold snap. The jury in the circuit court has been excused until the 23d, when it is expected the Electric Sugar cases will be tried. But three jury cases have been tried this term, at an expense to the county of between $600 and $7.00. The band recently organized by Girt Collins has arranged to give a series of open air eoncerts each Saturday evening. If the citizens will give the band a little encouragement these eoncerts will be continued and are sure to become popular. The horse attached to Gerstner's de livery wagon became frightened on N. Main street, Monday morning, by the sudden appearance of the express wagon by nis side, and turning quickly thirty loaves of bread were thrown out into the mud. Two dogs worried and bit a number of sheep and lambs belonging to Gottüeb Zeeb, of Ann Arbor township, Sunday afternoon. One was a large black dog with a strap around his neck, and if he goes in that direction again he will get into trouble. John M. Wheeler, II. J. Brown and Dr. C. B. Nancrede have been elected delegates from St. Andrew;s church to the dioscesan convention which meets in Detroit in June. The alternates are Prof. C. S. Denison, Edward Treadwell and Dr. J. C. Wood. The annual convocation of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, of Michigan, will be held at Jackson next Tuesday and Wednesday. Among those who will attend from here are W. G. Doty, J. It. Miner, B. F. Watts, C. E. Hiscock and L. C. Goodrich. The Social Science society was entertained on Saturday evening at a fine banquet tendered the members by John V. Sheehan, in honor of his recent choice as a delegate to the national Democratie convention. Following the banquet the regular discussion followed, the topic being "County offleers at the next election." On State street, in front of University Place, is a veritable, despicable, dire mud-hole, and the other day some person specially built to interfere with the rights of others erected the suggestive sign near it, "No fishing allowed here." One person, however, is excepted from the prohibition, namely, Street Commissioner Sutherland. HonArthur M. Clark, Grand Lecturer F. & A. M. of Michigan, will hold a Masonic school of instruction at the Masonic Temple, on Friday, May 20th, which will be attended by the fraternity generally in the county. In the evening the third degree will be exemplified by Fraternity Lodge of this city. Another new enterprise is the Ann Arbor Extract Co., conducted on N. Fourth avenue in the Arlington House block by Wm. Bress. A f uil line of extracts are made for the wholesale ti"ade. The company bas rented the store of Alvin Wilsey on S. Fourth avenue and will take possession on June lst, when Mr. Wilsey will moveto State street. Patrick Donavan died in Northfield last Friday of cáncer of 'the stomach at the advanced age of ninety years. He was born in Ireland and was one of the early settlers in Northfield, having settled there sixty years ago. Four children survive him, two sons and two daughters. The funeral services were held Saturday from St. Patrick's church in" Northlield. The.recent rains have caused considerable damage throughout the west. Dr. W. B. Smith, who is largely interested in real estáte as Ottumwa, lowa, received word Wednesday that the river there had overflowed its banks and that property owned by him had been damaged to the amount of $2,000. He will leave for Ottumwa as soon as possible to see the extent of the damage. At a meeting of the Arbeiter Verein Monday evening, Frederick Schmid and Christian Martin were elected delegates to the state convention to be held at Bay City, June 14th, 15th and 16th. The society decided to hold a bazaar next fall and appointed the following committee on arrangements: John Meyer, T. F. Hutzel, Emanuel Luick, Eugene Oesterlin and A. C. Schumacher. The court house in this city is popularly supposed to be the focal point from which justice is dealt out to the citizens of Washtenaw county. Bearon this, a thingof ill-omen lias happened. The scales emblematic of Justice erstwhile hold aloft in the hand of the statue on the parapet of the west front of the court house has vanished, and the only signs of justice left about the building must be looked for in the court room and cognate offices. I The U. oí M. baseball team playetl two great games of ball on the athletic grounds, Saturday afternoon. The first game was with Albion, the home team winning easily by a score of 13 to 2. The second game was with their old rivals, the D. A. C. team, and was hotly fought. It looked like another tie game, the score standing 1 to 1 at the end of the tenth inning, but a fumbled ball in the eleventh gave the game to the D. A. C. by a score of 2 to 1. The contest was exciting from the time game was called. The street committee met Tuesday afternoon to consider the petition presented for the opening of S. Thayer street southerly to connect with the street of the same name in the Hamilton Park addition. The committee decided not to open the street through the Tappan Park addition, as Oakland avenue and Arch street are a continuation of Thayer street, but to recommend that the street south of Packard street be opened, Messrs. White and Miner having agreed to give deeds for the street across their property. Yesterday morning the remains of Dr. Flavius M. Wilder were brought to this city from Chicago and interred in Forest Hill cemetery. Dr. Wilder was formerly a resident of Ann Arbor and was a son-in-law of Daniel B. Brown. He was shot and killed at his home in Chicago, last January, by an insane patient. His remains were escorted to Ann Arbor by a detail of his fraters of Chevalier Bayard Commandery, Knights Templar, consisting of Sir Knights Dr. E. P. B. Wilder, John S. Kydell, K. McLennan, C. B. Buit, B. Uhlendorf, Alfred Mills, W. II. Hafner, Jr., and Wm. K. Forsyth. World's Fair Commissioner Belden among other Washtenaw appointments, has designated Editor Beakes, of the Argus, to constitute a committee on ethnology, and archaeology. Mr. Beakes will have little trouble in securing archaeological material. A copy of any Republican platform of any date however ancient, will contain these words; "Resolved that we point with pride" etc.; but when it comes to ethnology the task will be harder. He will not be able to determine whether the men who oppose the public building belong to the race of foolish knaves or knavish fools.- Adrián Press. Checks for 41 per cent of the subscriptions to the fund for the entertainmunt of the G. A. R. have been returned to the subscibers. The subscriptions amounted to 81,542.50 and the expenses were $904.78. There were 222 subscribers to the fund, 19 of whom contributed $25; 1, $20; 5, $15; 39, $10; 93, $5; 1, $8; 9, $3; 1, $2.50; 29, S2; 1, $1.50; 18, $1; 4, 50 ets., and 2 contributed 25 ets. The expenses were as follows: Badges, $340; decoration, $150.51; music, $65.75; guards, $63; expenses of accommodation committee, $32; expenses of W. R. C, $103.46; rent of rink and office, $20.75; printing, stationery, postage, etc, $129.31. This year Baptists everywhere celébrate the centenary of missions, begun in 1792 by William Carey, who beginning life as a poor shoemaker, became the most distinguished oriëntalist of the age, the pioneer missionary to India, first translater of the Bible into nearly forty different languages and dialects, a distinguishe botanist, a renowned philanthropist, and one of the brighest stars of the Baptist denomination. Centenary meetings will be held throughout the state to aid in raising $1,000,000 as a centenary fund for foreign missions, and the erection of a Carey Centennial church in Fowlerville. These meeting will be started by a grand rally of Michigan Baptists at Fowlerville on May 17th, to be addressed by many notable speakers.