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The Hobart Guild

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As niany of our readers niay not know the appointments, objects and aima oL tliis goild, we give here an abstract of Information contained n a neat and eonvenient circular just issued. The guilil is composed of studenta of the Univeraity who are connected with the Potestant Episcopal cliwcli, and is intemled to afford opportunity for puysical exercise. social and intellectual recreation, and moral improvetnent. Tliis is effected )iy means oí the club house, known as Harris Hall, In whicli are several parlors, reading rooms and librai y, bowling alley, billiard room,bath rooms, large hall or assembly room for social, literary and musical entertainment, and a dining room and kitchen for use in connec" tion with social gathenngs. Tlie guild admita all studenta of fche l'niversity, both ladies and gentlemen. who attend St. Andrew s church, vvliether they are members of the Episcopal churcb or not, and such students of the High School aiul of the Univereity Scliool of Music as are recominended by tlie rector of St Andrew's chúrcb. Tliose tlesiring to obtain membership can do so by niaking application to the curator of Harria Hall, who can be found at liisofflce in the hall aailj froin 10 to 11 in the forettnon-, '■'■ to 4 in the afternoon, and trom 7 to 8 in tlie eVening; on Weduesdays frora ö to 9 ]. in. Iliirvis Hall being an endowed inst tution, the roembers have the use the entlre building excopt thé billiai oom and batli rooms without charge Those using the billiard room pay a fee of two dollars a year ; those using the bath rooms, a fee of one dollar a year; md those taking part in the guild receptions, a fee of two dolíais a year, this 'mul being used to meet the expenses ncurred for musie and refreslmients. The hall is open to members every day f mm nine o'clock in the morning till half-past nine in the avening, excepting the two hours lroin 12 to 1 and fi'om o to 7. On Sunda; evenlngs it is open trom ." ti ii o'clock.