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OFFICIAL.! COUNIIL ClIAMBKK. Ann Ahbor, Dec. 5. "'■■ Regular eeneion. j'iTsidciii Cooley betng absent, th roimrii yraa calld to order 1y Cltj Clerk Maller ünll cnllcd. Quorum pii-si üt. A l.s.'ji i , President Cooley- 1. On niotion of Aid. Kitson, Aid Ta y lor wtuü eleeted president pro. tem. The Journal ol the last sesgion wa was approved. A petition signed by Allen A. Ken iind two otters, nesldeiita nnd proper ty holdiere on Foreet avcnur, asklng that sidcwalks be ordered built oi iln' casi iilc oí 1'oiTst avenue from Souih l'nivciKit.v avenue to Hill st Accci)tcd and referred to the com mittee oo slaewalks. To tlif Mayor and Alderrnen of the City ol' An Arbor, Alicli : Gentlemen, - We hereby agree to furnis eighty-three (88) Are Lampe, of the uomiai 2,WK) candle power standara Are Lamps, ligh ing them two liundrod nnd iiy -live (-'■' Qights ï'i'Hii twilight uutil 12: 80 a. m.. Í. elghty-one dollars per lamp, per year, froi January 1. 1898, to .limniiry 1, lvH. AddJtlonai lamps. or addltlonal times liglitint;. it the same proportionitl rate. Tli cuntract to be the saine In uil partlculars a& detalle as tor ilic year 1892. We wlll also farnlsh the two (2) [ncandi 65 candle power lamps, already placed at Ui rate of $8.00 each per month, or $36.00 per yea lampe to burn at the same time as the Ar Lam i is mentloned above. Bespectfully. TUK ANN ARBOR T -11. ELECTRIC C By A. L. NOBLS, Sec' y and Treas Ilefcrrel lo lichting commlttee. KÉFOBM OF STANDING UOMM1TTEES FINANCE. Zb iln Öcmmon Councd: Your Comrnittee on Finance respect fully report that they have liad the following bilis xinder consideration and would reeommend their allowance at sums stated. CONTINGENT FUSD. W. J. Miller, 'saliiry - 88 6 E. IS. Norrip, saiary ï (W Mrs. Jacob H. Stark, ianitor ti 26 wrs. jacoD M. öiarK, ïannor o o W. J. Miller, supplies 1 86 P. O'Hearn, assessor, ealary 186 00 W ui. G. Snow, use of hack 150 Aan Afbor davlngs Bank, interest on overdrafts ln 18 J.A. Polhemus, use oí hack... l 2 Wm. Herz, palntlngetc - -h 9 Wm. G . Snow, use rlg lor Bdof Health 1 ih A. A. bemocrat.elecüon notiee - 00 The Klohmoud & BackusCo., supplies. 7 10 Walker & Co. . repairs '■ï Kegister Pub . Co. , priming cardti 3 60 Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co., street lightinii 728 S Ann Arbor T.-H. Electric Co, office lights 2 00 Washtcnmv Post, notiee ol' election. ... 1 75 Total U,06] 94 STKEET fUND. Telson Sutherkind, salary, 66 mi; Geo. F. Key, salary - 60 00 Willis Clark, labor 1 !5 Chnstian Jetter, labor 14 7") Michael Williams, labor 20 10 Andrew Zeijíler, labor 1 95 Bujrene Williams, labor -. ' 30 Jacob Kiee, labor 1 91 Michael Kenny, labor ' - 2 70 Joseph Hutzel, labor 1186 awrenee Hughs, labor 7 :!5 Michael O'Mara, labor 75 ?rank Schulz, labor 8 55 Wm. Kuehn, labor 7 35 James Nelson, labor 1 35 Michael öchauer, labor 1 95 AlbertGla8skuop, labor , 135 Charles Redke, labor ' 3 90 Gustave Walters, labor fi (KI Mward Uarnett, labor 8 70 Hiram Kittredge, teamimj 3 15 Nelson Sutherland, norse and cart, 15 25 Hichael Herey, teanung' .-. 