Democratic State Convention
The Demoerats of Michigan will meet in state eonvention at the Auditorium, in the City of Deuoit. on Tuesday, Februnry 28, at 12 o'clock noon, tor the purpose of nominating one eandidate for Assoeiate Justice ot' the Supremo Court tor Mlchiiran, and two eandiilittos t'or regents of the university, and the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the convention. Each eounty in the state will be entitlpd to one delégate for eachSQQ TOtes cast lor Govornor at tlie last general election and oue additional delégate tor a fraction of not less than -ViO votes, Bot no county shall haye less thau two deleratesin theconreniion. Ui. der the rule long adhered to. all delegates must be residents of tlie counties which thcy represent In the 'eou vention. The ilelorates f rom each congressional district will meet in cauoua at w o'clock a. m., on The day of the eonvention, at quartera to be hereafter designated by the central commitmittee, to reeommend persous for service in the organization of the convention, Each district is entitled to one viee-president of the convention and one member each of the committees on credentials, permanent organization and order of business and resolutions. All electors who are in syrapathy with the principies expressed in the party declarations, who have voted in the past with the Democratie party, who flnd themselves desirous of associatingwith it ín the future and who sympathize with its principies, although not heretofore identified with its party name, are cordiallv invited to particípate in the caucuses lor the election of delegates to this convention. Daniel J. Campau, Chairman, Frank H. Hosford, Seeretary. Underthis cali Washtenaw is entitled to twenty-one delegates.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News