Annual Meeting S. C. A.
The opening event of the celebration of the thirty-fifth anniversary of the organization of the Students' Christian Association occurred Saturday evening, a reception being tendered Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer at Newberry Hall. THE SL'N'DAY EXERCISES. The second feature in this celebration occurred at 9:15 Sunday morning, which provecí to be an interesting meeting. Professor Barbour, of Ypsilanti, president of the associatiornin 1878, gave a description of the work. at that time and of the earnestness and spiritual greatness of sqme of his fellow-students, warruly commending them, the Association, and the University, for what they had done for him. Dr. D'Ooge told how the S. C. A. "had come to be organized, of chapel exereises in 1857, at which attendance was compulsory, and gave reminiscences of the first president of the S. C. A., Mr. Little, of Dr. Ford and Daniel Kloss. The annual meeting of the S. C.' A. at University hall Sunday evening proved to be very interesting. About eighteen hundred people were present. The service was opened by the rendition of one of the choruses from St. Paul by the Choral Union. This was followed by scripture reading and prayer, when the Union sang "Happy and Blessed are They," giving it such fine shading and perfect expression as to make it exceptionally pleasing. Dr. Angelí spoke of the Association being the first of its kind in the world, of its moulding constitution so as to admit women when the University was made coeducational, and introduced one of the tirst women to enter it, one whose career lias been brilliant, useful, varied, Mrs. Alice Freeman Palmer. Mrs. Palmer is a woman of fine appearance and easy in address, having no trouble in filling the hall and retaining the attention of her audience. She gave a sketch of work and benefits of the society, saying that "a book written twentyfive years ago had beoome an old edition, but thirty-five years of prayer and help by the S. C. A. had only brq.ught it to its beginning and that many hearts gave God thanks that the fire had been kept burning on the altars of the S. C. A. through nine generations of students." "In the past thirty-five yearsideals have changed, college ideáis have changed, colleges, such asare known today, did not then exist, for in that time men and women have poured out their millions at the feet of boys and girls. " The business of the university is to train leaders, the business of the S. C. A. is to train spiritual leaders. Mrs. Palmer drew vivid pictures of needy women and children wbo are in want of aid of enlightened men and women. in want of the assistance their views of social matters and economics can bring, and urges that in the present time, in all time to come, the members of the Students' Christian Association wil] "reach out warm hands and hold open doors to young men and women, of whatever belief, who eagerly seek righteousness." The doxology, followed by a chorus from St. Paul was sung. Rev. Mr. Bradshaw pronounced the benediction, and the service closed with an evening hymn by the union.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News