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The Delhi mills have begun grinding again. Charles H. Major is the happy father of a nine and a half pound girl. A new sidewalk is being iajd On Broadway in front of Lodholz store. Union services will be held in the Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. Job Marshall is making an extensive addition to his house on Thompson street. The teachers of Zion Sunday school held a picnic at Whitmore Lake, yesterday. The Ann Arbor Butter & Cheese Company made 3,332 pounds of butter during July. The People's party hold their senatorial convention at Chelsea, Monday, September 12. Moses Seabolt has been chosen one of the directors of Forest Hill cemetery to lili a vacancy. The Sunday-school of St. Andrew's church held a picnic at Whitmore lake last Saturday. In the nine eamps along Zukey lake, this week, there were seven compositors from this city. John Eisele will build a new store on North Fourth avenue, adjoining Zachmann's meat market. Work is being rushed on the Felch street culvert over the mill-race, and it is nearing completion. There are üve Sunday schools in Salem. They give a unión picnic on Saturday of next week. The young people of the Presbyterian church held a lawn social, last evening, at Mrs. James II. Wade's. An old, chronic ailment has seriously prostrated Mis. Henry Matthews since her return from Lansing. Hallock's saw mill has been taken to Arkansas to saw up the large tract of lumber owned by John Finnegan. Services will be resumed at the Geddes Mission next Sunday, August 28, under charge of Rev. L. P. Jocelyn. A well-known printer in this city, it is reported, will marry a young lady from a neighboring city in October. Harris' hall is being kalsomined,new bath rooms are being put in and about $700 is being put in in improvements. A switch board in the telephone office took lire yesterday morning but was put out without any great damage. The station house at Geddes was burned last Monday afternoon, catching fire from a spark from a locomotive. Capt. J. F. Schuh is building a bay window and making other improvements in his residence on Fifth avenue south. William Sweet has removed from Emery to this city. While moving his little girl broke her arm by falling down. Prof. Ross G. Cole, formerly of this city, has accepted the position of musical director of Bipon College, Wisconsin. The delivery horse of George Wahr broke the thills of the wagon, while frighteried by an electric car, Tuesday afternoon . Tip-o-Tip, the Zulu prince, was arrested in Louisville, Ky., this week, for being concerned in some burglaries in Toledo. Fourteen of the milis and elevators in the county report the purchase of 574,333 bushels of wheat grown here in the past year. The Democratie county convention will be held September 21. The representative conventions will be held September 23. J. E. Beal is a delégate from the Michigan club to the National League of Republican clubs which meets in Buffalo, Sept. 16. The house of James Kinne, of Augusta, was burned, Tuesday morning. Loss $450. Insured in the Washtenaw Farmers' Mutual. Herbert Woodward, state agent of the Empire binder, will remove his office to Flint. He will remove with his family to that city. A little eight pound boy, who will be a voter twenty-one years from August 13, came to the home of Mr. and Mrs Louis Hagen in Salem. Frank A. Waples, son of Judge Waples of this city, was married August 18 to Miss Cora Riggs, at Santee Agency, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs Waples will be at home in Ann Arbor after September 10. t The Republican congressional convention will be held in Monroe, September 6. Zukey lake now has a pretty little steamer just received from Port Huron. It was built by the Pullman car works and belongs to P. M. Gearing. There seems to be some hitch in attaining complete organization by the new tent of the Maccabees, but it will no doubt be adjusted after a time. After September lst, the office of the secretary of the county fair association will be in the Argus office, where blanks íor entries can be obtained, etc. The delivery horses of Dean & Co., ran away Wednesday, breaking a wheel, after running several blocks, They were frightened by the thunder. Fire Chief, Fred Sipley is laid up with a bad foot. Some days ago he cut his foot while wading in the river near the waterworks. Erysipelas set in. Voorheis & Dietus, the State street tailors, have moved into new quarters on State street. and now occupy one half of the store of John Bowdish iïc Co. The coldest July day was July 3, when the thermometer was 41; the warmest day, July 26, was 94. The mean temperature for the month was 70. The rain fall in Ann Arbor during July was 2.21 inches. In Manchester it was 2.46 inches. There were only two cloudy days in July and rive rainy ones. Secretary Mills, of the county fair association, has made arrangements !or lighting the fair grounds evenings with electric lights, during the comng fair. The house of J. Hutzel, near Bridgewater station, was burned Sunday night with all its contents. The fire started from the explosion of a gasoine stove. The motor which runs the fans at Hangsterfer's confectionary establishment is a f avorite target for the light. ning. It was burned out again, Wednesday. The annual school election will be held, Monday, September -5th. Three trustees are to be elected, the terms of T. E. Beal, W. W. Whedon, and Christian Mack expiring. A watch was found recently on the shores of Pleasant lake in Freedom and is now in possession of Postmaster Fogel, of Fredonia, where the owner can get it by proving property. The young people of the A. M. Echurch will give an entertainment at John Freeman's on Miller avenue next rhursday, at which good music and refreshments will be furnished. Miss Fannie Louise Gwinner, one of our best known local musicians and an exceptionally fine pianist, goes to Ripon, Wis., to take charge of the piano department of Ripon college. Martin Weich, in C Rinsey's store, was married yesterday to Miss Lulu