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The annual field day sports will be held tomorrow afternoon. A number-of citizéns spoke before the U. of M. Democratie Club, last evening. The spring field-day sports will be contested the athletic grounds, tomorrow afternoon. Miss Susan B. Anthony delivered a lecture before _ the Woman's League, Tuesday evening. Mrs. Jenness-Miller delivered her addjress on dress-reform at University Hall, Saturday evening. A fair audience was present and they were greatly interested in theaddress and her illustrations. The U. of M.-Cornell game will be played at Detroit on Monday. An excursión will be run from this city on the Michigan Central - $1.25 for the round trip, including admission to the game. The second annual banquet of the engineering students was held at the Ladies' Library building, Saturday evening, about 65 being present, including President Angelí and a number of members of the faculty. Miss M. McFarland, of the University, won the inter-collegiate prohibition oratorical contest last Saturday, over contestants from Adrián, Ypsilanti and Kalamazoo. The subject of her oration was "The Walls of the City." The Democratie Club will endeavor to secure addresses from Senator Mills, Ex-Gov. Campbell, Hon. Thos. Carlisle, Hon. Frank Hurd, Hon. Geo. L. Yaple and other prominent men before the campaign is ended. The election of officers of the Students' Lecture Association was commenced Saturday. The strife was warm between the lits and the laws and after the election of W. W. Griffin, lit '93, to the presidency, the election of the remaining officers was postponed until tomorrow. Tomorrow evening, "The Damnation of Faust" will be rendered at Detroit by the U. of M. Choral Union. A special train bn the Michigan Central at 2 p. m. will take in such of our citizens as desirc to go at 75 cents for the round trip. The U. of M. ball team defeated Yale yesterday afternoon by a score of 3 to 2. On Monday they lost a five inning game with Pennsylvania by 2 to 5, and ia the afternoon won from Lafayette by 6 to o. Tuesday they won from Lehigh by 12 to 4 On Wednesday they were defeated by Princeton by a score of 9 to 4. In the election of an Oracle board, last Saturday, the Palladium frats were pitted against the allied nonPalladium fraternities and ents, the latter faction being victorious and electing the following board: Messrs. Wakefield, Foster, Cox, Smith, Lorie, Bolles, Neal and Willets and Misses Ballou and Post. The Detroit Branch of Collegiate Alumnae are to hold their regular May meeting in this city, June 4, in the Unitarian church. A business meeting will occupy the morning, and in the afternoon there will be papers and discussions, to which the public is very cordially invited. Lunch will be served to the members, both visiting and local. At a recent meeting of the New York Sigma Chi club the recent action of the Sigma Chi chapter, of Michigan University, in securing Grover Cleveland as an honorary member, was the subject of considerable congratulation. Their president said: "Every chapter, and every friend of Sigma Chi, will rejoice with us in the action of the boys of Ann Arbor, and welcome the illustrious new member - Grover Cleveland." There has been lots of fun in the Republican ranks, this week, caused by the report that President Burke would resign and leave college. Candidates at once sprung up from the two factions and there was a hustling around to get out every member to the meeting, Wednesday evening. When the time carne Burke seeing that his opponents were in the majority, didn't resign, nor will he until the time comes when his friends are in the majority. Things became so warm at one time Wednesday evening that some of the members threatened to fire Burke out of the chair ïf he didn't put regular motions when they were properly made, and quit his Reed tactics. FRESH-SOPH. FIELD DAY. The first freshman - sophomore field day sports were held on the athletic field, last Saturday afternoon, notwithstanding the rain. About 500 people were present. The sophomores won by a score of 76 points to 23, with one point under protest. The base-ball game was close, being won by a score of 5 to 4 by '94. The winners of the events were as follows. Hundred yards dash, Hunter, '94, 11 2-5 seconds; running high jump, dePont, '94, 5 feet 1 inch; miie bicycle race, Harmon, '94, 4 minutes 14 seconds; standing broad jump, Martin, '95, 9 feet 10 inches; mile run, Krogman, '94, 5 minutes 23 seconds; hop, stepand jump, dePont, '94, 33 feet; 220 yards run, Hunter, '94, 29 3-5 seconds; high kick, dePont, '94, 8 feet 2 inches; light weight wrestling - first match, Martindale, '94, and Wagner, '95, draw; second match, two rounds, French, '94, and Eddy, '95, both won by Eddy, '95. Heavy weight wrestling forfeited to '95.


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