9 20 iiram Kittredge, teaming 1 40 srael Clark, manure on c. h. lawn 18 38 Villiam Allen, teaming ti 30 ohn Manning-, snowpiowing 1 50 ilartin Nagle, do 150 lenry Marsh, do 3 00 Ohn McHugh, do 3 00 ulius Weinbers:, do 1 50 Jeorge Weeks, do 150 31ancy & Co., jrravel ü 7S 3d. Sumuer, manure 1 50 weet A: Bycraft, teamiug: 12 25 'hilip Uach, gravel 3 00 liornas Hannan, paving stones 20 00 ames Donnegan, repairs 1 40 lichigan Artificial Stone Co., for artiflcial stone walk on east side of 4th ave., in front of Goodrich Estáte property 382 66 '. L. Bodmer, lumber 1!I3 83 Total $ 885 43 BKIDGE. CL'I.VEHT AND CHO8SWA1,K FU5D.0 s. s. Brown, interscetion walks 16 90 J.P. Judson, do 12 00 Michigan Artificial Stone Co. tnterseetion walks - --' "0 Mr. Khnball, intersection wa]ks 10 80 Total % 62 20 WATER FÜND. Geo. Miller & Son., one pump on Pontiac Street 11 50 Total..!' - 1150 FIRE DEPARTMENT KUND. Fred Sipley. salary 60 00 C. A. Edwards, galary - 50 uO Henry McLaren, salary 50 0o Louis Hoelzlo, salary 50 0o Charles Carroll, salary 45 00 Max Wittlinger, salary 45 00 Frank Kapp, salary - 40 00 Alben West, salary 40 00 Herman Kim, salary 8 00 Louis Weinmann, salary 8 00 John Kenny , salary 8 00 Morgan Williams, salary 8 08 Saín McLaren, salary 8 00 Mrs.B. Reara, washing 5 00 McDowell Metal Polish Co., m't'l polish 6 00 Schuh - Muehlig, suppltes 20 D. J. Malloy, supplies 't 15 Anton Teufel. supplies _ 6 95 Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co 1 00 Eugeue B. Hall.coal 19 88 .1. É.Harkins, supplies 15 45 Wllliam Horz, supplies :(3 01 Total $ 512 54 POI.ICE WIND. James R, Munay, salary 65 00 David Collins, salary 50 00 Noble C. Tice, salary 60 00 Total $ 165 00 I'OOK FUNI). Fred Sipley, salary 10 00 Schuh eV Muehlig, saws, etc.... 2 55 Ed. Lyke.wood - 20 U Edward Duffy, groceries 2 00 C. Eberl)ach & Son. medicine 75 John (joetz, ji, groceries : :r, J. Henno, " 2 00 Koch & Henne.eoffin 10 00 Wllliam F. Lodholz, groceries fl 64 William H. Mclntyre, groceries ti :c O'Hara & Uoyle, groceriea 7 72 Hlnsej' & Seabolt, groceries 11 82 Caspar Kinsey, grocei'les il 01 Wanr& Miller,shoes 8 00 Martin P. Vogel, meat 40 Frecl Sipley, expenses oí trip to Milan forwood 2 10 Mrs Aun Evans, aid 5 00 Total t ]];. 88 KECAPITULATXON. Contingent Kuud $1,061 94 reet Pund 885 43 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Kund.. 62 211 Water Fund 11 50 l'iic l'iiud 512 64 Pólice Fimd 166 00 )or Pund 112 69 Total $2,811 30 Respeetfblly submitted. WAiiTER J.. TAYLOR, WlliLIAll IIkiíz, A. 11. KlLI.MOKK, Finalice Com. Aid. Kü.MHi ïiiovoil Ihat lliu report lic accep-beü and kdopted, and warrants ordered drawn for thé sums (stated thorein. Ackupted .'is followe: Yeas - Aids. Wlnes, Sdialrer, Martin. Ilerz, Fillmore, Snow. Ferguson, Tayloi-, O'Mara, Etehberg, Kttson ;i ji1 Prettyman.- 12. X.iys- None. OKPIXAXl i:-. The tliii-d readmg by section of "An ordlnance ïviativr to nuisancee and to jirohibit the tnatntemance oí slaught t Uouses, the slaughterigng :' animáis within th ecity limits." mi ii !i the chair having stated Mie quwstioi] to !■ "'Sli.-iil Ibis ordiöance pass V" Thereiore the yeas and and nays called, the ordinance paseed as Eollows : Yea.s - Aid?. Wlne, Schairér, Finmore, Redibeng, Taiylor, KitBon, Prettyman - '.. Xii vs - Aids. Maltin, Huiz and Sïiow BTHEKT. To the Conniion Oouncij : Your Committee on Streets, to whom referred thepetltlOB of e. K. Whltman, Charles ' . [ark, üihI moro thau Beven oihi-r treebolders of the city of Aun Arbor, prayiiiií among other thinge for the Inving out ói ;i street extendingou the Unes of Huron streel projeoted easterly trom Twelfth street to ObservatorJ streetr, respectfully iv]iort that thej tiave had the subject matter of such petición u uder consideration, and recommend that prayer of suid petición begranted and that a Street ie Inid ont froni Twelfth