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n Ifl O 20.000 ACRES of fii b 11 II III class MICHIGAN farm B K lands near railroads, in Alcona, ■ ■ ■ Alpena and Mommorency counties; soll, rich clayand gravel Ioams; H hardwood timber; well watered by springs and living streams; pear churches, schools and lively towns. Price, 3 to (5 per acre. Easy terins. Perfect titles. T. S. SPRAGU E, 61 8 Hammond Bld'g, Detroit, Mlch. Notlce to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washteuuw , ss. Notice is bereby g-iveo, thut by an order of the Probate Court for the Countv of Washtennw. made on the loth day ot' June, A. D. 1S!)2, six mouths trom thai date were ailowed for creditora to present their claime against the estáte ol'T. Dwight Townsend, late of said county.deeervsed, and thatall creditor of said di'ceased aie required to present their claims to said Probnte Court, at the Probate Office in the city ot Ann Arbor, tbr examination and allowance on" or beiore the lOth day of Deoember uext, and that such claim? witl be heard before said coiiTt, on the loth day ot'Sei)tember and on the lOth dny of December next, at ten o'clock in'tne forenoon of each of said day-i. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 10, A. D. 1S92. I. WTLLARD HABBITT, Judseof Probate. STATE OF MICHIGAN. SCIT PENDING in the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County In Chanoery, whereln Emma Guinon ia complainant and Michael Guinon is defenduut Satiifactory proof appearingr to this Court b} affiilaviton file that defendant's re?idence i unknown to complaluant. It is ordered tha defendant nppear and onswer the bill ot' com plaint tlled in this cause wlthin flve months lïniii the date of this order. Ann Arlor, April 13, 1802. E. D. KINNE, Jamks H. Poünd, Circuit Judge Complainant's Sollcitor. AttestAhthur Bkown, Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News