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Carpets! 9 , Not PRICE, but QÜAL1TY tells the story. A Saving of 5c or 10c a yard may be a loss of a year's wear. Is that Economyi! i ♦ i We keep only wel] known brands that the experience of hundreds in Ann Arbor alone can testiíiy as to their wearing Qualities. The Most Complete Carpet Department in this section of the state. The finest room, the bebt light, the latest and brightest ideas of the American designers. OUE LINE OF Mattings s very largef comprising everyhing from 19c to 60c. Novelties D Inserted Mattings, Cotton Woof Mattings, &c. &c. Dry Goods and Carpets, 20 South Main St. THE EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society. OF THE UNITED STATES. Henky B. Hyde, President. Jamks W. Alexander, Vice-Pres't. JANUARY 1, 1892. ASSIiTS $136,198,518 Liabilities 100,905.537 SURPLUS $26,292,981 INCOME $39,054,944 New Business ft-z 11X oo1 wrttten in 1891. f -JJ,H,dl AinS"nCe } 804,894,557 Investment Bonds, Endowment Policies, Ordinary Life Policies. Issued on the lives ot' both male and female and payable totbe assured in 10, 15, or 20 years. Any person who will send the date of bis birtb will be given an illustn - tion precisely adapted to bis own age and circnmstances. W. R. PRICE, Agent. Ann Aebok, Mich. Estáte of Henry Krause. OTATE OP MICHIGAN, CÜUNTï IO of Washtenaw, ss. At a ses."ion oí the Probate Court lor the CouDty of WAslitenaw, holden at the Probate Office in the CitJ of Aun .rbor, on Fïiday, the twentiftb day ol Mfc7, 'm the year one tbousand eight hundred and r.iuetvtwo. Present. 3. Willurd Babbitt, Jndpe of Probate. In the matter ol the estáte ol Hem-y Kiausc, ileceased. On readlnsf and iüing tbc petition, öiilv v riiietl. of James LiUywhite.praylnK tb;it : cerüiin inetrumeut now OU rile in thia court, uurportinji to lu; the last wil! and testament of said deceased, maj be admittci to probate, .md that adininiBtratíoxi oí saiil ebtaie may De jrranttid to Daniel D. adminlMiator wiib tbc will annexed fthre noeyecutor in said will narnedi, or to somu other suiuiblc Derson. Thereupou ït, is ordered, that Fridny, the 1 il day of June, next, at ten o'clock m the foronoon, be assigned for the hearing of niu petition? and that tho devisees, lfffatei s and heirs at law ol said deceaeexl. and all otlirr petaooB interested in caid tiUte, are required to appear at a sesslon of said court, tlien to be holden at tbe Probate Office, m the city of Ann Arbor, and show cauce, U auy therebe, why the prayerof tbe petitioner should notbegranteil. And it is further ordered that siiid petltioner give notice to tbe persou interested in said estáte, ot the nendeney ol said petiflon and the awiug ' copyofthiH order to be published in the Ahb . Akbok Akgub, a newíipa])er printed and circu ! latedineaid conuty three successive wet'ks pievioua tosaid day of hearing. J. WIIXAKD BAEB1TT, (Atrr.e copyj Judgeof i'vohaie Wm. (J Doty, Probate Keïistci.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News