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ANNUAL STATEMENT For the Year ending December "1, A. D. 1892, oï the CONDITION AND AFr AIRS OF THE WASHTEKAW Mutual h hma Esp;, Located at Ann Arbor, Organized under the Laws of the State of Michigan, and doing business in the County of Washtenaw. in said State. John F. Spafard, President, Wji. K. Childs, Secretary, P. O. Address of Secrètary, Auu Arbor, Mieh. ME.MBERSHIPS. 1. Number of Members Dec. 31 of previous year 2,460 2. Number of members added during the present year 199 ■i. Total 2,053 4. Deduot number of meinbers withdrawn during the year, and policies eancelled by reason of sale or otherwise. 103 5. Number of members now belongringto eompany 2,550 6. Nt't mercase 00 KISKS. 1. Auiountof property at risk i)ec. 31 of prevlous year i 4,766,070.00 2. Amount of risks added during present year 389,660.00 3. Total 5,155,730.00 4. Deduet risks canceled, withdrawn, or terminated, 205,675.00 5. Net amount dow at risk by Oompany $ 4,950,055.00 8. Netincrease .. 16985.00 RESOURCES. 1. Cash on hand 225.32 2. AsseBsments of past jear uncollected ].i.:;7 3. Nature and atii't of 11 other resources. Capital stock of the COmpany 4,950,055.00 4. Total available rosourees $ 4,950,299.69 LIABIL.1TIES. 1. For losses due and payable. . . 2.00 2. For losses resisted 430.00 3. Dne or to beeome due for borrowed money, none. 4. Nature und amount of all other claims. Stamped envelopi s, orderedjpnntinir, Balary, etc 100.00 6. TotiilLiabihties... 532.00 nrcojtE. 1. Cash oolleoted on assessincnts ieviedciuring-the year $ 4,Sia.O7 2. Cash'eolleeted on assessments ifcit.d in prior years 7, IS 3. Cashfrommembershipor poliuy lees 196.03 4. Cash fiom increased or decreased insuranee. .. 349.97 5. Cash ineome fiom all other feources, from borrowi d money, Co. notes 1,575.00 6. Total cash ineome. 6,941.22 7. Add cash balance at close year 140.02 8. Total roteiptsandineome 7,081.21 BXPSHSrcDBXS. schedcu: a. Namt of Offi 1 r or Director íu Whom Paul. 1 . W . K. Childs. Pec'y and Treas. salary $500,00 2, John t'. Spafard, Director, 2 00 j. Wm. E. SKieking, " ■ 129.25 4. E. E. JjOlsnd, ' " 9940 'i. A.T. Hughes ■ " " 7990 YÍ: Lani;f;e!l. lajg 7. H. 1 . iditor '■ 4 90 !. J . W. Uiiiir, ■■ g,, 1. P. li. liraun, " " 4( 10. Toiiil 1 i:, S.I SCHEDULE B. ■ "AU üihcr Expenses." 1. 34 losses tire and lisbtning-; 3,954.83 -.'. 5 ootes borrowed money l,57ó.UO 5. Tnterppt nn bnrrowcd inouey 44.50 ,. Incidenial account .' V. ':L s. Postage account 8U.43 i. Printing andsiationery tiM 7. Collectors' i'omim.-sion and exehanste 33.65 !. Kefunded .-sesunents ".. 'i.'M . Office rent 53.00 „ . . , 5,820.12 Schedule A forward . 1035. 80 Total expend tures $6,866.88 Add Cash on Hand, Deo. 31, 1SB2 225. 't: Total cpenditures ineluding cash on hand $7,081. :& MJSCELLANEOUS l KSTIONS 1" How mHüv assessinenis have been made during the yeai ü Answer. One. 2. What ia the amount of all the assessuienys madeduring theyear? Ans., $3,974.39 8. What s the rate per cent "f 9uch assessmenta on the property losured? Ans.,$l per ? 1 ,uuo . 4. What imrnint of losses nreallowed to accumúlate beioi-e na aseesjjment is levied? Ans. Ejoese8 of onv 3 ear. 5. What proporiionofdamapeor actual loss 9U6tainid on real property loes the cotnpaur Aqb., ïhe insuve.i amount. 6. What ji oportíon of damage 6r actual lo. ■iti;anipd en prrsonul proporty does the oompanypay? Ans., ïwo thirds. Statu ok Micií'íi p OoUHtJ cl ' V n-lil.-a.m, 1 "■ 1, v, in K. i lii';'.-. Pecretary orsiiidCoinpany. In aepo.-e and srty, that l have prepared the loregoinp siatmient, and know the eoiitt-ui thexeof. ua that Uie sid statement ia true. 'm. K. (ihlds. .Secreüiry. Bworn nd SMliscribeci hclore me. at Ann Arlici, ui -:iid Siar and Oouuty, tbls Stioond '.:iv ut JniiuaiyA . I). 1893. i'. IÍ. Man'i.v, Notr.ry Pu'lic. Washtenaw County. Mich. WANTEO. FQR SALE, ETC. OOrND'.- A Lunch ( f bejson Monroestreet The owper ui tiave same by callingat OTnlvfrsilj Mi . i'd's office' '5o-tf AN'lKD. Aent8 tosellthefastestselllng ' ut olty nu the market. Sendffi cent for .lit-.ia:" l'11..le Co., Ann Arbor. 5o-tt PIANO ÏIT.NIX6-A D. liiown. Ihe well known piano tuin'i ith C .l.Whituey, wiil be iu 1 tic city s. Kin Orders left at the arous otflctí .il receivti h: aitentiun. KENT. M tia.SP 3. State 8t. A flat of 1 ptx ifloms. Bnquire at 18 S. State St. 38tf i.nN ARUOK MUSEKY- Fruit and orna iii-utal Irees. Peach and pear a 6pecialty. Orap' ines, borry "hints, etc. Price low. hu'ul. 'iiiirhorn, tacad 1' Sprintr streef.. Fiüï SA1.K !■.. acres on West Huron Mn't't. Oixxx} house, barn, orehard. Beautiful locnttoii. tt'ill siiim easy terms. Apply to or iiddi-ess E. 1. !uv; , '.'osi Huron ?treet. Ann WIK, MlohiKxn. -y 'l'u KBNT b'nnilsaed house heated with hirnep. in rood urder. Apply to NohI (;. ButtS Koiui IS Mwsoniti Block. Fix:' A-ll you can imy jour v.ixil at wliole■ pik. I! v.ill pay you to tret priee. hcloiv 1.11 vina wihk! élsewhere. H. Hicharde. 9 Deiroii .-n ■, t. ÜDISOS PHONoGKAPHS.-DeaJers wantei " in ei ui imvn in Stute of Hiohlgan tosellit and handl,' our Lnodd. 8plendid opportunisy lor in u Knr partioulars aclilres. Tbr Nirtli Amertcau Phonograph Co., Maaonlc Temple, i hifft). 111 1-1 A yomic Attdii ey will flnda sod loeation 1 bj xddremiug a. P. Hough, Fife Lake, Mich. The Illage oouncil will payagoodannual retnmr 10 any ooe locating-. Towno'. uw). Noattorsey within 14 miles.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News