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Classified Ad: Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery

Classified Ad: Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery image
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f?-. , LS, A nc nutn can "ï- i- f - '- fjSg be made, out of . 2ít il oue 'ia s " usd X ,r?N dfíf 0 UP'" bilious and firKi j& dyspeptic. It's 7 " ItS'iJeM done by Dr. f I-V Xsn? Pierce's Golden XLJ-- i Medical Disco v_ U'saijx ery. It starts the lp íSÍjTÍ torpid liver into ' ' -= - ■ healthful action, purifies and eni-iches the blood, cleanses, repairs, and strsngthens the system, and restores health and vigor. As an appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets at ivork all the prt cesses of digestión and nutrition, and builAs up flesh and strength. It"s the only Blood and Liver Reraedy that's guaranteed, in every case, to benefit or cure. If it doesn't do all that's claimed for it, the money is promptly refunded. But it keeps its promses - that's the reason it can bo sold in this way. Y ou only pay for the goodyou get. "Discovery" strengthens Weak Lungs, and cures Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Broiïchitis, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections. Don't be fooled into taking something else, said to be "just as good," that the dealer may make a larger proflt. There's nothing at all like the " Discovery."