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Once More FOK THE LAST TIME, WE CALL YOUB ATTENTIOtf TO CLOAKS. HANDSOME STYLISH GAEMENÏS. EVERYONE OF THIS SEASON'S STYLES, WORTH ÜP TO $10 EACH. 81 Êk F0R YOUR U CIIOICE H lP THIS WEEK. 1,000 Handsome Windsor in JTies, entire Jine of a manuluc o fac(;urers samples, worth 15Ci2:9ñc each. 12c for clloice Sliades No. 9 Moire Ribbons, worth 20c. 15c or '10ice Shades No. 12 Moire Ribbons, worth 25c. ITOW ON SALE ! ELEGANT EFFECTS IN THE VERY LATEST NOVELTIES IX SPRING DRESSGOODS OUR DRESS GOODS ' MENT IS KNOWN AS THE BEST IN ANN ARBOR. THIS , SEASON WILLENHANCE ITS REPUTATION AND GAIN FOR IT NEW CUSTOMERS. 2O MAIN. A Shiijiijg Light. Í fS r [f S % T T . S2 " 'MM" (lul over tlioftvk businPSP seas is Chat cast e verj (li cttion by ipripht dealing. We pride ourse ves on a reputatlon to far rcaching: and sn bonoraMy run. üoofysar': Dng Store. GRAND OPERA HOUSE MONBAYFEB.27,'93 TbeHitofttae Seaxno. The Realtetic, Kural, oinclv Drama. OLD FARMER STEBBINS Pcrt'eï'ily RffreEtpate(1 Uy a Couipany of Artists, aocompsnled by their öl'PEHli BAND HDdOKCHKSTKA and the orKnal and only HAirSESD QÜAKTBTTB. 2O - PEOPLE Watohfor th Parade of the Fartuei V Baud, kmwii aa tíio Fkrincr Stebbins TootorsPrices - 35, 50 and 75a. Secure Beats at Wutts' Jewelry Store.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News