AttracliVe Jüargaiijs AT The Old ReliaUe DRY GOODS HOUSE OF Bach, bel & Co. ■ i mam m ALL WOOL FRENCH CHALlies reduced to 50c a yard. 3,000 YARDS BEST COTTON Challies, 5c a yard. 20PIECES CORDED DIMITY dress Musline, 12c a yd. 100 PIECES PLAIN WHITE India Linens, all priccs from 10c to 40c a yard. 40 PIECES FINE QUALITY Choice Styles, Fast Black Organdies, in Stripes and Plaids, 10c to 40c a yard. 20 DOZEN WINDSOR TIES China Silk, Hemstitch Ends, 25c each. BLACK SILK UMBKELLAS and Fancy Parasols in great variety and low prices. FANS IN SATÍN, GAUZE and Japaneee Paper. An immense stock, novelties in style and cheap in price. WHITE WOOL SHAWLS ANI} Embroidered Fichu Wraps, new ideas and pretty styles. CKEAM WOOLDKESS GOODS for graduating and evening wear, in Bedford Cords, Henriettas, Serges, Batistes, Albatross, and ïlannels. Examine this stock. EEAL CHINA SILK AND Crepé de Chines, all the popular shades and tints. Great Beduction in Price. ALL OF OÜE $12 AND $14 French Dress Patterns reduced to $9. ALL OF OUR $10 PATTERNS reduced to $8. $9.00 PATTEÉNS REDUCED to $7.00. 18.00 PATTERNS REDUCED to $6.00. OUR 90c BEDFORD CORDS marked down to 75c. OUR 60c AND 65c SERGES to go at 50c. ONE LOT OF FANCY WOOL Suiting marked f rom 50c to 25c. Plenty of Bargain Prices at the Dld Reliable. We have too mant Goods and tve are bound to move them. BLACK DRESS LACES WILL be slaughtered in price. $1.25 and $1.50 Nets at the bargain price of $1.00 per yard. This is nowhere near what they oost, but go they must. LARGE STOCK OF KID Glov'es. Every pairwarranted. S1LK GLOVES, SILK MITTS and Hosiery; a world of them and the best of the kind, at our store. _! __ THE OLD RELIABLE, v Back, Alel & Co. 26 S. MAIN ST.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News