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Twenty-fifth Annual Statement

Twenty-fifth Annual Statement image
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Man mutual Life Insurance co. OF DETROIT. íVIICH. For the Year Ending December 3!st, 1892. REVENUE ACCOUNT. Received for Premiums, ------ $1,036,507 70 Received for Jntei est. - 193,202 87 Total Income, - $1,229,710 U3 Disbursements for Death Claim?, Dividends, Matured Iusurauce, Surrender Values, and all Expenses, - - 708,100 35 Balance to Investment Account, $ 461.6')5 28 ASSET ACCOUNT. Cash in Dank, - - - - - - . $ 156,024 33 First Mortgage Liens oti líeal Estáte, - - - 2.605,565 92 Real Estáte, inclmliog Iíome Office Building, - . . 331,9fS6 65 Loansto Policy Holders securud hy Inerves, - - - 356, (i 11 65 Agents' Balances, ------- o,814 10 Bills Rereivable, ------- 37,011 68 Bonds, and Collaterals, ------ 37,823 75 Interest and Ke:.t accrued, ------ 59,254 47 Inlerest íind R 11 s 1 r.e. - - ... 34,99715 OutstandinïT Premiums, secured by Reserve Fund (20 per cent. loadiug dedncted), - - - - - 318,427 64 Deferred Premiums, secured b}r Reserve Fund (20 per cent. loading deducted), ----- 41,54407 Totu. Assets .... $4,047,241 41 LIABILITIES. Amount of Reerve Fund, American Table (i% per cent.) - $3,526,098 67 Deposits of Policy Holders, ----- 3,727 61 Death Claims uot due, -...-- 19,850 45 Surplus, --.-.-. 496,964 68 Total. - - $4,047,241 41 !w Risk iwumed in 1892, ..... $ 8,:{I9,767 21 Increfine oí NPtH, -...--.- 57K,5I4 43 Iiii-reaMC of Surplus, ....... 33,64588 Ilnrlrtcr tlie year 1 s2 tbl oiiipniiy lomipfl to I'olicy-Hiililcr over $50,000 00 upan Kiiilimniniil PoliricH asftimied to It ax eourlty, tbe Keserve in eacb caae beiug iu excens of the Loan made. Xbe total amonnt paid to Policy-Holder by tilia Company to date i, --------- $1,231,059 90 H. F. FREDE, Sec'y. 0. R. LOOKER. Pres't. G. W. SANDERS, Actuary. S. R. MUMFORD.'lst V.ce-Pres't Gen. W. F. RAYNOLDS, Consulting Actuary. J. W. DUSENBURY, 2nd Vice-Pres't


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