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Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY of Washtenaw, sa. ín the nmtter ot estáte of May Smith, Stephen Siuith and Frank Smltb, minors. Notice ís hereby given, that ío pursaance of an order gmnted lo the undersijrned Guardian of the eslute of Baid minors by the Hon. Judce ot Piobate íor the County of Wushtenaw, on the 26th day of July, A. D. 1892, there will he sold nt nublic vendue, to the bigbeet bidder, at the dwelline house un the prtniises below deacrtbed in Northfleld, in the Oounty ofWashtenaw, in snid State, on Tueaday, the 18th day of Septemlwr A. B. 1892, at ten o'clock in tbe lorenoou of that day (tubject to all encumbrancea by mortgage or otherwise exisu ing at the time oí the Sale), the following described Real Eatate, to-wlt: Three undivided aevenths of all the north weet qnarter of the north east quater of Section thlrty-four, the west half of the touth east quarter cf sextion andfif(y-six acres otf the uorth end of he south west quarter of said section tWfnty-seven all in the township of Northfield In said county, being twelve chaina wide on the west end and sixtèeu chains wlde on theeunt end. l)a;ed July 46, 1592. JOHÏf SMITH, Guardian. STATE OF MICHIGAN. 8O1T PENDING in the Circuit Court for Washtenaw County In Chanoery, whereln Guinon is coniplainant and Michael Guinon is defendant. Satisfaotory proofappcaring tothls Court liy affidavit on flle that 'U'tcndant's residence is unknown to complainant. It is ordered that drit'iitlant appear and answer the bitl of complamt tl led In this cause within Uve uionths frotn the date of this order. Ann Albor, April 18, 18W. E. D. KINNE, James H. Pocnd, Circuit Judge.. Complainant's Solicitor. AttestAkthcr Brown, Register. GET A TICKET OF W. F. LODÏÏOLS 4 and 6 Broadway and you are entitled to a choice of the Home Instructor or the Life of General Sherman or the Life of P. T. Barnum (FREE) when cash purchase to the amount of $15 has been made. ■ THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LARGE -OCTAVO, 47S PAQES, ILLVSTRATED. A compendium of useful knowledge necessary for the practical uses of evërydny lite, A complete and perfect guidc to life in public and private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS OF W. T. SHERMAN. CROWN OCTAVO. 688 PAGES, ILLCSTRATED. A graphic narrativo of hisboyhdo.l and early life, educatlon, career in Florida and California, military acnicvctncnts, Ule as a citizen, last sickness and death; icitli fine steel poj'trctit. THE LFE OF P. T. BARNUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO ,SX PA.QES, ILLUSTRATED. Hls early life and struggles. bold ventures and brilliant success: hls wonderful career, hls wit, genius and eloquence, bis life is a citizen, etc- to whieh is added hls famous book, The Art of Moncy Gettino. ni1 k ninin BAKERT. &R0GERY ANI) FLOUR AND FEED STORE, VVe keep consuinüy on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ico. For Wholesale or Retail Trade. We shall also keep a supply ol osnoiti:s GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift Co.' Beat White Wheat Flour, Bye Floor , Buckwheat Flour, Corn Meal, ped, &c. Sec, &c. At Wholesale and Retail. A yeneral stock ot ÖEOOEEIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. fyCash paid for Butter, Egs, and Countrv Produce generallv. UGoods Delivered to anv part ot the city wlth out extra charge. Rlnser & Soabolt. ■ I i I the Largest Gold Mine. MAIMflflfl Ml the LargestSilver Mines. ,!,;;,;::,: ,,:; áEeMi?írHas Extensivo Grazing Ranges, Fine Timber Belt. Wide Agricultural Valléis Is larger than New England, New Vork, Pennsylvania, Jersey and Delaware combined. The Great Northern Railway is the direct line from St. Paul and Minneapolls to Great Falls, Monarch, Neihart, Barker, Helena, Butte and other Montana points. Apply to jour home railway agent for tickets over the Great Northern. tt-ihtt-i I d not wiSn tO blOW intO I r N I ) them, but merely whisper that the Red River Valley offers Une inducements for home seekere, ML as aleo the entlre región alone the Great Northern Railway through Minnesota, North DaYUUR kota and Montana. For Maps, Guide Books, etc, apnly to F. ti i ro ' Whitsey, G. P. & T. A., St. LAKo Paul, Minn., or to your nearest railway agent. i, In some state? the -rue YOUNG ratio Is two and ol' "G ten three to oni? in vnnur ,.r.,„T fa-.-or of the men. ÏUUNU WOMEN, The best route from mpw St. Paul, MinneaplvltlN rn olis, Uuluth and adcoiit Üü West Superior to flKhUUT the Ntirthwestern tucdc WfCTl and Pacific States is mcnc ""'■ via the Gi-jat Norwnw tlu-rri Ruilw4y. NOW. Farms can 'ie had in Minnesota and North Dakota on erop mand other plans to suit purebasers. No failurt ot crops in twelve years of settlement. I.arge yields of whet and other RFR Staples. Fine stofft región. ntU Good schools and thurches. Hcalthful elimate. Gret Markets within easyreach. Farms RIVFR !:ia for ïrom tne P''9cetds of ■ ui kii one erop. Highest prices uaid for products. The Great Kor-.. theru Railway has three lin)8 VALLEY through the Valley. Addresi w"1-1-1"11 W. W. Braden, Land Commis1 sloner, St. Paul, Minn., for particular8. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY. Maps and publications sent free, and letters iiskitig inlormatton about travel and settlement in Minnesota, the Dakotas and Montana answercd by F. I. Whitney, G. I'. & T. A., Great Northern Railway, St. Paul. Tickets to all poiuts in thé West. Lowcst ratcs to the Paciüc Coast. h 1. f. k' b -h CLEVELAND and HARRISON OF SAME OPINIÓN That the E. L. O'CONNOR CO. can make the lame, with short legs, from 2 to lu inehes, look likc otiier people; wear shoes alike. No clumsy cork or iron. Send for price. lOT-leii) Wabash Avenue, Chicaoo, III.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News