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Estáte of Kate Culi inane. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY kDoí Washtenaw, ss. ai asessionof the Probate Court tr theCoiinty f Washtenaw, holilen at the Probate Office iu the City of Ann Arbor, cm Monday, the iínd day of Auirust. In the féar ona thousand eijrht hundred and uinery-tn-o. Present J. Willard Babbitt, Judjre of Probte. ■ I n the matter of the estáte of Kate Cullinane, deoeased. On iradmjr and flling the petition duly veritled of Putnck Tuoiny, praving that a certain Instrument nowonflle in t'his Court, purportint? to be the last wiü and testament of saiil deoeased may be admltted to probate and that administraron of said estáte may be jrranted to John CuUinane and himself, the executors in said wtll nauied, or to sotne other sultable pereon. rtuieupon it is ordered, that Monday, the 19tti ilay of September next, at ten oolook in the fouoon, be asitgnea for the hearing of said petition, and that the deyisees. leñatees and heirs at law of said sed, and all other persons Interested in paid estáte, are required ti ;ppoar at a sesslono! -aid Court, theu tobe holden at the Probate Offloe, In the City of Ann Arbor, and Bhow canse. 1 any there be, why theprayer o1 thepetitioncr should not be rnmtcd. And il i (urther ordered tlmt said petltloner vivo no tice to the nerpons interested inaatd estáte. o1 the pendenoy ol lald petition, and the hé thereof , by oauslnff a oopy ol tutsorder to be published in the Ann Akiioh Aucas, a newspaper printed and ciroulated In said county, tlireo snecessive weefcfl prevlous to said day of hcarinsr. .7 WILLAED ItAUHITT. LA truecopy.] Judge of Probate. Wn.i.iAM G. Doty, Probato Koirister. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OK MICHIGAN, COU.NTV OF Vn8bten:iw. The undersigued havioz been appointudby the Probate Court for s;iia County, Coinmiaaioners to receivt', examino and adjuat aH claims and demaDds of all persons agalnst the eatate of William W, Brown, toto of said County, deceased, hereby gie notioa that bíx montha f rom date are allowed, by order of s:iid Probate Court, for creditors to present thelr claims against the estatQ of said deceased, nd that tbey wlll meet at the HherifTs Oiüce, in the Conrt House in the Oitj of Ann Arbor, in said County, on the 22nd day of Novemberand on tho 23rd aay of Febma-ry next, at ten o'clock A. M. ot each of saiddays, to receive, examine and adjust saidrtainis. Dated Ann Arbor, August 22nd, 1S92. OITSTAVKBREHM. FKED A. H0WLKTT, Commissioners, Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, ss. In thematterof the estáte of MaySmith, Stephen Stuit h and Frank Smits, minors. Notice is heruby gWen, that ín pur8tiance of an order granted to the undersigued Guardbn of the estáte of said minora by the Hon. Judj;e of Piobate for the County oí Wushteumv. on the ülith d:iyof July, A. D. 893, there will be sold at public vendue, to the lighest bidder, tt the dwellini? house on the ( jiemises below described in Norlhüelii, in the County ofWashteuaw, iu said State, on Tuesday, , he 1:üi day of September A. D. 1892, at ten . o'clock in the torenoon of thnt duy (subject to ill encumbrances by mortgage or otherwise , ug at the tiuic of the Sale), the l'ollowing lescribed Real Estáte, to-wit : Three undivided eventliB of all the north wet-t quarter of the uorth ast quatcr ol Section thtrty .tour, the west half of a e south east quarter of sectn twenty-seven tnd fifty-six acres off the nortBend of the south vest quarter of satd section tw nty-seven all in the ownship of Northfleld in said county, being ;welve chains wide on the west end and sixteen ihainswideon theeasteud. üated JulyïS, 1S92. JOHN SMITH, Uuardian. FrëmendIs CUT! We Propose unloading at one our recent heavy purchase of TOPH! All new designs and latest eomhinations of color. Oeihng, Side Wall and Frieze to match. We can show an immenae variety. See our pricesGood Papers f or 4c, 5c, 6c. Gilt Papers tor 8c, 10c, 12c. Embossed Papers for 15c, 18c, and 20c. Remember we have the most experienced hangers in our employ. Estiroates given. Window Shadee, all colora, all widths, made and hung to order in any part of Tthe city. GEORGE . WAHR, Opposlte Cotirt House, MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. THE EQUITABLE ; Life Assurance Society. OF THE UNTTED STATES. IIenhy B. Hyde, President. James W. Alexander, Vice-Pres't. JANUARY 1. 1892. ASSETS $136,198,518 LiabiHties 100,005,537 SURPLUS $26,202.081 INCOME $39,054,044 New Business J 233,1 18,331 wntten in 1891. f Assurance ( 804,804,557 in torce ) Investment Bonds, Endowment Policies, Ordinary Life Policies, Issued on the lives of both rnale and feniale and payable to the assured in 10, ló, or 20 years. Any person who will send the date of his birth will be given an illustration precisely adapted to his own age and circumstances. W, R, PRIGE, Agent. Ann Á.BBOB, Micn. Dr. A D. McKenney, VBTERINARÏ Honorarv Gradúate of the Ontario Veterinary aolleire. l'oronto, Canada. All calis promptly Cnswered day or niïht. Office and telephone, Kobison & Howlett'3 Liverv .


Ann Arbor Argus
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