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Goodyear & St. James

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Read of the Good Things in Store for You at the Bargain Store of GOODYEAR & ST. JAMES, ForofthSAMYonth The people of this city have appreciated the Goods and Prices we have offered them the past montb, and are learning the fact that all our advertisemer.ts are truthful and backed by goods in Quality, Quantity and Prices as represented. Thís month will be found greater bargains than ever at our store. Read the Money Saving Prices. 50 Pieces Shirting Prints, ...... 3c, worth 5c 10 " Shakër Flannel, - - - - ... - 4c, " loc 50 " Twilled Crash, ...... 4c, " 8c 10 " Lfcce Scrim, " - - - J . . -3c," 10c 50 " Unbleached Cotton, - - - - 3c " 5c 10 " Tennis Flannel, - . - - - - 5c " 10c 10 Dozen Men's and Boys' Tennis Shirts, .... 21c " 35c The Bargain Store,