Howard, of Saline, in St. Thomas' church. The newly married couple were treated to a horning last evening. Mrs. Harriet S. Fuller wife of George C. Fuller, of the Russell House, Detroit, died in Charlotte last Friday, aged forty-three years. Her remains were brought to Ann Arbor for burial. Adolph Schmid has been elected delégate to the Germán Day convention to decide where th next Grman American Day will be held in this county, by the ,ljnited Friends of Michigan. Maccabee cards of very handsome design are beihg printed at the Argus for a number of the Maccabees who are going to Detroit next Tuesday. If you have not yet got your cards, you should order early. Quite a number of Ani) Arbor citizens attended the norse race at Ypsilanti, Monday, between Wilkie Knox and Vesta Medium, which was won by Wilkie Knox in three straight heats in 2.29J-, 2.29f, and 2.30. F. E. Mills, of Pittsfield, who was injured by a bull last week, has been out this week hustling for the county fair association. He is making every arrangement for the most successful fair ever held in this county. Jay Palmer, of Ypsilanti. a brakeman on the Michigan Central, had his hand so crushed while coupling cars opposite the freight house, that the thumb and all the fingers, excepting the little one, had to be amputated. While Geo. Schnearle, of South Lyon. was coming to Ann Arbor with a load of live hogs, one day last week, the end board of his wagon feil out and a 350 pound hog escaped. Mr. Schnearle drove on to this city, and only discovered his loss after his arrival here. He is now in search of that pesky hog. -Register. The delivery horse of Brown & Cady ran away Wednesday and after coming the full length of Detroit street, ;ried to get into James Donnegan's olacksmith shop, but was prevented by a post. The wagon was wrecked . During July it was only about two legrees cooler in Marquette than it .vas in Ann &rbor. Whats the matter with Ann Arbor as a summer resort? D"ur coolest July day was three degrees ooler than the coldest day in Mackilac. Editor Brown, of the Times, exhibits Tiuch mock indignation because the Register accuses him of being about to Duild an $8.500 house on tlie corner of Packard and East University avenue. [Ie claims that the cost is put $-5,000 too high. Mis, Margaret S. D. Story died at her home on Thompson street, Saturday morning, aged seventy four years. She was born in New Hampshire and had been a resident of this city for íight years. A daughter, Mrs. Tennie, survives her. In the state erop report for August the estimated yield per acre of wheat in Washtenaw is 13.23 bushels, and of aats 36 bushels. Corn is estimated at TO per cent of an average erop, potatoes it 73 per cent, hay at 104 per cent, ülover 108 per cent and apples at only 20 per cent. The prohibition county convention is in session in the court house today. A. f uil county and representative ticket will be named. A mass meeting will De held this everfing at which Rev John Russell, their candidate for ïovernor, and other speakers, will adIress the people. Charles Wagner, of Scio, had his leg badly broken by getting under the vheel of the tank wagon attached to ïis traction engine, near the Germania hotel. His leg was badly broken at ;he knee and one of his ankles was Droken. Dr. Darling set the fractures ivliich were very serious ones. The rumor published in one of the ocal papers that llon. Charles R. Whitman had rented his home in this jity is untrue. Mr. Whitman will con:inue to reside in his elegant residence. The rumor 'probablv oiiginated from ;he fact that Mr. Whitman's son liad rented a house for his college society. Six Adrián wheelmen started out ïarly last Monday morning for a spin )f one hundred miles to Ann Arbor uid Ypsilanti and return. They took sreakfast at Tecumseh and then sped m to Saline. Two fell out on the re:urn jorirney but four of them competed the full trip and arrived home n safety, Monday evening.- Tecumseh Herald. Julius H. Foster, an Adrián photoTrapher, died suddenly while attend ing an out-of-door temperance meeting, of heart disease, aged 67 years. [Ie was a brother of I. N. S. Poster, of Ann Arbor town, and lived in Ann ,-Vrbor town from 1836 to 1846. Afterwards he lived in this city and in Saline but for some years he liad resided in Adrián. A letter has been received by the commander of Arbor Tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., of this city, from N. S. Boynton, great record keeper, bearing date August 23, 1892, stating that they have no knowledge of any tent of Maccabees being organized in Ann Arbor. Arbor tent is the third largest tent in the state and is increasing its membership. It now has over 400 members and is entitled to a great camp offleer. The moon has been spending its vacation this week in pleasant interviews with the major planets. Monday morning she and Mercury spent a short time in conjunction, then Saturn was honored on Wednesday morning, and tonight our satellite and Uranus will have a close contact. Yesterday Mercury and the suri were in conjunction. Enough, stirely, for one week. Tlie fourteenth annual basket picnie of the farmers of Washtenaw, Wayne. Oakland and Livingston will be held at Whitmore lake tomorrow, August 27. The fare on the Toledo road from Ann Arbor will be 50 cents the rounc trip. Besides the regular train at 7:20 a m., a special will be run at 12 o'clocki The regular train returning leaves the lake at 8:18 p. m., and the special at 5:00 p. m. One day last week a workman ot this city entered one of our clothing stores and made some pinchases, tendering in payment a ten dollar bil and received his change. After his departure the clerk discovered that jt was a bilí issued by the Confedérate government, and of course not worth the paper it is printed on. While the tirm do not object to having in their possession such a souvenir of the war time, they teel that perhaps it is scarcely worth what it cost them in this deal. Their customer, however is a well-known and responsible man and the matter will doubtless be amicably adjusted.