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Dissolution of Firm And Sacrifice Sale of Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS! At the Old Reliable Store of BACH, ABEL & CO. In order to withdraw the interest from our firm and close the Estate of the late Eugene B. Abel, we are making the lowest prices on First Class Dry Goods ever known in Ann Arbor. Every Department is full, and the goods must be sold. Every Article reduced in price to the very lowest point, and our large sales during the past ten days testify the appreciation of the people of our closing up sale. Come at once that you may get the first choice, and you will get the best value for your money.i No reserves for they must all go. PHILIP BACH, ZACHARY ROATH, Surviving Partners of Bach. Abel & Co. , I OLÍ) RELIME DEY GOODS HOUSE. WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. NÜTIL'K - All unión miV arehevebj warnerl against aeeepting employment in the Heelster book aud job rooms until that conipany pays the wages recognized by all the other offices in the city. By order of Ann Arbor Typographical Union. Ño. 154. WANTED.- Agents to sellthefastestselling Novelty ou the market. Send25 cent for sample. Jig-Jag Puzzle Co , Ann Arbor. 5o-tf PIANO TUNING.- A. D. Brown, the we known piano tunor with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders lelt at the Auocs office will receive his attention. T O KENT.- At No. 20 S. State 8t. A Hat of six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 38tf ANN AKBOR NUKSERY- Fruit and ornamental treee. Peach and pear a epecialty. Grape vines, berry plants, etc. Price low. Jacob Gauzhorn, head of Spring street. FOR SALE- Five acres on West Huron street. Goooi house, ham, orchard. Beautiful locatiou. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. üavis, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Ttl' fpO RENT.- Furnished house beated witb .1 funmue, in good order. Apply to Noah G. Butts, RK)m 18, Masonic Block. FOR CASH yon can buy your wood at wholesale prico. 1 1 will pay you to get prices before buying wood elsewhere. H. Richard? 9 Detroit street. FARM FOR SALE.- Farm for sale near Ann Arbor. Will scll very cheap, or will tnke a smal) farm or house and lot as part pay. For particulars address Box 1254, Ann Arbor. -'11 F A KM FOK SALE A farm oí HO aerea Cor sale in Pittsfleld. Address to Albert Nordman for particulars. WANTED- Ladies to do writing at home. Will pay $18 to $20 per week. Seud selfaddressea, stamped envelope for reply. 7-12 Address, Mme. Wright, Mishawaka, Ind. 1