Starting Out On A Small Scale
'" Ssivirnv "?r ■ z5 + Nearly all the rich men of to-day made their riches by investing in Real Estáte. In almost every instance they started out in life with almost nothing, or "on a small scale." Why can't you do the same thing? It is never too late to start in buying Real Estáte. We have some very choice lots left in our Subdivisions, which we are prepared to sell on very easy terms. Write for plats. (Plats explain everything) . We also have houses and lots, vacant lots and aereage in all parts of the city. Get our prices. We "ftant men in every town and city in Michigan to handle our property. Write for an agency. WRITE FOR MAP OF CITY. E. C, V HU HllSilll, Corre8pondence solieited. 219 Hammond Building, RefereDces: Any Detroit Bank. Please inention thia paper . DETROIT, MICH
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News