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GRANDMA says it is 20 since she made such good bread as this. She says GlLLETT'S MAGÍC YEAST is like the yeast she used to make herseif , and she hópes she will never have to do without it.again ; and we all hope so, too. Cali for it at your Grocer's. It is always good and always ready. THE BEST AND , Purest Medicine , EVER MADE. Don't be without a bottle. You { will not regret it. Try it to-day. m What makes you tremble so ? L : j Your Nebyes are all unstrung, and L 1 NEED a .gentle, soothing TONIC i' fco assist nature to repair the dama;e S tí which your escesses have caused. ij j Sulphur Bittcra h Á !S 3OT A f CKEAP f ■4 RUM OR I WMSSKY è f :í?INK I & I,,, f - -mjliff!!? ff, jji to be taken by the glass like other k L preparations which stimulate onlyto Ji 3 DESTROY. If you have FAILED 'fr ia to receive any benefit from other B medicines or doctors, do not despair. 2 Use Sulphur Bitters immediately. K, 1 In all cases of stubborn, deep seated ► jj diseases, Sulphur Bitters is the best f 3 medicine to use. Don't wait until " % to-morrow, try a bottle to-day. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ord-vray Boston, Mass. , for best medical work publisLo iCARTERSl WlTTLE y-% CURE Kek Headache and relieve all the tronbl9 incident to a bilious state of tho system, suca a3 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa aftei? eating, Pain in the Bide, kc. While theirmosfi remarcable success has been eho-wa in curinr SICK feaaaehe, yet Carter's Little Liver Pillfl aro equally valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing thisannoyingcomplaint, while theyaloo correct alldisorders oí the s tomaclitimulate tha Jiver and regúlate the bowela. Etoij ii they onlj HEAO f ACb they wonld bo almoetpriceless to ihoE9 vrha suffer f rom thiB distressing complaiut; but f ortu lUtalytheirgoodEessdoesnotondhersnJthosa who once try them vill fi nd t heso little pills valuble In o man y waya t ht they will not be wiïiias to do without them. But after allsick heivj ACHE Is the bace of so many Uves that here in whara wemakeourgreatboast. Our pilla cure jtwhila othere do not. . Cartert Little Iiver Pills ara very small and Tery eBy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They are Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or pnrge, but by tiieir gentío action please all who nsethem. Inyialsnt 25 cents ; flvefor$l. Sola by dioggiïts evetywhere, or sant by mail. 'CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRiGE GET A TICKET W, F. LODHOLZ 4 axtd Ü St'oadivay and y ou are entitled lo a choicc of the Home Instructor 01 r I.iIV t.l ÖcneraJ Sherman or the Lile ol' I'. i. fiurnum (FEKE) when cash purchaee to i he niount ol íJó has been made. THE HOME INSTRUCTOR. CABGE OCTAVO, ffl PAGES, ILLUSTRA.TÈD. A compendium of Uhetul koowetSge uecessary for lïiciiüictioalusesof every8ay ]ii;. A complete uud perfect guldeto lil'e in public aud private. THE LIFE AND DEEDS OF W. T. SHERMAN. . .'fiII'.V (HT.Wt). 568 PAQES, ILIJSTRATED. A (fiaphic narrativo of bis boy nood nd early Ufe, education. oareerin Floridaand California, nillltary achievements, life as a citizen. last slcknege and death; uith fine steel por'rnil. THE LIFE OF P. T. BARVUM. THE WORLD RENOWNED SHOWMAN. CBOWS OCTAVO ,W PAGES, ILLUSTHATEIj. Hls early life aufl gtrugfrles. bold ventures and brilliant success: bis wooderful career, hls wit, genius and eloquence, bis life as a oitizen, etc- to which is added his famous book, Tlie Art of Monea Qettino. Kipans Tabules cure dyspepsia. I'.ipans Tabules banish pain. lüpans Tabules cure scrof ula. Eipans Tabules prolong life.


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