street to Observatory street on the line of Hurou street, projected eas(erly and aald strei called Huron Street. Your committee further reporta that the necessary deeds for said rlghtof way of eald proposed street have been acquired without cost. ftespectfully aubmitted, Chtustian Martin, L D. Wines, W. L. Tayi.hi:. H. U I'KKTTVMAN. A. I'. PKRGUSON, '. l.. SKOW, Street Committee. A11. Winee moved tliat the report be and Ui" game is hereby apjproved a.nd conflrmed. Adopted. To the Oommon CoUDCll : Ynux Committee on street. to whom wás referred petitlon of t'ranz Korzuck and otüers, prayingthat the street lyineon the east side of Jas. B Gott, Seeond Addition to the eity of Aim Arbor, be called Louise street. Your committee respeellully report that they have had the subject matter under eotislderation and would reeommeud that the said street be named and hereafter called Miner street. Respectfully submltted, ( 'HKISTIAN Mai.'TIN, I,. I). WlNES, ' w. l. ta-j lob, m. ;. Pbettyman, V. G. Snow, a. P, Feeguson, Street Committee. Aid. Klteon nior-ed that the report lic and the saine is hereby approvcd and ooniirmed. Adopted. Po the ('ommou Couueil: Vour Committee on Streeta, to hom was referred the subject oí street sins, would reipectfully report they have had the matter under eousideration, and would recommend that the Board of Public Works be reluested to submit samples and cost of wood signs (vhitewood),paiuted white with black ji:i lui . We furthei ask and reco:nmend that the Board of Public Works cause to have made a profile of grade cuts of the proposed drainage on East University avenue, and startiug it point at the intersection of East University avenue and Monroe street, west on Mouroè street to State street, south on State street to llill streeet, west on Hill street to Allens Creek, also on State street at the intarsection of State and Jefferson streets, south ou State street to Monroe street, Respectfully submitted, Chbistian Martin. L. D. WlNES, W. h. ÏAYLOK, H. G. Prettyman, a. P. Ferguso.n, w. g. Snow, Strect Conunittee. Aid. Wlues moved that the report be and the same is hereby approved and eoiifirmcd. Ad'opted. SIDEWALK COMMITTEE REi'ÖRTS. To the Coniinon Council : Yuur Committee oi Sidewalks, to wlioin was rcforrcd the severa] petítions íor sidewalks now on file, respectfully report that they have had the subject matter of said petitious under conslderatlon, and flnd that the gradlngand coustructiou of the followiug sidewalks are all necessary public Improvement8, and would respectfully recommend that the following sidewalks be ordered graded and eonstmctrd. viz : On Olivia avenue aloug the east and rest sid.'s fioni Ilill slreet to Israel street. We herewith submit a resolution ordering the sanie. Respectfully submitted. ABTlll'R ,1. KlTSOK, WlI.LIAM IlERZ, IJ. F. SCHAIIiKK. J.O'Maka. A. H. FlLLMORE, liRNEST REHBERG, Sidewalk Committee, Aid. l'rettyinau moved that the rexwt be and the same is hereby ap)io'd 'amd confirmed. Adopted. REPORTS OF CITY OPFICERS. CITY TKEASUREK'S HEPOKT FOB THE MONTH ENDING NOVEMBER 30. 189Í2. To tlie Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Balance overdrawn as per last report Í 1,805.24 MONEY IIECEIVEI). Cemeter}' Fund- Manly, lot :iS.OO Total - 25.00 $1,780.24 MilSfir DISBUR8BD. Contingent Fund 11.898.97 Street Kund 853.71) Firemen's Fund 542.68 Pólice Fund 179.00 Poor Fuud 11)7.42 Cemetery Fund 10.60 Bridge, Culvfirt and Crosswalk Fund m,88 Soldiers' Relief Fund :8.00 8,802.20 Total overdrawn 5,382 44 BALANCE ON HAND, Contingent Fund, overdrawn 3,240.26 Street Fund, overdrawn ,282.63 Firemen's Fund 5!). 