Classified Ads

OTATE OF MICHIGAN, BANK lJ UoiMirtmcDt, Offioeof theCommissiom'r. Whereas, Bj satisfaotoryevidence presented to Ihe uDderslgned, 't has been made to appear that the State -a intrs Bank of Aun Arbor, iu The Ciiy of Aun Ai bor íq the County of Washtenaw. State of .Michigan, has coniplieU with all the provisloos ot' the General Banking Law 01 the State of Michigan, requircd to be oomp]icd with belme a corporation shall be authorized lo commciief the business oí' BankiDg Now therefore, I, Theoiiore C. Sherwood. Cnuimissioiu-r Of the State Banking l)epartment. do herety certit'y that the State SavingtBank of Ano Artor. In the City of Ann Arbor, iu theCountj of Washtenaw and Stateol Mlohijmn, íh üUf hori.oi to commenoe the Business of itanlriDgr, as provided i ti Seetion Seven (T) Oí the (ii'iieral Uiinkins: Law of the State of M H'h .Lililí. Ín lestímony whereof, witness niy hand and sealof offloeat Laastng, this eighteenth da] of November, IKí. No. 144. THKOHOHEC. SHERWOOD. Commisstoner of tlie Uankins Department. Commissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY ol WnsbU-ww, l'he undersigned harine been :ippoin!i ii by tlie 'P robu te Court for said Conni, fon n.í-.-HuitT to receive, examine and adjusi;i c!inis nnd demanda of all person agaiitst th? óslate uí VAlcn Mead . lateo! í;iid winty.deoeHed, herebjgive notice tbai six ui dale are nllowed,by orderof eaid Prut, i Mr Gourt,íoj[ credUorsto present their clainu against ett {■ i i det'ca-ed, and that ther will meel a lli r.ffl of P. McKernnn, it i ot Aun AiVr iu said county, ou tbe i 3th la j ol J h y. and on the 141 U d:iy cï Vvnst 'itxt, at ten o'clock A. M. of e:iil] w - . ii -., to receive, examine and adiut Jtd eljiims. . Iate(:, Fbbrnan Kilb, 1821 PATRICK McKKHXAN', A HKOSB KÜAKNEY, Commiasioner - milten 3SNOT PHDCn but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwiR rito instnntit'ltv!. 25c and 50c 8IZ68. Sumpls; mailed íree Attïrufï.'iistoor msiledon receipt of price bjThe Poerlwoa :tomody Co., Goblevüle, Slioh,