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WANTEP, FOR SALE, ETC. NNABBOE PEUIT FARM.-. Btrawberrles: tx. Gandles, Parker Earle, Bubacb No. 5. luthbert Raspbwles. aii kinds of nursery itock from Ellwangflr & Barry tf orders smient in before April lat. Kaspberry and ilaekben-y Sbrubs. Domestlc Wlnes, PlyQouth Koek Eggs. Cali or address Emll Baur, n es1 Hurón Street. 1NN AKHOK NUKSEKY- Fruit and ornaf ineutal trcos. Poach and pear a epecialty. 3 rapO vines, berry plants, etc. Price low. lacob Ganzhorn, head of Spring street. F ARM FOK SALB.-EIgtaty acres. Good house and taarn and orobard; 1,(XIO peach rrees, 800 plum troos. Mu pear trees and qurrants. Wind-mtll. For sale cheap. Fouraml i balt' miles souttawest of Ypallantl. 81,200 3own; thereBt on time. Einily H. Wilkinsou, ipallanti, Mioh. Box 824. 10-12 rAKM FOE Farm f 8r sale near Ann i Arhor. Will sVll verycheap, or will taken mail farm or house and lot as part pay. For ! articulara artdress Hox 1234, Ann Arhor. s-tf F OU SALE- Vive ncres on West Hurón street. Goood house, barn, orchard. Beau:iful loeation. Will sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. I). Da vla, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 7tf EH-'K SALE AT A BARGA IN.- A pair Brat- class borses, coming ñve years old: full protber and sister, Warranted sound and kind every wayi Worked lasi seasonon farm, single, doublé and treble. Well bred Black llawk. Morgan, Samson and dydesdale. ell matcbed; color, bay: welght about 2700. If snu want a good team, come and seo them. ü miles N. E. of Ann Arbor on Plymoutli and Ann Arbor road, miles east 'of Dixboro, John "W. Nanry, SuperUir townsblp. FOK SALE AND TO RENT.- Severa] soort farms, farmlng lands and city property. improved and unimproved, on ' vojv easy terms. Franklin L. Parker, 34 Ann St., Ann Arbor. FOR SALE OPt EENT.-New house, fine lo catión, on street car line; 14 rooms, f urnace, bath, hot and eold water, gas, mantel, etc. Five vacant lots for sale. D. A. Pray, office of J. F. Lawrence. 3w FOK SALE.- Span of flnedraught horses for sale. Weightabout2,700pounds. Bnquire of O. H. Clark, M. D., 47 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor. POR SALE-8xl0 rods, doublé - house, on the north-west corner of Ann street and Fifth avenue. Inquire of Jas. K. Bacft, 1 l'-' 16 Huron ] IJAKTfÉS having property lor sale or j A chango should list the saine with .las. H. ! Bach, Iti Huron street. PIANO TüNING.-A. D. Brown, the well kuown piano tuner wil h (,'. J.Whltney, will be in the city soon. Orders left attheAROUS office will receive his attention. '"pORENT.- At No. 20 S. State Kt. A Bat of X six rooms. Euquire at Is 8. Siate St. Stl TO RENT.- Furnished house heated witb furnace, in good order. Apply to Noah G. Butts, Hoorn 18, Masonio Biock. TO RENT.- Twenty-flve acres of the farm known as the Eber White tarm. Enquire at J, Q. A. Sessions office or Mrs. A. Steward's ' 52 East Liberty St., Ann Arbor. 10-12 WANTED.- Agents to sell the f astest sellingNorelty on the market. Seud 25 cent for sample. Jig-Jag Puzzle Co, Ann Arbor. öo-tf WANTED- Ladies to do writing at home Will pay $18 to $20 per week. Send self addressed. stamped euvelope for replv. 7-12 Address, Mme. Wright, MIshawaka, Ind. (MAT liMBR SAIjB. MRS. OTTO has purehased a full line of Easter Goods, whlch cannot fail tci please boib in prlce and style every lady in theclty. Dalnty llttle bonnets are thé latst for ladies, and i hcy oan select their trimming out of thé most complete line of loyely i and ribbons. Flowers and fancy velling of all kinds and hados very oheap; also :i large line of children's lace and straw bats. TurUish caps a1 50 cents, CaJlat M.ES. OTTO'S and you will be pleased with your Easter bonnet. ' Ea- ÖÜR INCUBATÖÏT l SP we n operation at the [ =3'y WORLD'S COLUMBIJkN l """aH position. Il jou want o [ ---"'---' -Bh H ATCHER thatwlll [ J 8giT8yoa PLEASUSr:jf' J&'"' ■ VI ASDPROFIV send4c.' , ia stampij fur iiöw inu-strated catalogue. AddreBtí:] ]i EeliaHs Incnbatoi aai Brooder Co., Quincy, il r " " ■ ■ ' 1 i Vw V V VVAL3ERT BLAESS, M anufocturer of and Dealer iu all kinds of Harflwoofl Lulmr! ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1276, ANNAEBOE.


Ann Arbor Argus
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