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- - ■ ■ - Estáte of David Depue. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CüUNTST A; a fe3i'ia oïthe Probate Court for the I Mhteattw, hotden at the Probate Offii i Ity o: Aun Arbor, oa Frid&y, thc eú'hth ilay of Juïy in th year one toonsaiid tight bundreri auJ ninetytwo. Preapüt, J. Willard Habbitt.Jiïdge of Probate. In the maner of the eet.ue ol David Depue, deccased. Densmore Crrtmer, the cxecutor of the 1 tst will aod testtiment i s'd deoiu"' d, comea loto court and rep resem thut !u ii dow prepured to reader bis ÜLftl aocount a auch executor. ThertMtpon it ie urAered that Monday, the Sth day of August ïiext, at ten o'clock intheforenooD, bc sBIgned for ezanüuiogand aUowingauch ;iccount, and that the WL-viset-s, )gutcfs and beira ut law of aid deceaseti and all other persons interested in said estatti ar? required to appear at a seaaion of stud court, theo to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, in sa ld county, and shuw cause, it anv tbere bt, why the said oooouxit should not b a 11 o wed. And it ia turther ordored thHt said exeeutor grive notice to the persona iut e uttl in said estáte of the peudeocy oi said rtccouht :int t l-e hcariug ïhereof by cnueing i copy of ttais ordei to be published in tlie ans Abbor Aröu$. :i newipapcr printvd niid circululitur in aaíd county, ;lm succeasite weeto prevlouato said da ül i',rinc. .1. BABHITT, (A true oopy.j Judge o I' Probate William (t (nn v.ProbtiU' Ree i ter. Chancery Notice. QT ATE OF MIC II IG AN , C O UNT Y k 01 Washtenaw, bs. The circuit eourt for theoountyof Washteïniw. tu chano nu M. Horton, complainant, vs. Jaue Horton, defendant. Sint pending 11 the circuit couri for Washtenaw aniiity, u'. ohancery, l pon due proof , by atlldavit, betng mude to me, tli at Jane Horton, defendant, resides In the state of New ï'ork, and that prooess cannot be served upon hor personalty: on motion of Cramer & Cramer, solici tors for theoomplamant, ït Isordered thal the Baid defendant, June Horton, do appenr and answer the till of complaint tlled in this cause and court wlthln tour nionths after the date of this order. Otherwise ihe ?aid bill t eoinplaiot may be tukeu asconfessed ajrainst snid defendant, and further, that this order be published within twenty days f rom this date in the Anti Arbor Argus, a newspaper publlshed in tlio said countyof Washtenaw, nud be publlshed therein onoe in eaoh week for si. Bucoesslve weeks. Such publloatlon sholl not be necessaryin case a copy ot thii order be served on the defendant personally at lenst twenty days before the time herein prescribed for her appearanoe. Juno;.. lS'.i;.'. E, D. MNNK, Cramer Obaiier, ('nvuit Judge. Solioltora lor Complainant, Real Estáte For Sale. STATE OP MICHIGAN, COI n 0FWASHteuaw- SS. In i li ■ matter of the lístate of Peter M. Burtíngame, deoeaeed. Notice Is hereby grlven that in pursuance of au order gTanted to the underslpned adminlgtrator, de bonls non, uli the 11 annexi theestate of Bald Peter M. Burllngame, deceased, by the Hou. Juilg-e of Probate for tlie Countv of Washtenaw, on the 26tb dny of April, A. D. 1882, there will tx solil ai l'ublic Vendue, to the hlghest bidder, at the east front doorol tlie Couri IIi.iim' in the CltJ ot Ann Arbor, In the Count} of Washtenaw, in said State, on Tuesday, the 26th day of July. A. D. 1893, at ten o'clock in the foreuoon of that das', (subject to all inoumbrancea by mortgafre or otherwise extsting at the time of thedeathof said deceased.) the following describeii Keal lístate, to-wlt : Lot NumbiT Fourteeii (14) In Bloob Four C4) South of Huron Street íh Kantre Seven(7' East, accortlinr to the reoorded plat of the Aun Arbor Land Company's addftion to the villajre (now city) of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Dated, June 8th, 1892. NATIIAN E. SUTTON, Admlntstrator de bonig non wilti ttie Will aniie-it. wnh the Hl annoM'd. Notice to Creditors. TAÏE OF MICHIGAN, COUNT Y J of Washttnaw, sa. Notice 1 Iwreliy giveu, htttbyan order of the Probate Oourt for the ounty ol' Wasuunaw, inudf on the 2Hrd day of .lay, A. D. 13JC, six montlia from Ihat date rere allowed for enditara tu present their claims galüst tlie estáte of Mary Lyman, late il Biiid county.deceased.and ilmt Ml creditors of aid deceased are irquiren to present theirclaima to lid Probate Court, at the Probate Office ia the Uy of Ann Arbor, for examinaiion and allowance. in or bct'ore the 23nl da of November next, and hat such claims will be'heurd before suid Court m the 23rd day of Auguit and