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WANTED, FOR SALE, ETC. ANN A.KBOK NURSEKY- Fruit ana oí mental treos. Poach aud pear a specialty Grapo vines, berry plajnts, eto. Price low Jacob Gauzliorn, hoad of Spring street. FARM FOK SALE.-Eighty acres. Gooü house and baru and orchard; 1,000 peach trees, 5ÜU plura trees. 30u pear treos and currante. Wind-imll. For sale choap. Fouruml a hall' miles southwest oi' Y.psllanti. Jl '00 down; the rest on timo. Emily B. WUkinson Ypsilunti, Mich. BOX.3H. 10-12 FARM FOK SALE.- Farm lor sale noar Aun Arbor. Will sell very etaeap, or will take a smal) farm or house and lot as part pay. Por particulars address Box 1254, Ann Arbor. 2-tf FASHIONABLE done at 36 S Thayer street. ANNA L. MCCllOW. FOR SALE,- A new house in good looatioo six blocks from campus and onebloekirom street car l:ne. havinic nine rooms; nath-roour gooA f urnace; mantel; iueide ünished in oak' and hard pine. Inquire of F. H. Belser, Farmers' and Mrnhanics' Bank. FOR SALE- Flre acres on West Hurou streot. Goood house, barn, orchard. Beautiful location. Will soll on easy terms. Apply to or nddress E. D. Davis, West Huron street Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf OR SALE OK RENT.- New house, fine lo catión, on strooit car line; 14 rooms, turnace, bath, hot and cold water, ras, mantel etc. Five vacant lots for sale. D. A. Pray, office of J. F. Luwrcnce. ;w FOR SALE.- Span of fine drauirht horsos for aale. Weightabout 2.700 pounds. Enuuh-o of O. H. Clark, M. D., 47 E. Ann St-, Ann Arbor. FOR SALE- 8x10 rods, includtng doublé house, on the north-west corner of Aun street aud Fifth avenue, tnquireof Jas. k. Bach, 10-12 16 Huron street. TV] URSERY STOCK.- Now is the time to put iy in your order for Grape Vines and otter nursery stook. W . F. Bird, West Huron st. PARTIES haviní? property for sale or exchancre should list the same wlth Jas. H. Bach, 16 Huron street. PIANO TÜNING.-A. D. Brown, the well known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Arods office will receive his attention. STRAYED.- A larg-e black dog came to my residence se veral days ago . O wner inquire at No. 10 North Fourth Street. TO RENT.- At No. 20 S. State St. A flat of six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tf TO RENT.- Furnished house heated witb furnace, in R-ood order, Apply to Nonh G. Butts, Room 18, Masonic Block. TO RENT.- Twcnty-flve acres of the farm known as the Eber White tarm. Enquire at J. Q. A. Sessions office or Mrs. A. StewardV 52 East Liberty St., Ann Arbor. 10-12 rpo RENT.- Unfurnished rooms at 17 Eliza-l beth St. to iet, Suitablo for light housekeepins. WANTED.- Ag-ents to sell the fastest sellinf; Novelty on the market. 8end25 centa for sample. Jig-Jag Puzzle Co, Ann Arbor. 5o-ti WANTED. - A middle-ac-ed lady for light, permanent work. Í1.25 per day for flrst six months. Address for three days to J. B. D . & Co. , Argus Ofnce. WANTED- Ladies to do writing at home Will oay $18 to $20 per week. Send self - addre8sed, stampod envelope for reply, T-12 Address, Mme. Wright, Mishawaka, Ind. GRAND OPERA HOUCÉ ONE NICHT ONLY. Wednesday, March 15. IE. CHARLES i FUUT! Latest Comedy Success "GLORIANA" "A JOY FOREVER." PRE8ENTED BY THE mam ? cqmedy ?s mm IN AMERICAAS SEEN FOR 150 MG HTS IN NEW YORK! 100 NIGHTS IN BOSTON ! 50 NIGHTS IN CHICAGO! i Au Unparalled Instantaneous Hit. Prices: ■ 50, 75 and $1.00. Seats on Sale at Watts' Jewelrv Store. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONIt" Thursday, March 16. The Big New York Success. 175 Nights at the 14th Street Theater. The greatest Military Comedy Drama ever written. A FÜ REBEL Special Scenery Inoluding the nous libby mm A revolving set of the greatest stage eflects. finn The wonderful Telegraph Scène. V H H Tnethrilliug escape from Libby prisoii i Mini The famous court martial scène. UUU The Great (Jast. A Car Load of Special Scenery. Prices - 35, 50 and 75. Secure Seats at Watts' Jewelry Store. Estáte of Henry C. Hitchcock. i OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF ' WaBhtenaw, s, At a session of tbc Probat Court for the County of Wasütenaw, holden at the Probate Office in ihe City ol' Ann Arbor, on Sat ■ urdny, thefourtlidayot Siarch, in the yenr odü thousand eiarht hundred and ninety-thrae, Present, J.Wiilard Bnbbitt, Jurlge of Probti-, In the matter of the estáte of Henry C. Hitchcock, deceaaed. On readinfrand flling the petition, duly verilicd, of A. K . Uitchcock, prayins; that adnünistration of said estáte may be pranted to Ruth J. Hitch cock or sonie other suitable person . Thereuponit isordered, thatTueaday.thefourtb day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be assigned lor the hearisK or said petition, and that the taeirs at law of said deccascd, and all - otherpersons ntereoted in said estáte, are refjuired to .ippear at a sesBion of said Court, then . to be holden at the Probate office, in the City ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, whv the nrnyer of the petitionorshould notbeKianted. And it is further erdered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and tHe hearins! tliereof, bv causinir a copy of this Order to be published in the Ann Arbor Argus, a newspaper printod and circulatcd in said couDty three succesuiVc weeks previouo to aid ilay ol hearing. J. WILLAUD RABBITX, [Atruecopy] .Tndge of Probate, Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News