84 Pólice Fund 141.78 PoorFund 1189.43 Water Fund 1,094.71 Cemetery Fund 183.67 Soldiers' Belief K88.69 University Hospital Aid Bond Fund 840.00 Delinquent Tax Fund overdrawn 1,086.27 Tax Fund 100.00 Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fund, 78,60 Total #$ 4,178.725 S9,55!l.l(i Total overdrawn f 5,382.44 Respectfully submitted, s. W. Bkakes, City Treasurer. Ann ArborCiiy, December 1, 1892. Ann aiiboh Sa vinos Bank, ) ann Akboh. Mich., Dec. 1,189:.'. j ' lli', Common Council: This certifies that the account of S. W. ïeakes, City Treasurer, is overdrawn in ie sum of Five Thousand, Two Hundred ld Ninety-two, and 8l-ioo Dollars, $5,292.81). Respeclfully, Chas. E. Hisccck, Cashier. The monthly reporte of the City Treasurer, City Clerk, Marshal, anti i Superintendent of the Poor we re re ad ! and placed on file. ÜNFIXISHKD USINESS. Aid. O'Mara moved that the vote on the resolution regarding the petition of Cbristian Ilelber be reconsidered. Adopted as follows: Veas - Aid. Schairer. Martin, lier-. Fillmore, Show, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Tayior, Prettyman. - 10. Nays- Aid. Wnies, Kitson.- 2. The chair stat ed the question, Shall this lesolution pass '} Whereupon Aid. Prettyman moved that the whole matter be referred to the Board of Pire Commissioneis with power to act, which motiou to refer was lost by yea and íiay vote as follows: Veas- Aid. Wines, Fillmore, Kitson, Prettyman- 4. Nays- Aid. Martin, Ilerz, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara. Rehberg, Taylor. - 7. Aid. Wines moved that the whole matter be laid on the table. Which motion was lost. Ad. Wines moved to adjourn, which motion was lost. Whereupon the original motion prevailed by a yeá and nay vote, as follows : Yeas - Aid Schairer, Martin, Ilerz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara. Rehberg, Taylor, Prettyman.- 9. Nays- Aid. Kitson.- 1. SlOTIONS ANI) KESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Fillmore: Resolved, That the sum of $65.00 be appropriated from the Contingent Fund to parchase a suitable file case lor the City Clerk's oflice. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid, Wines, Schairer, Martin, Ilerz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Pettyman.- 12. Nays- None. By Aid. Ferguson: Whereas, Application having been made to this Common Council by more than seven t'reehoklers, to lay out and establish a street hereinafter described, and Whereas, The right of way having been acquired therefor by deed, duly delivered, and it appearing to this Council tbat there is a public necessity tor the laying out of such proposed street, and that said proposed street is a necessary public iinprovement, therefore be it ' Resolved, and it is hereby ordered, and determined, that a public street be and the same is hereby laid out and established tour rods in width, described as follows, to-wit: From Twelfth street to Observatory street, on the line of Huron street projected easterly and parallel with the center line of Ann street, the center line of which said street to be twenty rods south of the center line of Ann street as now established. