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Marshall P. Wilder

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The Xew York Graphic has tlie followiiig to say about Marshall P. Wilder, who will speak under the auspices of the Students' Lectore Assoekition on March 4: "Marshall P. Wilder has, of late years, won for himself a unique place in public estimation. Perhaps it would be more correct to say that lm has created for himself an indlviduality in society that is as marked and peculiar as it is pleasant and mirth inspiring What nature denies Mm in statute and manly beauty, she has lavishly made up in the marvellous brightness that she has shed around his mental life Quaint and diminutive of iigure, with a face that in repose gives no indication of the laughter-loving spirit that animates him, Mr. Wilder would pass for a kindly natured little gentleman whose specialty in this world was the quiet enjoyment of the good things in t. But the heart he carnes within lim is f uil to overiiowing with the brightness of life, and he spreads around the sunshiue that lightens and blesses his own existence. He is twenty-eight" years oíd, and he might be but eighteeñ for all that the Hg world would know from his looks. He will always be young and he will ilways be funny. He not only saya lunny things, but he acts them and he snjoys the f un himself. He was bom 30 and he cannot help it, and the world will always rejoice that he cannot, for he world has gone on laughing more ind more the better that Mr. Wilder svas known .


Ann Arbor Argus
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