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POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Iligliest of all in leavening strength. - U. S. Government Report, August 17, 1889. J BiïSEÏ á ffllll'R BÁKERI G-HOGEBT AND FLOUH ANO FEE0 STORE, We keep consiantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wholesale or Betail Trade. -We shall alsp keep a supply of OSBORNE'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Co. 's Best White Wheat Flour, Rye Floto-, Buckwheat ïloiir, Corn Meal, Tied, éfcc, &c, &, At Wholesale and Retail. A eeneral stock ot ffROOERIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terras as at any other house in the city. pyCash paid for Butter, Egg-s, and Country Produce jfenerallv. fyGoods Delivered to anv part of the city wiöi out extra charge. Rinsey & Seabolt, LJ Oslrf-öïQia Finit Laijd p i ..,.t Whittter Land & WaUr Co. -■ tCRPORATEO IN CALIFORNIA, 18EC. Wfc tcrs at Whitticr, Los W L Angelo i C o., California, for tlie pur K iiose of st iling fruit lands and water ■ for irrigating purposes. This H Companv has for sale some two thousand acres of choice fruit lands, subdivided into five, ten andtwenty acre tracts, with a soil of great Fdcpth and richness, that for years has _ raised great crops of wheat, barley f and corn without any water ; a región practically frostless, where é[ hefiotrope grows the year round, ft. M It is the most desiraole acreaee _ property in Southern California for ■ Rhome-seekers. The property will I not be sold to speculators, out to those who will im prove it at once. Êk These lands are now offered at $200 & Nper acre, with some choice lots at $250 per acre, including water, ■& ■ You buy the land and water to ImË Igether.and notsimply a right, and yoi get the finest kind of each, For further facts, apply to SIMON J. MURPHYt or A. L. REED, fj ft PRESIDENT. OEN'L M'Q'R. - f 40 Hofft Building, Detroit, Mich. WhitÜer, Cal. W


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News