oh the 23rd lay of November next, at ten o'olock iu theforeloon of eacb ot naid dftys. Dated.Ann Arbor, May 2}. A. D. 1892. J. WILLARD BABItlTT, Judye of Probate. Estáte of Smith Minors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw. 88. At a seaaion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, lolden at tb Probate Office in the City of Ana Vrbor, on Frlday, the 24ih day of June, in :he year one thousand eight hundred and ninetytwo. Present. J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the eatate ut Mary Snuth, 3tephen Smith and Frank Smith, Minor. On readinj and filing the petition, duly verified, of John Smith, Guardian, prayinp that he may beliccnsed tosell certain real estáte belonging to said minors. Tbereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the 26th day of July, neit, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be asaigned for the hearing of aid petición, and that the nextofkin ol said minors, and all other persons iuterested in eaid estáte, are required to tippear at a Bession of Raid court. theu to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, wby the prayer of the petitioner should notbe granted. And it is further ordered that said petitioner give notice to tbe persons mterested in said estáte, ot the pendency ot said peütion and the hearing causinga copyoftuis order to be pubiished in the Ann Akbor Akods, a newspaper priuted and ctreulatedinsaid oonnty three suci-essive weeka previoua to said day of hearing. J. WIIXABD BABBITT, (Atrr.e copyj Judgeof l'robate. Wm. G Doty, Probate Reïister. hstate of James H. Morris. STATE OF MICHIGAN, CÜÜNTY of Washtenaw, ss. Ata sessiou of the Probata Jourt for th County oí Washtenaw. holden at the 'róbate Office in tb.-) City of Ano Arbor. on Tuesday, the fifih day of July, in the rearone tbousandeight hundred and ninety-two. Present,. J.Willard Babbitt, Jude of Probate. In themutter of the estáte oí Jumei H. Mom, Seeeased. Gouveneur Morris, executor of the last grill and testament of said deceased, comes iuto ;ourt and represeDts, that he is now prepired ;to render his ttrst and final account such execuThereupon it la ordeted, tbat Monday, the Srst day of August, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be assiuned for examining and allowing suchaceount.iandthat the devigees, leñatees find beirs at law of said deceased and all otner persoui luterested in said estáte, nrc required to appearata íesíioii of suid Cuurt, thn to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Anu Arbor, and show caupe, if auy there be, wby the said account should not be allowed. And it Is further ordcred, that said executor give notice to the perwns intervsted in said estáte of the ptudency oí said account, and the hvaring thereof, bTcausing acopyof tins order to bc publiahed in the Akk Abbob ARGtiS, a newspaper pnnted and circulating in said County, three successive weeks previous to Bitid day of hearing, J. WILLARD BABBITT, lAtruecopyl ]aége of Probate. WlU-IAM G. fioTY. Probate Register. Estáte ot Lewis W. Britten. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sa. At a session of the Probate Court for the oounty of W asbtcnaw, hulden at the Probate Office, iü the city of Aun Arbor. om Tueadiiy, the 2Sih day of June in the year oue tnousand eiuht hundred and ninety-two. Presrat. J. Willard liahbitt. Jtldgeof Probate. In the matter of tbe estute of l.ewis W, Britten, deceased. HonToe Britten, the administrator of said estáte, comes into court aud repntenta that he is now prepiTt-d to render his final account as euch adminisLriltor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tueslay, the 2Uth day of July ncxt. at 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon, Deasslgued for examining and allowing sucb accouut, aud tbat the beirs at law 01 aiil deceased, and ill other persons intereate'i in said estáte, are required to appear at a aession of said court, tben to be holden at the Probate Oöico in tbe city of Ano Arbor, in aaid County, and show cause, if any there be, why the t iia account should not be allowej . And it is further ordered that said Adinistrator give notice to the persons interested in said estáte of the penjencv ot aid account aud the hearing thereof, bycausiügacopy oi thisorder tobe pablished in tfieAss Abbor A bgub, a newspaper printed and cuculatinK in íhíí county, three successive week I previous to said day of hearing. J. UILl.AKD BABBITT, ' (A truecopy) Judeeol Probate. I William (J.Dotv, Probate Uesrister.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News