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Local Brevities

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The Presbyterian ladies held a tea social last evening. Passesou the Ypsilanti motor line have been abolished. The Maccabees are still increasing in mimbers in this city. The registration notices will be found in another column. The Savings bank is at wörk making improvements in their quarters. The oíd Krause tannery has been sold to the Union Shade Pull Company. The season tickets to the chamber concerts admit to the faculty concerts. There were 30,143 bushels of wheat sold tothe milis of this county in February. A hundred and fïfty chidren take part in Granger's fancy dress carnival, Vpril 8 . __ Turnkey Patrick McCabe has been )resented with a gold badge by his riends. Representative and Mis. Gorman eft Washington for home Wednesday evening. ■ The Young Men's Building Associaion of the Bethlehem church has 115 members. Views of the high school chapel have een taken for exhibition at the World 's Fair. The March termof court was quickly nded, all the cases being put off until f ter election. Mrs. J. L. Babcock is now the sweet lto singer in the quartette of the 'resbyterian church. Anumberof high school students xpect to receive places as guides durng the World's Fair. Eggs are fast coming down to a price ,hat ïnakes them eatable, but ham - rhew! 20 cents a pound. A large gang of men are putting own steel rails on the Michigan Cenral through this county. The annual conventions of the Sunay schools oí the county will be held n Ann Arbor, Maren 21 and 22. Fred S. Alley and Miss Ida M. Smith of Dexter, were married, March 4, at the residence of the bride's parents. A memorial service for lïev. Dr. Studley will be held in the M.E. church it half-past three, Sunday afternoon. Arbor tent, No. 296, K. O. T. M., will hold a social and dance, ïhursday svening, at their hall, for Maccabees ïnily. A black Minorea hen belonging to L. C. Rodman, of Dexter, laid an egg this week 6by7inches in circumfersnee. The tea and social at the Presbyterian church, last evening, was largely attended and full of smiles and social rihats. Rev. Di1. Steel gives the animal address before the young pe.ople's society at the Presbyterian church, next Sunday evening. Clarence W. Case and Nathaniel Schmid will again cross swords in the contest for president of Manchester, next Monday. Fred Iloelzle is busy making preparations forhis new meat uiarket on the corner of Washington street and Fourth avenue. The Charitable Union again solicits contributions ol' second-hand elothing and of bedding, the supply on hand being nearly exhausted. The secoud chamber concert will be given March 14. in Newberry hall, by Edward Baxter Perry, pianist, and Frederick Miils, violinist. Mr. and Mis. Wm. Norgate, living four miles south of the city, were gi ven a pleasant surprise by about flfty friends, last Thnrsday night. Mrs. Snnderland will speak at the Unitarian church next Sunday momIng on "Heredity froiu God." In the ! evening Mr. Snnderland will give the fouL'tli iecture in hiá series on Llie ]abor Problem. Subjept: "The Single Tax." Rev. Dr. Steele, of Detroit, delivers the annual address before the Young People's society of the, Presbyterian church, next Sunday evening. The supply kitchen at Harris hall is drawing a great deal of custom, Saturdays. Their supplies are elegant and their hinches are worth bragging of. The tliaw this week damaged our streets greatly, and it will take over a $1,000 to put the streets in as good condition as they were before the thaw. Street Commissioner Sutherland and a large gang of men have been at work cuttine; the ice in the street gutters, for the purpose of saving the streets. Bishop Dudley delivers the third of the Baldwin lectures in Harria Hall, Saturday evening at eight o'clock, on the subject: The Church is Apostolic. Charles Fusch, a runaway boy trom Detroit, was before .Tustice Pond, Wednesday, for stealing rides the Michigan Central. He was fined $5 and costs. Bishop Dudley will speak at the young people's vesper service in St. Andrew's church, Sunday evening, on the Relation of Ohristians to the Church. i_ Ben Collins, the colored porter of the Havvkins house, Ypsilanti, is serving sixty-five days in the Detroit House of Correction for stealing $8 from an overcoat. Edward Syke lost a valuable colt near the Central depot, Wednesday. It became frightened, and so twisted a leg by catching it in a wheel that it liad to be killed. At the Unity Club, Monday evening, March 13, Ttev. Caroline J. liartlett, of Kalainasoo, will lectnre on " A Pilgrimage to the Homes of Shakespeare and George Éliot." Inauguration rtay was celebrated in Ann Arbor by the uring of anvils. Thirteen shots were íired as a salute to the president, twenty-one to the tiag, and one for Baby Ruth. George Spathelf, of the fifth ward, had three hogs drowned last evening. The water was three feet deep in his yard. The water was four or flve feet deep in all the cellars on Wall street. On account of a great press of advertising au extra two pages of the Argus was found absolutely necessary after the last form liad gone to press, so that our "make up" is not to be bragged of thi.s week. Mrs. J. L. Babcock, of JSTorth División street has temporarily taken Miss Anderson's place and will sing during her absence in the Prcsbyterian church choir. She will singa solo next Sundiiy morning. ïownship boards will iind the Argns office the best place to get their election tickets printed this spring. We have the most complete equipment för the work in the county and the tickets will be printed accurateiy and quickly. It eost Manchester village 82,859.94 to run its village government during the year ending March 1. Of this amount 8671.11 was spentin improying the streets. ïhe village received $1,732.50 liquor tax and lias a balance on hand of $690.61. Godfrey's dellvery wagon horee, driven by Frank Garlinghouse, ranaway, Wednesday, on State street, throwing Garlinghouse out by colliding vvith Brown & Gady's wagon. Both wagon and borses tlien took a lively run down State street. The populists nominated E. D. Kinne for circuit judge, yesterday, and J. Morton Oalkins for school commissioner. They expressed theirdetermiaation to walk in the middle of the road, saying that the Bepublicans oould walk with theno il' they wanted to. A new cylinder press i.s on the road Iroin phicago lor the Argiis job rooms, to enahle the office to turn out a larger volume ut' woik, andto doitinquicker time. We have also a line assortment o!' the bttcst styles of type just received and are prepared to tuni out as line work as can be found in the state. A reception will be given on Satürda-y eveuing, March II, from s to 11 o"clock, at tlie residence of Dr. Brown, 83 Kast Huron street, in lionor of Rev. and Mrs. Tedrow, of. the Engllsh Lu. theran ehurch. A cordial invitation is extended to all inteiested. It is especially desired that all pastors and tneir wives be present. Dr. Carrow lectures ou ''Medicine Among the Chinese," before the In land League, Wednesday evening. Dexter had a close charter election, Monday, resulting as follows: President, W. C. Clark, recorder, John W. Barley: treasurer, O. C. Gregory; trustees, O. C. Bostwick, D. E. Waite, and B. F. Arksey; assessors, John L. Smith and Garrett Gall. The majorities ranged from two to five, the entire citi.ens ticket being elected. Bishop Thomas U. Dudley will discuss the Negro Problem in St. Andrew's ehurch, next Sunday morning. Bishop Dudley is the president of the Colored Commission of the Episcopal ehurch and has devoted years to the study of the questiou of which he will speak. There are probably few men in the country better posted on the subject and its hearings than the eloquent bishop. The college alumnae, resident in Ann Arbor, have arranged to have Prof. Lncy M. Salmón, of Vassar, give her course of five lectures on Domestic Economy for the beneiit of the Wouaan's Gymnasium fund. The first lecture will be given March 18, and the others during the following week, at times to be announced later. The cmirse tickets are now on sale at the usual places, at the low price of 75 cents; single tickets, 25 cents.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News