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Democratic State Convention

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l be Demócrata oí Michigan wíll meet in State Convention, at Hartman's Hall, in the dtyof Grand Kiipi'l-, on the lTth of August next, at lüo'elock n. in., lor the puii placingin nomination candidatos 01 the party lo be presentad to the people at the i State i-ii-ction The State offices for whieh eandidates ure to bc narnr-l at this convention sn Lieutenant Governor, Secretary "i State Treaurer, Auditor General, Atl fleneral, CommlMloner "ƒ Btate Land Office Superintendent oi Public Instructlon, and .Member o! the Btate Board oi Bducation. Jiv the aetion of the Democratie State Convention, held at Muskeiron. May 4tb, 1892, the Democratie Btate Central Committee is direeted to inelude in the present cali the nomination of a candidate for United States Senator. It will also be the duty of this convention to nominate one Pregidential Elector and one AlternatePresidential Elector tor the Eastern Electorial District, one PrCBidential Elector and one Altérnate Presidentlal Elector lor the Western Electorial District, and like candilates for each of the twelve Congresslonal Distriets of the State. According to the rule adopted by the Democratie State Convention held in Detroit in 18S0. and since followed, every county in the State ie entitled to one delégate to the State Conveution for eaeh 500 votes cast tor Governor at the lapt general clection, and one additioiml delégate for a f ract ion of not less than 250 votes, All delegates must be resident of thecounties they represent. , . The delegates f rom each eongressional district will meet in eaueus at 10 o'clock a. m. on the of August 17th, at quarters te be hereafter designated, and recommend eandidates for Prcsidentfal Elector and Altérnate Presídential Elector, and persons for service upon the several committee of the convention. Each alstrict will ne entitled to one ice President ol convention, one Assistant Secretary, and oue member each of the committees on credentlals, permanent organlzation. order of Imhiuess and resolutions. The Democratie partv conlially invites all Menda l the principies enunciated by the party in its platform; all opponent ol unjuet ándillegal taxation. tlic prodlgal expenditure oi the public money, and other abuses ol rpublican mis-rule; and uil men wbo have partiolpated in the achlevement of the recent reat rictorieBOl the Democratie party, or who delire to share In the Democratie trlumph of; thtt yciii, to partlcipate In the election of delegates to tln ooDVention.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News