C. Eberbach & Sons, Agents
THE ELIXIR OFJTOUTH! Ic I fn IlfAnfh I niïnn9 #% """ nul LH blVlIlU Í. íSÍiPt í%M wf ' ' TffiV Itisnotlf yonarenot ia possesslon of the fall ÉSFKNÜ3C,félvlt A Positive, speedy, safe and reliable sclentific ËSiïfmWM7zliÊiïf(WkXiïelÈfyiz& compuund, manufactured ouly ty killed chemrn.;-5 í(i( BlSKiÉÜftïvK 'slK' lrom llieprescnpuon oía Germán physiciai: jMmWBH Ak 'W!tiHrH8WPir A lü ííll guaran tee tuis Elixir torestore the vltallty ■HBwBTWjflHBaijWlinill jllJul "' yutl1 to thüse who are suKcnng l'rorti the ?qPB"TOBHt E BjgtgTOMlwfyWjíffffl inisesBocominon in this age. It is a positive Qw"ylcyHKtgiTli'ifei'' cure for Spermatorrbea, Loss of Power Nibt jysg-ïafin__ -LLli Jjinissions and all Seminal Weakness. We pub' "-l"s--ï 'ï- = lish nonaines, but have on file sworn testimonialHof thewonderful results produced by i nis elixir, whicu we are autiiorlzed to show ou application of anyone requlring such a medicine. BE A MAN ACAIN. We charge no exhorbitant price, nor do we oflTer you a quack nostrum.but a legitímate and scientlflc preparation, which will surely do all we claim for it. The Elixir is put up in 4 oz. bottles, and retaitsíoríl.OO, orttfor $5.00. This valuable remedy will be found on sala by all leading druegi.sts. Each druggist has on flle sworn testimonialsof the wouderful corea produoed by this Elixir, and the proprietors confldeutly refer all tn need of It to them. The Germán Hospital .Remedy Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. For Sale by all Drnecists.
Ann Arbor Argus
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