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Real Estáte For Sale. TATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY OF WASH3 tenaw- t-s. In the mauorofthe Estáte oí Elizabeth E. ttuyer, deoeased. NotlO" H herehy jfiven that in pursuanee t an arder granted to the unilersipned execu or of the last will and testament of said de?easeJ. by the Hon.Judge of Probate for the Couuty of Washtenaw, on the 7th dav ol June. A. D. 189Z.'there wlll be sold ut Public Vendue, to the higheM bidder, at theEaet front lOOrof the OoUtt &OUM In the City of Ann Arbor in the County of Washtenaw in satd Stnto. on Monday. the2th day of July, A. D. 1892, at 10 o'elock'ln the forenoon of tliat day (subject toall encumbrances ly mortiratre or otherwise existln at the time of the death of ald deceasedi thé foUowlng desorlLed Keal Estáte, towit: AU tliat yt-rtain piece or parcel of land sitúate and beinjr in the City of Ann Arbor. County of Washtenaw and State of Michijran, bouiulcd mï de8Cnbed afl foÜQW8i to-wit: Beinnin ut a point on the East Une of División street, two Sundred and thlrty-three (288) feet from the jenteroí Hurón street. thenoe oortherly on the line of saitl División street oue liundrcd and twenty-four il-Mi teel and Bine i!i) Inches, moreor (esa, totne sotitherly line ol' Anu street, thenoe easterly along the Boutherly line of Ann Street two hundred and Bve (20u)feet to the land ol theeatateol HenryW Hogers, thenoe sontherly along wisi line (tt the land of eald ci;iir one hundred ani twenty-four (124) feei a mi nlne(9) [noties, morí 1 1 lese, to the northerly line of land oonvey bs WUllam M Sinclair and wife to said Henrj w. Rosera, and thenoe westerly alonj nor th line of the land of said estatr ana il I VAv.a A. Rathbone two hundred and flve (305) Eeet, more or less, t the plaoe oí be piimin.u1. and being the same laúd ruin eyed in Ellzabetfa B. Koyer hy a deed laT'il April Snd, i r i ■ i reoorded In the offlee ui the Register of Deeds for said County, in Llber 98 of Deeds, ni page 8i. DatedJuDeT. 1898. EDWARD D. K1NNE, Exeeutor of thé lust will and testament of Eli.iibeth C. Hoyer. deeeased. Real Estáte tor Sale. CTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV OF C Washtenaw, ss. In the matter of the estáte of Courtney T. Burltngatne, nituor. Notlce is hereby jriven that in pursuance of an order franted to the undersigued guardián Ol 1 1 1 e Estáte of said minor by the Hon. Judso of Probate for the County of Washtenaw. on the flfth day of July, A. D. , 1892, there wül be sold at Public Vendue, to the blg-hest the enst front door of the Cotirt Houee m the city ot Aun Albor, in the County of Wastateiiaw in s iid state, on Tuesdny the 28rd day of August, A. T). 1892, at ten o'olook m ttie (orenoon ot that day (subject to all enoumbranoes by mottgaffe or ot berwlH existió? at tiie time of ttic saloi Includlng the rihi ot dower ol the undersijrned ttiercin, the tollowing descrlbed real estáte, to wit: The undlvlded one half of f orty acres off of the souili emi of the north-wesi quarter of Bection tliirty-one (31j in tbe townshlp of Salem. In the Couatj ol Washtenaw and state ot Mlohigan. CATHEKINK M. BüRUDOAMB, Guardian. Dated July 5th, 1392. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTV of Wu8hten.iwt Tlie undersicd haring been appoiuted by the Probate Conrt for said County, Cominissiouers to receive, examine and adjuet all claims and demands of all persous against the estáte of Edward J. Morton, lateof said eounty.deceased, berebygive nolice thal six niontlis fmni date are allowed,by order of said Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against tbe estáte ofaaid deceased, anti that they will nieetl :it the ofllce of E.ra I!. Norria, in tbe "city of Ann Arhor iu said county, on the lïtb day of OctobiT, and on the llth duy ofl January next, at ten o'clock A. M. il f.uli ol said day, to receive, examiDe aud ad iU't said claim. Dated.Julyill, 18 HTJDSON T. MORTON", l.UA 11. KOKRI8, Connni?sioner9. Estáte of John Antcliff. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. At asession of theProl)ue i'onrt tur theCounty ot'Washtenaw, holden at tbe Probate Office In the City of Ann Albor, on ïhursday, the Hth day of July. in the year one thougand eigut hundred and ninetv-two. Present J. Willard Babbitt, Judge of ProIn the matter of theestate of John Antcliff, deceased. On reading and flling the petltion duly venfled of Meivin A. Case, prayini? that Chrl9tian F Kapp or some otherauitable person niay be appoiated one of the adminiatrators of theestate of said deeeased not already admiuistered . Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 8th day of August next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, beassignedfor the hearing ot said petition, and that the heirs at law of said deceased, and all otber persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And it is f urther ordered that said petitioner give notioe to the persons interested in said estáte, of tne pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof , by causmg a copy of tb is order to be published in the Ann Arbor Arqus, a newspaper printed and ciroulated in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. j. WILLAHD ABBITT, [Atruecopy.] Judge of Probate. Wilmam G. Doty, Probate Hesrister. FREDERICK KRAUSE AUCTIONEER. WiU attend to all sales on short notice at reasonable charges. For further particulars cali at the Arous office. , . i the Larftest Gold Mfne. 1 ifl AHM MU HAK the Largest Silver Mines, i muil m Has Extensive Grazing; Ranges. Fine I ber Balts. Wide Ag-ricultural Valleys ' Is iarirer tnan New England, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware comb The Great Northern Kailway is thedireot line from St. Paul and Minneapolis to Oreat Falla, Monarch. Neihart, Barker, Helena, Butte and other Montana pointü. Apply to your home railway aent for tickets over the Great Northern. I do not wish to blow into I FND them. hut merely whisper that LuC-1 U the Ked Kiver Valley oflers ttne iuducements for home seekers, MF asalsio the entíre región loni; "IL the Great Northern Hailway throiiïli Minnesota, North DaYOIIR kota and Montana. For Maps, luu" GuideBooks, etc, apply to I.Whitney, G. P. & T. A., St. FAR Paul. Mina.. or to your nearest Ortivo. rallway agent. I ín sonie States the THE VniINTi I ratio is two and ofluullu ten three to one in YOUNG favor of the men. "-"-" " WOMEN, ebestroutófrom MEN GO #&t iïpërtor'w ARE OUT the Northwestern 7 HER E mrcTi and Pacific States is YKLO1 ! Via the Great NOW thern Kailway. ' Farms can be had in Minnesota and North Dakota on erop . .. and other plans to snit purchasN ers. No f allure of crops in twelve years of settleuienr Larire yields of vheat and other DCn staplos". Fine stock reirion. ntU Good schools and ohurohes. Healthful climate. Great Markets within eas'reach. Farms DIUPR Pld lor trom the proceeds oC nlVLn ;ne crOp. Highest prices paid for pruducts. The Great Northern Railway has three lines VALLEY throusrh the Valley. Address "'-tl1 v W Braden, Land Comniissio'ner, St. Paul, Mina., for partieulars. aboutTgreat country. Mans and publloatíon sent free, and letters askintf Information ftbout travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Moiitaun answered by F. I Whitney. G. P. . & T. A Great Northern Hailway, St. Paul. Tickets to allpointsin the West. Lowest rates to. the Pacific Coast. I & $ I


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News