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WANTED, FOB SALE, ETC. ANN AKBOK FBOIT FARM.- Strawberrlea: Gandías, Parker Earle. Bubach ' No. r. C'uthbert Raspbftrrles. All kinds of miiwery stock friini Enwanger & Barry lf orders uw. sent in bofore April Ist. Raspberry and Blaokberrv Shrubs, Domeetlc Wlnes, l'lvmout.h Rock jpggs. ('all or address Kmil Banr, West Huroii Street. NN AROOR NURSERY- Fruit and ornameutal trees. Peach and pear a specialty. Grape vines, berry olants, etc. Price low. Jacob Ganzborn, head of Spring street. AKM FOK SALE.-Eighty aeree, Good house and baru and orchard; 1,000 peacii trees, 50' plum trees. iiOu pear trees and ourrauts. Wind-mill. For sale cheap. Fourand a balf tnileB southwest of Ypsilanti. $1,200 down; the rest on time. Emily 13. Wilkinson, Ypsilanti, Micb. Box32i. 10-13 FARM FOK SALE.- Farm for eale near Au Arbor. Will sell very cheap, or wü] take u sinall farm or house and lot as part pay. For particnlars addrC68 Box 1254, Ann Arbor. 2-tt FOR SALE- Pive acres on West Huron street. Goood house, barn, orohard. Heautiful location. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron streel, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf ÍjOR SALE AT A HARGA1N.- A pair Hrstclass borses, coming 8ve years old: full brotber and sister, warranted sound and kind every v;iy. Worked last seoson on (arm siiiülc doublé and treble. WelJ bred Black lliiwk, Morgan, Samson and Clydesdale. Woll matched; color, bay: welgni about 270Ö. If you want a ffoou team, come mul sr' them. (!4 miles N. E. of Aun Arbor on Plymouth and Ann Arbor road, 1!4 miles cast of Dixboro. John W. Nanry, Superior townsbip. FOR SALf: AND TO RENT.- Sevcral (,'ood f arms, f armlng lands and city property, lmproved and unimproved, on vorv rasy terms. FranklJn L. Parker, 24 Ann 8t., Ani Arbor. COR SALE OR KENT.- New house, üne lor catión, on street car line; 14 rooms, f urnace, bath, hot and cold water, (ras, mantel, etc. Five vacant lots f'or 6ale. D. A. Pray, office of J. F. Lawrence. 3w FOR SALE.- Span of fine draught horses for sale. Weig-htabout2,ïü0pouuds. Enquire of O. H. Clark, M.i., 47 E. Aun St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE-8xlO rods, doublé house, on the nortn-west corner of Ann street and Fit' th avenue. Inquire of Jas. R. Bacii, 10-L? Ifi Huron street. PART LES haring property for sale or exchance should lisi ihe same with Jas. E. Baeh, 1B Huron slieet. PIANO TÜNING.-A. D. Brown, tlie well kumni piano tuner wltb C'. J.Whitney, will be In the olty soon. Orders lelt at tho aroüs olfiee will receive his attentiou. npO KBNT.- At No. 20 8. State Ht. A Bat of X six rooms. Enquire at 18 S. S:ate St. 28tf TO RENT.- Furnisbed house heated wltl furnace, in jood order. Apply to Noftb G. muts, Hoorn 13. Masonic lilock. rpo RENT.- Twenty-flve acres of the fanu known as the Eber White tarm. Enquire at J, Q. A. SessioDS oilice or Mrs. A. Steward's, 52 East Liberty St., Ann Arbor. 10-12 WANTED.- Agents to sell the fastest sellin Norelty on the market. Send25 cents for sample. Ji(-Jasr Puzzle Co., Ann Arbor. 5o-tf WANTED- Ladies to do at home Will pay $18 to Í20 per week. Send self adclressed. stamped envelope lor reply. 7-12 Address, Mini'. '.Vriynf, Mishawaka, Ind. Dr. F. G. Scïirepper, rasra slies Is responsible for all the ivork be does In bis line of busiuese. OFFICE: At Kittredire's Llvory Stable. Resideuoe, 7 Fountain w." t, Oráer muy be left or teJephoned toJEberbach's Ding: Store.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News