Carried Off By Consumption
On Friday eveniiig Herbert Kelly who left here several montus ago for Colorado in hope of restoring his failing health, returned to Ann Arbor very much worse than when he left. He was taken to the home of his uncle, Andrew E. Peterson, and it jsoon became evident that he had arrived home only in time to die Erom the ravages of consumption, and at eleven o'cloek Saturday night he passed away. The deceased was born at Ancaster, Ont., and was 23 years of age. He was in the employ of the Michigan Central as yard master at this station for some ;ime. He had a host of friends among the young people of this city and was a member of Golden Rule Lodge, F. M A. M., and Ann Arbor Cantón, I. O. O. F. His remains were taken to Aür' caster, Sunday evening, accompanied )y his uiother and A. II. Peterson, and an escort from Ann Arbor Cantón.
Golden Rule Masonic Lodge
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News