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Ilerz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymau. - 12. Navs - None. By Alderman Ferguson : Whereas, application having been made this Common Council by more thao seven freeliolders, to lay out and establish a street hereinafter described; And whereas, the right of way having been acquired therefor by deed duly delivered and it apparing to this Council that tbere is a public necessity lor the laying out of such proposed street and that said proposed street is a necessary public improvement; Therefore be it resolved, and it is hereby ordered and deterinined, that a public street be and the same is hereby laid out and established tour rods in width, described as follows, to wit: From Aun stieet to H-oron street, projected east, on the line of Thirteenth street, projected southerly in its present course and along and upon the same as originally platted. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Ilerz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Maraf Rehberg, ïaylor, Kitson, Prettyman. -11. Nays- Aid. Martin.- 1. By Aid Snow: Resolved, That J. F. Lawreuce be employed and instructed to defend the city with the City Attorney in the cases of Albers vs. The City and also Smith vs. The City. Yeas- Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Herz, Fillmore, Snow, Ferguson, O'Mara, Rehberg, Taylor, Kitson, rrettyman. - 12. Nays - None. By Aid. Wines: 'Resolved, Tbat an are electric light be placed on State street, in front of the main entrance to University hall. Referred to Lighling Committee. By Aid. Kitson: Resolved, That the grading and construction of the sidewalks hereinaftei mentioned is deerned ,and declared a necessary public improvement. Therefore, It is hereby ordered that plank sidewalks be graded, built, and constructed on and along the following streets and in front of the following property in the city of Ann Arb'or, viz: On Olivia avenue along the east and west sides, from Hill street to Israel street. That all of such sidewalks be graded, built, and constructed in the marnier, withiu the time, and of the material presciibed by the provisión of an ordinauce, entitled "an ordinance relative to sidewalks," and on the established grade. Adopted. ByAld. O'Mara: "Resolved, That the sum of $500 be appropriated from the street iuiid and expended in the grading of Huron s'.reet and Thirteenth stieet, On tluron street from Twelfth street to Observatorj stieet, and Thirteenth street from Huron street to Ann streel. Aid. Wines moved that' the resolution be referred to Street Committee VVr]]ich motion was lost as follows: Yeas - Aid. Wines, Schairer, Martin, Snow, Taylor, Kitson. - 6. Nays- Aid. Jlerz, Fillmore, Ferguson, Ö'Mara, Rehberg,' Brettyman. - 6. Aid.. Wines moveer that the resolution be referred to the Board of Public Works to níake estímate cost of _ ! ing, also to subruit a proper grade tor said streets, and wlien we adjourn we adjourn to meet in au adjourned session, next Monday, Dec. 12th. Adopted. liy Aid. Ferguson: 'Resolved. Tlmt the siTm of ($45.00) forty-tive dollars be appropriatnd trom the Bridge and Cross Walk Fnnd to build a stone erossing at the juuctiou of Detroit and Fourtli avenue. Referred to Sidewalk Comoiirtee. By Aid. Schairer: Resolved, Thai Win. Kretlow, living at Nu. lis, South Foiirth avenue, be allowed to cut down five willow trees. Adopted. Aid. Wines moved that a general report and investigation of our water supplies be made by Water Comrnittee at once and report at our next meeting. Adopted. On motion the Council adjourned. City Clerk.


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