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A writer in The Breeder's Gazette, speaking of the Sniithfield cattle market, says that although the majority of the beeves were not over twenty months old, yet the greater the age and the more mature the animal the better price it brought. Beef used by British gentlemen who raise their own meat is from animáis not less than 3 years old that are fattened on grass. Daniel Webster said that mutton was not at its best till the sheep was two years old. P. ü. Palmer, of Millersburg, O., owns a Holstein-Piiesian calf that weighed 143 pounds when it was fortysis hours old. T. C. Jones writes that farmers who raise the best beef cannot afford to have their cattle f orced at from a year to eighteen months old so that they can take the prizes at the fat cattle shows, consequently they do not compete. A good change diet f or an animal that scours and falls off in flesh and appetdte is made by boiling roots and oats and inixing them with linseed meal. Give the food in mashes. For the ñrst year and a half of a beef animal's life keep it growing vigorously. Nothing is so good as grass pasture for this. After the age named fatten quickly. Acora ineal mak es afine diet for hens. Where oak trees are plentiful the acoms ought by all means to be gathered for the poultry and ponnded up as a vaiuable ctiange of f ood for them in winter. Squirrel meat is made on acorns and they will make just as good chicken meat. Deposit animal inanure on ground as near to your stables and sheds as possible to save hauling distance. It is by no means certain yet that inoculation is any good as a preventivo of hog cholera.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News