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W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe

W. L. Douglas $3 Shoe image
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It is made of the best leather produced in this country. It is a calf Shoe, made seamless, best dongola tops. It is as smooth inside as a hand-sewed Shoe. It is equai to other makes costing from $4 to #5. It is stylish, durable and comfortable to the feet. The Best Shoe in the World for the Price. FOR GENTLEMEN. Pl FOR LADIES $5.W#iLüffL5áíí2: P % ÍQ 00 SiïïTVTS ported Frenclï shoes P k S rf is,made of the b8 costinpr from $H to $12, and É &:■■"■-:, % Uliil nnsolm stylish, dnrable cannot be duplicated at tliis EÊÏÏÊm m 7 a"a easi fitting:. Equals price. EL importea f rench shoes costing from $4.!IS ■■?'-'"'-■■■. 'V OO50ff I)0G0LA' perstylish, comfortable and W _k c Jn eJerL way' durable, and the best dress slioe IHsSP ;,,. U# ■ hucccss has atteuded our in the country lor the price; Jm Wr ' Ífe= ÍlÍÍfef 1 . efJorts t0 produce a flrstsame grade as custoni made fW&$HÊ: ■ ''Xf&i WÊ " 'ÏPSfcfci v fiassshoeat tuis popular price. shoes costing from $to $9. R7 1B31 Aft QH LOW IX PRICE, but fcO 50 PÓLICE SHOE, tor BK' A. shVaUhís'prte'hasive wVttovfVÍ(1C'thletílleVys)1-s "1' - ' l?44 7R FOBMISSES, combines w ÏÏl&c' One pair ; ' WE V ' style witü the hygienic wm ao ior a year. J B principies so necessary in &} 50FIXE CALF. X WÉL yonmx lJitUU Ma betteror more service' ' fflBE able Shoe was ever of7 FOR BOYS. "vill con vinco. st!r3@%SiïX:'-i-ï$ &, fí% I l 9nf{ 1 7R SCHOOL Lfo PJ uw] act wtti ' tiiê"& ' st&zfc Kljl Ê m e niauc 01 tlie pest niftie Equal those of otliep MiÊÊÊÊÊÊlL r - ' ÊÈÊÊÊÊfob rip, and will stand more hard usagre makes costing trom $2.5O to SÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊmi. X ÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊmfr thanany other shoes sold at these $3.OO, and are the best in the ' ' mmm WËÊÊmto. l""'s sppptat world for the price. mÊIMÊBÊmmiS; WM SPECIAL. SIUCIA.1. MPP K FOR OIKM have Ju.t been „,..rfc...t,..l. W. L. DOUCLAS' $1.75 BROBI WÊÊÊÊÊÊÈllim WËÊÊÊÊÊ; WÊÊÊÊ w h ntou. Mlect.d CAN. The bost Brogan for the pricc ever 'ifflÊÊ' WÊ&ÊÊMÊmÊÊIMmMÊ calf with kangaroo calf top, and peplaced on tbe market. Solid leather throu"hSEÜS cially suitnble for outdoor wear and oBt,, III ..trip. SST TAKE NO SUBSTITUTES. & iTtneot bte "" '" Wltl" A I inri 1 These Shoes are made and guaranteed by the manufacturer to be firice-worthy goods, and all havo frJ lllla íhe Pce and name of W. L. DOUGLAS stamped on bottom. Be sure you are not deceived by inferior articles, and carefully examine bottom of each shoe for stamp before purchasing. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. V for sale by Wm. Reinhardt & Co., anuarbor,


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