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Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. ('Ol'NTY i ►O of Washteraw, as. Iu tbeoiatterol the eaute oí May Eroith, Stephen Simth and Frank Smilh, ] minors, Noties a herebj glven, that in i pursoance of m order giántod lo the uuder, ligupd tiirirdi.ui of the óslale of aaui mmor s ly l he Hoik JudgS ot l'iobate for the County i i Washtenaw. oa the 26th dayof July, A. D. ( ire wilt be sold it nuhlie réndete, to the j blgliest bidder, at the dwellini; hmst un the ( premlsea below dcscrilied in NorthnVUl, in the i l'ounty otWa.shtenaw, iu said Stme, on Tuesday, i the Utu day of September A. I. ls'.i2, at ton i o'clock in tbe lorenoou of that dny (subject to c ill enemnbrances by inortgare or otherwise exist Ing at the Urne u' the Salei. tbe followiug 1 iescrlbed Real Estáte, to-wit : Three undivided sevonilis of all the north wei-t quarter of the north iaat quatet of SectiOD thirty-four, the wost half of ihe i-ciuth east quarter cf sextiuo. nul flfly-aix aoreaoff thenorth end of tbe south ■est qiurter ofsaid section twi nty-8eyn alliii the [ownship of Northneld in suid couuty, beiDg twelve chains widc on the west end and sixtceu jliams wide oi) theeast end. üatedJuly 26, 1S92. I JOHN SMITH. 1 (iii.udian. { Tbe above eale ts adjourned imtil Tuesday i the ■-■■'tli day of September. A . l) 1898, at ten t i'clockin tne forenooD of tbat day.'the adi lourned sale to cake place at che dweHlng i on the premtaes above desorlbed in tlie J townahtp of Northfleld. .IOIIN" SMITH. Dated, Sept.18, 1892. Guardian. (JET A TICKET - - OF W. F. LODHOLZ 4 and 6 Broadway nd you are entitled to a choiceof the Home n8tructor or the Life of General Shermau or he Life of P. T. Baruum (FREE) whon cash urchase to the amount of $15 has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. LARGE OCTAVO, 4?S PAOES, ILLUSTRATKD. A compendium of useful knowedpe necessary for the practical ubcs of evcivayüfe, A complete and perfect guideto Ufe n public and private. THE UFE AND DEEDS OF W. T. SHERMÁN. CROWN OCTAVO. 668 PAOES. IL1.ISrilATKD. A graphlc narratlve of hia boyhood ml early lile, eduoatlon, career In Florida and ialifornia, military achlovements, Ufe n a itizon. last slokneg8 and death uitli ' rfW xntratt. THE LIFE OF P. T. BAfíNUM, THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CROWN OCTAVO ,620 PAQE8, II.Li'STRATED. Hls early Uf e and struggles. bold entures and brilllani Buooess: hia vronderful areer, hls wit, genius and eloauenoe, hle life is a citizen, etc. - to which is aoded lus Pacaous ook, The Art uf Money QetttnQ. RIÏSEÏ k SMiLTS BAKERY, GROCERY AND FLOUB AND FEEO STORE, We Kfi;]) consutntlv on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, &c. For Wuoleeale or Retail Trade, Vr aHüll also keep a supply ot O8B0RIVL'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Co.'b Best Wliits Wieat Flour, Rye Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Corii Meal, v Jed, &c, &c, &c, At Wholesale and Retail. A ceneral stock ot dEOOERIES AND PEOVISIONS constantly on hand, which will be sold on as reaonable'terms as at any other house in the city. öfCash paid for Butter, Eg?s, and Country 5roduce generallv. SGoods Delivered to any part oí the city with out extra charere. Rinsey & Seabolt. l ■ ■ I I the Larrest Gold Mine. UlñHlllH nSd the LarsrestSilver Mines. Has Extensive Grazing Ranges, Fine Timber Belt. Wide Agricultural Valleys Is larfrer than New England, New Vork. Pennsj'lvania, New Jersej' and Delaware oombined. The Great Northern Railway is the direct line from Bt. Puní and MlnneapollB to Great Fallo. Monurnh, Ncihart, Barker, Helena, Hutte and other Montana points. Apply to yowr home railway agent for tickets over the Oreat Northern. I do not wish to blow into ï FND them, but merely whisper that the Ked RiverValley offers flne inducements for home seekers, lVl F as al8O the entire región aloiiE the Great Northern Railway it,tt through Minnesota, North DaY 0 TT R kota and Montana. For Maps, (uidellooks, etc, apply to F. I. Whitney, G. P. & T. A., bt EARS Paul, Minn., orto your nearest railway agent. In some states the I TH F YOIINfi ratio is two and of' iuuuu ten three to one in vnilNR ,_„ favor of the men. ÏUUNÜ WOMEN, The best route f rom MEN St. Paul, Miuneapmt" rrx olis. Diiluth and arfDMT GO west Superior to ANtuul the Northwestern -rijppp WFCT! and St.itL-s is lntnL VÏDOl . v,a the Great Noi.. Nnw thern Railway. iiuyv. Farms can be had in Minnesota and North J)akota on OIO] mand other plans to sttit purchasers. No (allure l oropa in twelve years of Betttement Large yieMs of wheat and other nrn Btaples. Pine stock reglón. ntU Qood BOhools and churches. Healthfui olimate. Great Markets within easyreach Karmg RIVFR I'11'1' ''"' lr"nl ""' proceeds of ()II(, orop, Highest )iioeK paid for products. The Great Nor.... i .-w thern Hmlway has three lines VALLEY through the Valtey. Address """-1""1' v. w. uraden, Land ConinnsSloner, St. Paul, Minn., lor particulars. ABOUT A GREAT COUNTRY; Maps and pubUcatlons sent fn'', and letters asking Information about travel and Bettlemeni In Minnesota, the DalEotae and Uontana answered by F. i. Whitney, (. I'. & T. a., Great Northern Raüway, St. Paul. Tir'kots to allpnintsin the West.' Lowesi ratea to th Pacffio Coast. CLEVELAND and IIARRISON OF SAME OPINIÓN That the E. I, O'CÓNNOR CO. can make the lame, with short lega, f rum - n lulnchee, look like other people; wear shoes allke. No olumey eork or Iron. Bend for prioe. 167-KH' Wabab Avenue, Chicaqó, Ili.. FREDERICK KRAtTSE AUCTIONEER. Wül attend to all sales on short notice at reasonable ehar(re?. Kor fnrther particulars oall at the AROUSofflcw.


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