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Here's the Idea Of the Non-pull-out Bow The great watch saver. Saves the watch from thieves and falls - cannot be pulled off the case - costs nothing extra. f f The bow has a groove I r'f, ) 11 on each end. A collar }jy ) I runs down insidc the V ir ■ Jl pendant (stem) and JQjJ rïL "tB into "e erooves, LpJ firmly locking the flZJ. bow to the pendant, y-. so that it cannot be -rr-rSON pulled or twiited off. Can only be had with cases tSMfe stamped with this trade mark. Jp Jas. Boss Filled Watch Cases are now fitted with this great bow (ring). They look and wear like solid gold cases. Cost only about half as much, and are guaranteed for twenty years. Sold only through watch dealers Remember the name Keystone Watch Case Co., PHILADELPHIA. Unlike tne Dutch Process tNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of W. Baker Ko.'s Breakfast Gocoa, which is absolutely pure and soluble. It has more ihan three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is f ar more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, ncmrishing, and easily DIGESTED. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. Baker & Co.,Dorch9Ster,Mass. ftf% The RoGker Washer _fi I liar, jroved the most satisfactory ;h2Ï&?r an' shcr ever placed upon ifte&i ihe It s warranted to iKöfipl wast) .in ordinary family washing aSg ÏOOPIECESINOKK gFSu iïOl'K. as clean os can bo & wnhad on the washboard. Writ ' for prices and full description. . ROCKER WASHER, CO. C" Liberal mducements to Uve agenta. wm fös m Sealcd proposHle for 75 to 100 cords of hard wood, lour fcet long, sawed ende, j'oiing, g-reen, body or straight, hickory. hnrd inaple aud eecond srrowth white or yellow uplar.d oak, in quaiititiep of not It-es than ten cords, and 20 to 25 cords of basswood, good quality, will be reccived by tho uudersig-ned.iuitil the iSl.stday of Deceuiber, 1892. inclusive up to U p. m. The wood to be delivered in the next thirty days at'ter awiirdinif the contract, at the different school houses, in sueh quantities as directed. The right to rejcot any and all otters is reserved. b. GKÜNER. Treasurer, No. 8. a. Main St IBbbarcPs Bheumatic and Liver Puls. These pills are sclentifically compounded and tmiform In action. No griping pain commomly following the ■use of pills. They are adapted to both adulta and ehildren wlth safety. We guarantee that they have no equal In the cure of Sick Headache, Constipation, Dyspepsia and Biliousness; and, as an appetizer, they excel any other preparation. For sale by John Moore. B UCKLEN'SA BN1 CA SA L VE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bniises, Sores, Ulsers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, ■Chilblains,Corns,and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles ,or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monpy rcfunded. Price, 25 ecnts per box. For sale by Eberbach & Son, Anri Arbor, and GeoHaussler, Manchester. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ARGUS. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ARGUS. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ARGUS. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ARGUS. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ARGUS. And now is tüe timo to subswibe. And now is tJie tinie to subscxibe. And now is the time to sabscribe. And now is the time to suíbscribe. And now is tlxe time to sulbscribe.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News