EBERBACH & SON. DBuaaisTs AND PHARMACISTS, No.12 South Main Street DEALEKS IN Drugfs, Medicines, Oliemicals, Dye Stixfls, Artist's and Wax Flower Matenala Toilet Articles, Trusses, Etc. PDReWH&LIQIlORS Special attcntion paid to tne fnrniphinsr of Physicians, Chemists, Schools, etc, with philosophicaJ and Chemical Apiiratus, Bohemian Chemical élassware, Porcelain Ware, Pure "Rcaents, itc, Physicians' Prescripüons Carenilly Prepured at AÜ hours. THE; EQUITABLE Life Assurance Society. OF THE UNITED STATES. Henry B. Hyde, President. James W. Alexander, Vice-Pres't. JANUARY 1. 1892. ASSETS $136,198,518 Liabilities lOtMM).?? SURPLUS $2,22,81 1NCOME $39,054,944 New Business ?{ n ïii written in 1891. -,118,331 AtoaLLnCe 1 804,894.557 investment Bonds, Endowment Policies, Ordinary Life Policies, Issued on the lives of both male and iemale and payable to the assured in 10, 15, or20 years. Ay person who wil] send the date of his birth will be given an illustration precisely adapted to his own age ■ná circumstances. W, R. PRICE, Agent. Ann Arbou, Míen. i ff i: o i w I All E-u L I 5 Ib t I ? 5 .Ii ö I s1 Ü 11 O i .i fe i! S g 6 ! 1 tï m ( I g II g y s? o E P w I ■
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