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The Celebration At Dexter

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Early in the morning the people from the surrounding country and neighboring towns began to arrive and at ten o'clock, the hour set for ;he parade, the streets were filled with a noisy, happy crowd the num)ers of which were momentarily increasing. The procession appeared on Baker street about 10:30 and was the most unique and interesting ever seen ïere. It was a departure from the ancient form in every respect and most emphatically a credit to the adies of whose industry and genius it was a production. Following the Dexter Band came the carriage containing the speakers and officers of the day; thiswas followed by an old ■ashioned carriage in which we find on the box a colored coachman; in the carriage, George and Martha Washington; next a beautifully decorated wagon upon which Miss Kate Krause represented "sunrise;" rollowing this a wagon bearing Miss Minnie Rieder as Goddess of Liberty. The representation was Washington ushering in the sunrise of American liberty. Following these were the Peaked Sisters, while swarming around the wagons were a score of Little chaps in costume, who represented the "brownies" on a frolic. The displays by the business men werejall very fine, original, and formed no small part of the procession. The exercises at the park were held immediately at the close of the procession. The Declaration of Independence was excellently read by Mr. J. E. Eagen. The orator of the day, Hon. Geo. H. Sleator, of Alpena, upon his introduction by the president, Mr. C. S. Gregory, was received with a burst of warm applause. Mr. Sleator's address was a masterpiece, and as such we prefer to let it remain in the memory of the hundreds who heard it - not destroy so valuable a gem by a garbled attempt at reproduction. The games and amusements that formed the program for the afternoon were an attraction and gave plenty of excitement to those whose systems craved the tonic. In the evening a large crowd lingered to see the fireworks which were a