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ICARTER'SI CURE Bici Headacheand relieve all the troubles tocfr dent to a bilious state of tha system, Buch aa Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the 8ide, &a. While their mos6 xemarkable success has been shown in caririg , S1CK Headache. yet Carter Little Llver PfflS ara equally valuable in Conetipation, curing and pre Tenting thia annoying coniplaint,while they also correct all disordera of thestcmachtímula te tha Iiver and regúlate the bowela. Even il" they onlj HEAO 'AcbitheywouldbealmostpricelesstothosewnO BTifYer f rom this distressing complaint; but f ortu Eatelytheirgoodnessdoesnotendhere,andthosa Trhooncetry themwill flnd these little pilla Tal uable in bo many ways that they will not ba willing to do without them. But after alleiok head ACHE ilsthe bane of so many livea that here Is whera wemakeour great boast. Our pilla cura it whila ethers do not. Carter'a Little Liver Pilis are very stnall and very easy to take. One or two pilla make a dose. They are Btrictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action pleaee all who use them. Imrialsat25centB; fivefor$l. Sold by druggiats ererywliere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PiLL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Fage WovenWire Fencc iLfi r r ■ r- rJJTl _i; [.[ rt ';.!'. ' ' Ztj - . ■ i i - v - t - i - ,- ii -- i - .- ri -. - i - i - t - i - i. ..... --ïz] A Smooth Fence that Will Turn Any Kind of Stock : ' The Best and Cheapest FeDce for the Farm. Made in bizes from 24 to 58 inches high, either galvanized or painted. Cali and Examine It .Andyou will buy noother. M. Staebler, Aun Arbor. FEEBERÏCK KR AU SE AUCTIONEER. Will attend to all sales on short notice at reasonable charles. For iurther particulais cali at the ABGUSOfBce [paus Tabules prolong life. Kipans Tabules cure scrofula. Kipans Tabules cure d.yspepsia. ftipans Tabules : pleasant laxative. Kipans Tabules : a standard remedy Kipans Tabules aie oí great valué.


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